AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

EC2 Run Command Update – Hybrid and Cross-Cloud Management

We launched EC2 Run Command late last year (read my post, New EC2 Run Command – Remote Instance Management at Scale to learn more). This feature was designed to allow developers, system administrators, and other IT professionals to easily and efficiently manage multiple EC2 instances running Windows or Linux. As I explained in my original […]

Amazon Elastic File System – Production-Ready in Three Regions

The portfolio of AWS storage products has grown increasingly rich and diverse over time. Amazon S3 started out with a single storage class and has grown to include storage classes for regular, infrequently accessed, and archived objects. Similarly, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) began with a single volume type and now offers a choice […]

Semi-Autonomous Driving Using EC2 Spot Instances at Mapbox

Please note: We have updated the Amazon EC2 Spot pricing model as of November, 2017. The new pricing model simplifies purchasing without bidding and with fewer interruptions. Click here to learn more about the updated pricing model. Will White of Mapbox shared the following guest post with me. In the post, Will describes how they use […]

EC2 Instance Console Screenshot

When our users move existing machine images to the cloud for use on Amazon EC2, they occasionally encounter issues with drivers, boot parameters, system configuration settings, and in-progress software updates. These issues can cause the instance to become unreachable via RDP (for Windows) or SSH (for Linux) and can be difficult to diagnose. On a […]