大量書面文件與影像文件中蘊藏著許多寶貴資訊。自然語言處理 (NLP)、光學字元辨識 (OCR) 及電腦視覺技術可以讀取、擷取、收集、標記及解讀資料,讓資料能以數位化方式運用。更好的文件處理能力,能讓資料收集更精確、降低擷取成本,並且讓使用者能以電子方式保留和調閱資訊。

AWS 服務


AWS 解決方案

整合 AWS 服務、程式碼和組態的可部署解決方案

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  • AWS 上的生成式 AI 應用程式建置器

    協助您擷取商業特定的資料和文件、評估和比較大型語言模型 (LLM) 的效能、快速建置可擴充的應用程式,以及使用企業級架構來部署這些應用程式,藉此加速開發並簡化實驗過程。
  • Enhanced Document Understanding on AWS

    部署事件驅動型 AWS 解決方案,以自動化納入文件、分析、偵測和編輯。



AWS 合作夥伴提供的軟體、SaaS 或受管服務

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Total results: 3
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  • TensorInsights

    TensorInsights is an AI platform that empowers non-technical business users to uncover actionable insights from their data. With our no-code interface, you can securely connect your documents like PDFs, Word, or Excel files and your databases. Get previously unattainable insights in minutes without any data science expertise. TensorInsights puts the power of AI directly into your hands. TensorInsights incorporates Amazon's flagship Generative AI model, Amazon Titan, providing sophisticated natural language generation and comprehension. The solution also integrates additional leading models from AWS SageMaker Jumpstart Marketplace and Amazon Bedrock, such as Anthropic's Claude, Stability.ai's Stable Diffusion, and AI21's Jurassic-2.
  • InferIQ

    InferIQ is a Generative AI-Powered Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Platform. With InferIQ, organizations can quickly process critical business documents like PDFs, images, handwritten documents, and unstructured data from a wide variety of sources. InferIQ has built-in Generative AI capabilities, including multiple Large Language Models (LLM) and computer vision models. With InferIQ, banks, and financial institutions can automate the extraction and analysis of crucial information from a variety of documents. One of the most powerful features of InferIQ is its data classification and redaction capabilities. It can automatically identify various data types within uploaded unstructured files, providing a list of categories that can be redacted. This advanced redaction process, built on AWS Textract, ensures that sensitive information is always protected, and other software cannot reverse the redacted data.
  • DocuEdge

    DocuEdge brings the power of cloud computing to document management, offering a secure and flexible way to handle documents from their inception to their final disposal. This innovative platform makes the transition to cloud technology smoother for organizations, which significantly cuts down costs. With DocuEdge, you can manage your documents intelligently, securely, and economically, all while staying ahead in the cloud-first digital age.



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Total results: 4
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