AWS 遷移與現代化能力合作夥伴

透過擁有深厚技術知識和經客戶成功實證的 AWS 專業化合作夥伴,推動創新並發揮更高的商業價值

遷移至 AWS 並在 AWS 進行現代化改造的企業需要專業知識、工具,以及一致的業務和 IT 策略。客戶可透過與 AWS 合作夥伴合作,加速遷移和現代化旅程,並縮短實現成果的時間。

AWS 能力合作夥伴計畫旨在透過嫻熟的 AWS 技術專業知識和可靠的客戶成功經驗來識別、驗證和推廣 AWS 合作夥伴。AWS 能力合作夥伴計畫已確認,以下合作夥伴已證明能夠協助企業客戶將應用程式和舊式基礎設施遷移到 AWS。

依類別搜尋 AWS 遷移與現代化服務合作夥伴

遷移服務類別中的 AWS 合作夥伴在主機轉換、重新放置或標準平台轉換模式方面擁有深厚的專業知識,這些模式需要對基礎應用程式或工作負載做出最低限度的變更。

現代化服務類別中的 AWS 合作夥伴在進階平台轉換或重構 (重新架構) 模式方面擁有豐富的經驗,這些模式對應用程式架構或基礎平台做出重大變更。現代化涉及轉換舊式應用程式和基礎設施,以充分利用雲端原生服務,同時讓客戶準備好使用現代 DevOps 原則來操作這些工作負載。

依類別搜尋 AWS 遷移與現代化軟體合作夥伴

探索、規劃和建議類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰探索您的應用程式產品組合、識別相依性和需求,並建立符合七種常見遷移策略 (7 Rs) 的全方位遷移計畫。

商業案例分析類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰針對執行於 AWS 的工作負載提供商業案例和總體擁有成本 (TCO) 分析。這些工具允許模擬不同的遷移和現代化方法。

應用程式行動性類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰藉由擷取主機伺服器、組態、儲存、網路狀態、應用程式語言和架構,執行向 AWS 的應用程式遷移和現代化。接著會根據使用者所選的遷移和現代化方法,佈建、設定、重新託管、重構並自動將應用程式程式碼從一種語言轉換為另一種語言

資料行動性類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰協助將資料和資料庫從多個來源傳輸至目標 AWS 資源。

應用程式監控和協同運作類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰藉由擷取和分析遷移前後的效能資料、用量和監控相依項,提供對應用程式的深入洞察。這可確保應用程式在遷移到 AWS 之後運作良好及/或比以往更佳。

基礎設施自動化類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰協助自動化 AWS 服務和雲端基礎設施的佈建、組態和持續管理。

低程式碼和應用程式整合類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰協助客戶藉由新增特徵、功能和新管道,快速將現有應用程式現代化,並透過圖形使用者介面,輕鬆地連接至 AWS 內執行的其他應用程式、資料庫或其他 AWS 服務。 

應用程式測試類別的 AWS 合作夥伴提供具有以下用途的工具︰自動化已遷移/現代化應用程式的功能性驗證,確保遷移的應用程式按預期執行。

AWS 遷移與現代化能力合作夥伴

與經過技術驗證的 AWS 合作夥伴合作,推動創新、達成業務目標,並充分發揮 AWS 服務效益。

AWS 合作夥伴能源能力標誌


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    Mainframe Modernization 能力合作夥伴

    了解可協助將大型主機應用程式和資料遷移到 AWS 的合作夥伴,以及成功遷移大型主機工作負載的記錄。

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    Total results: 142
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    • Software & Internet

      Improvement-IT Uses TechNative to Migrate to AWS, Speeds Customer Onboarding, and Reduces Support Calls by 15%

      The Netherlands

      Improvement-IT, based in the Netherlands, provides IoT solutions to a variety of organizations with an emphasis on tracking, tracing, and monitoring the status of assets. Together with its other companies Port Pay and Alltrack Medical, it offers these innovative solutions to help customers track assets in the field, manage warehouses, and optimize supply chains. However, it was being hampered by its own managed services provider, which was running both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and on-premises assets for it. It wanted a proactive partner with deep expertise to help optimize its systems, improve client onboarding times, and better detect problems before they affected customers. AWS Partner TechNative has helped it to achieve those goals, reducing customer support calls by 15 percent and cutting onboarding time by 50 percent.

    • Oil & Gas

      Petronash Migrates to SAP on AWS to Improve Scalability, Performance, and Security with Integra Technologies

      United Arab Emirates

      Petronash is an engineering firm established in 2000 in the United Arab Emirates and specializes in integrated solutions tailored for the oil and gas industry. Over the years, the company has grown and extended its operations across the globe. Petronash uses SAP to manage its operations, from internal processes to connections to thousands of customers and suppliers in its supply chain. Its SAP system was running on on-premises infrastructure that was facing end of support and needed to be replaced. With the help of AWS Partner Integra Technologies, the company assessed a range of options and decided to migrate to Amazon Web Services (AWS). With around 95 percent of its operations now on AWS, Petronash has reduced operational costs by 35 percent and reported a 30 percent improvement in SAP application performance.

    • Manufacturing

      Kärcher Works with Zoi to Launch Cloud-Native Manufacturing Facility on AWS


      Kärcher, based in Germany, is a global manufacturer of cleaning equipment. It operates with more than 160 subsidiaries in 82 countries worldwide. The company wanted to ensure that it could deliver products to its customers on time and at competitive costs. Given the disruptions in global supply chains since the COVID-19 pandemic, the company has undertaken to optimize the responsiveness of its supply chain with a cloud-first approach to operations. It also decided to build a new manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Kärcher wanted this greenfield facility to be cloud-native to provide flexibility while eliminating hardware purchases, reducing efforts needed for maintenance, and improving insights into operations. It worked with AWS Partner Zoi to build that solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS), eliminating an initial six-digit investment in hardware, license, and maintenance costs and ready to start production in just 11 months.

    1 48
  • 白皮書
  • 實現應用程式和資料現代化

    透過 DCX Technology 提供的這份白皮書,瞭解 IT 組織如何在遷移過程中快速獲得可觀的投資報酬率。

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    成功遷移到雲端的 4 個路徑

    透過這份來自 Onica 的白皮書,瞭解成功遷移到雲端的最佳做法。

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    透過 Cognizant 提供的這份白皮書,瞭解轉型架構、雲端原生應用程式和自動化治理。

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    透過 Capgemini 的這份白皮書,了解如何克服遷移挑戰並加速數位轉型。

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  • 部落格文章
  • Showing results: 1-5
    Total results: 647
    • 日期
    • Dr. Song Zhang, Abhishek Naik, 2025年2月25日
      The rapid growth of clean energy, propelled by cost reduction and decarbonization efforts, has placed significant strain on the existing power grid infrastructure. As more solar, wind, and other distributed energy resources seek to interconnect to the grid, the process of generator interconnection has become increasingly complex and challenging. Outdated grid planning processes, lengthy interconnection [...]
    • Ian McRae, Balaji Raman, Tim Nguyen, 2025年2月11日
      Data Review & Transfer Component (DRTC) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a seamless solution to review, approve, and automate sensitive data transfer requests into and out of secure enclaves. In this post, we take you through the benefits of using DRTC to review data and other research artifacts for sensitivity prior to transfer into and out of these secure environments, in particular Trusted Research Environments (TREs).
    • E. Sasha Paegle, Ariella Sasson, Bob Holmes, 2025年1月29日
      Healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) customers are generating more data than ever as they integrate the use of omics data with applications in drug discovery, clinical development, molecular diagnostics, and population health. The rate and volume of data that HCLS laboratories generate are a reflection of their lab instrumentation and day-to-day lab operations. Efficiently moving [...]
    • Brenesh Stanslas Flower Mary, Mark Brealey, Bruno Sahinoglu, 2025年1月27日
      Many enterprises still rely on the Adabas database and Natural programming language for critical workloads, facing rising license costs and a shrinking talent pool. To reduce reliance on these aging technologies and enable digital transformation, companies are modernizing to AWS with IBM ModernSystems accelerator. The division offers automated refactoring of Natural code to Java/C# and replatforming to execute Natural on Windows, along with migrating Adabas databases to modern relational databases.
    • Ripunjaya Pattnaik, Jonathan Schellack, 2025年1月21日
      Adoption of electronic data interchange (EDI) in healthcare continues to improve the efficiency of electronic claims processing. However, organizations (like the American Medical Association) see an ongoing need to simplify healthcare EDI to make it easier for physicians and reduce uncertainty for patients. Historically, implementation of EDI required complicated or monolithic legacy systems. To combat [...]


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