針對產品組合多、價值鏈長的情形,製造商需要能夠追蹤其產品的碳足跡 (PCF),即產品從原材料擷取到最終銷售過程中產生的溫室氣體排放總量。使用 AWS 上的產品碳足跡解決方案,企業可以自動化他們的碳會計,並改進永續發展工作。這些解決方案可協助企業管理碳會計、降低銷售商品成本並降低其 PCF。使用這些解決方案還有助於提高管理機構和客戶想要的透明度。


AWS 合作夥伴提供的軟體、SaaS 或受管服務

Showing results: 1-2
Total results: 2
  • 發佈日期
  • Palantir Foundry

    Palantir Foundry empowers critical institutions of varying technical maturity to harness data throughout their operations and power their most critical decisions. Foundry provides seamless data management, analysis, and operational workflows atop a secure, extensible platform.
  • Terrascope: Build a credible pathway to Net-Zero

    Terrascope is an end-to-end decarbonisation platform that enables enterprises to measure and manage their Scope-1, Scope-2 and Scope-3 emissions across operations, supply chains, and portfolios.