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Access web interfaces securely on Amazon EMR launched in a private subnet using an Application Load Balancer

Amazon EMR web interfaces are hosted on the master node of an EMR cluster. When you launch an EMR cluster in a private subnet, the EMR master node doesn’t have a public DNS record. The web interfaces hosted in a private subnet aren’t easily accessible outside the subnet. You can use an Application Load Balancer (ALB) as an HTTPS proxy to access EMR web interfaces over the internet without requiring SSH tunneling through a bastion host. This approach greatly simplifies accessing EMR web interfaces.

This post outlines how to use an ALB to securely access EMR web interfaces over the internet for an EMR cluster launched in a private subnet.

Solution overview

Nodes that are launched within a VPC subnet can’t communicate outside of the subnet unless one of the following exists:

  • A network route from the subnet to other subnets in its VPC
  • Subnets in other VPCs using VPC Peering
  • A route through AWS Direct Connect to the subnet
  • A route to an internet gateway
  • A route to the subnet from a VPN connection

If you want the highest level of security to an EMR cluster, you should place the cluster in a subnet with a minimal number of routes to the cluster. This makes it more difficult to access web interfaces running on the master node of an EMR cluster launched in a private subnet.

This solution uses an internet-facing ALB that acts as an HTTPS proxy to web interface endpoints on the EMR master node. The ALB listens on HTTPS ports for incoming web interface access requests and routes requests to the configured ALB targets that point to the web interface endpoints on the EMR master node.

The following diagram shows the network flow from the client to the EMR master node through Amazon Route 53 and ALB to access the web interfaces running on the EMR master node in a private subnet.

Securing your endpoints

The solution outlined in this post restricts access to EMR web interfaces for a range of client IP addresses using an ingress security group on ALB. You should further secure the endpoints that are reachable using ALB by having a user authentication mechanism like LDAP or SSO. For more information about Jupyter authentication methods, see Adding Jupyter Notebook Users and Administrators. For more information about Hue, see Configure Hue for LDAP Users. For more information about Hive, see  User and Group Filter Support with LDAP Atn Provider in HiveServer2.

Additionally, it may be a good idea to enable access logs through the ALB. For more information about ALB access logs, see Access Logs for Your Application Load Balancer.

Solution walkthrough

When a client accesses an EMR web interface, the process includes the following sequence of steps:

  • A client submits an EMR web interface request from a web browser (for example, YARN Node Manager).
  • Route 53 resolves the HTTPS request using the record set name sample-emr-web in the hosted zone for the registered domain Route 53 resolves the request URL to the IP address of the ALB, and routes the request to the ALB.
  • The ALB receives the EMR web interface request on its HTTPS listener and forwards it to the web interface endpoint configured in the load balancer target group. There are multiple HTTPS listener and load balancer target group pairs created, one pair for each EMR web interface endpoint.
  • The ALB ingress security group controls what other VPCs or corporate networks can access the ALB.
  • The EMR ingress security group on the master node allows inbound traffic from the ALB to the EMR master node.

The AWS CloudFormation template for this solution creates the following AWS objects in the solution stack:

  • An ALB.
  • HTTPS listener and target pairs; one pair for each EMR web application. It supports Ganglia, YARN Resource Manager, JupyterHub, Livy, and Hue EMR web applications. You can modify the CloudFormation stack to add ALB HTTPS listeners and targets for any other EMR web applications. The following AWS CloudFormation code example shows the code for the ALB, HTTPS listener, and load balancer target:
    # EMR ALB Resources
      # ALB, Target Groups, Listeners and R53 RecordSet
        Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
          IpAddressType: ipv4
          Name: sample-emr-alb
          Scheme: internet-facing
            - !Ref AlbIngressSecurityGroup
            - !Ref ElbSubnet1
            - !Ref ElbSubnet2
              Key: deletion_protection.enabled
              Value: false
              Key: businessunit
              Value: heloc
              Key: environment
              Value: !Ref EnvironmentName
              Key: name
              Value: sample-emr-alb
        Type: 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup'
          HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 30
          HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds: 5
          HealthyThresholdCount: 3
          UnhealthyThresholdCount: 5
          HealthCheckPath: '/ganglia'
            HttpCode: 200-399
          Name: sample-emr-ganglia-tgt
          Port: 80
          Protocol: HTTP
          VpcId: !Ref VpcID
          TargetType: instance
           - Id: !Ref EMRMasterEC2NodeId
             Port: 80
              Key: Name
              Value: sample-emr-ganglia-tgt
              Key: LoadBalancer
              Value: !Ref SampleEmrApplicationLoadBalancer
        Type: 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener'
            - Type: forward
              TargetGroupArn: !Ref ALBHttpGangliaTargetGroup
          LoadBalancerArn: !Ref SampleEmrApplicationLoadBalancer
            - CertificateArn: !Ref SSLCertificateArn
          Port: 443
          Protocol: HTTPS
  • The AWS::Route53::RecordSet object (sample-emr-web) in the hosted zone ( for a given registered domain ( The hosted zone and record set name are parameters on the CloudFormation template.
  • An Ingress Security Group attached to the ALB that controls what CIDR blocks can access the ALB. You can modify the template to customize the security group to meet your requirements.

For more information and to download the CloudFormation stack, see the GitHub repo.


To follow along with this walkthrough, you need the following:

  • An AWS account.
  • A VPC with private and public subnets. An ALB requires at least two Availability Zones, with one public subnet in each Availability Zone. For the sample code to create a basic VPC with private and public subnets, see the GitHub repo.
  • An EMR cluster launched in a private subnet.
  • Web applications such as Ganglia, Livy, Jupyter, and Hue installed on the EMR cluster when the cluster is launched.
  • A hosted zone entry in Route 53 for your domain. If you don’t have a domain, you can register a new one in Route 53. There is a non-refundable cost associated with registering a new domain. For more information, see Amazon Route 53 Pricing.
  • A public certificate to access HTTPS endpoints in the domain. You can request a public certificate if you don’t have one.

Creating an ALB as an HTTPS proxy

To create an ALB as an HTTPS proxy in front of an EMR cluster, you first launch the CloudFormation stack.

  1. Log in to your AWS account.
  2. Select the Region where you’re running your EMR cluster.
  3. To launch your CloudFormation stack, choose Launch Stack.

  4. Enter your parameter values and follow the screen prompts to create the stack.

The following screenshot shows examples of stack parameters.

  1. Modify the EMR master node security group to allow ingress traffic from the ALB.
  2. Create a Custom TCP rule with port range 80–65535.
  3. Add a source security group that is attached with the ALB.

In the following steps, you add an inbound rule to the security group.

  1. Choose the EMR master node security group.
  2. Choose Security group for master on the EMR cluster Summary tab to open the security group.

  1. Choose Edit inbound rules.

  1. Choose Add Rule.

  1. Add a port range and select the ALB security group as a source security group.
  2. Choose Save rules.

  1. Test the following EMR web interfaces in your browser:
    1. Gangliahttps://sample-emr-web.[web domain]/ganglia/
    2. YARN Resource Managerhttps://sample-emr-web.[web domain]:8088/cluster
    3. JupyterHubhttps://sample-emr-web.[web domain]:9443/hub/login
    4. Huehttps://sample-emr-web.[web domain]:8888/hue/accounts/login
    5. Livyhttps://sample-emr-web.[web domain]:8998/ui

If you don’t get a response from web interface endpoints, disconnect from your VPN connection and test it. Some organizations may block outgoing web requests on ports other than 80.

Sometimes Route 53 DNS record updates propagation to the worldwide network of DNS servers may take longer than it takes under normal conditions. If you don’t get a response from the EMR web interfaces, wait to test for a minute or two after the CloudFormation stack is created.

You can add code to support other EMR web interface endpoints in the CloudFormation template. For more information, see View Web Interfaces Hosted on Amazon EMR Clusters.

Locating the public certificate ARN from AWS Certificate Manager

You can find the public certificate ARN from AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) on the ACM console. When you expand the domain for a given certificate, locate the ARN in the Details section.

Creating a hosted zone from Route 53

To create a hosted zone from Route 53, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Route 53 console, choose Hosted zones.
  2. Choose the hosted zone in your domain.
  3. In the Hosted Zone Details section, copy the entry for Domain Name.

  1. Enter the domain name in the R53 Hosted Zone AWS CloudFormation parameter box.

Cost breakdown

The following AWS Cost Explorer report table shows an example total cost and cost breakdown by services for the time it takes to complete this walkthrough. This cost includes the cost for a minimal EMR cluster created without any data stored at the start of the exercise, and other resources that the CloudFormation template creates.

Cleaning up

To avoid incurring future charges, delete the CloudFormation stack to delete all the resources created.


You can now create an ALB as a HTTPS proxy to access EMR web interfaces securely over the internet, without requiring a bastion host for SSH tunneling. This simplifies securely accessing EMR web interfaces for the EMR launched in a private subnet.


About the Authors

Hitesh Parikh is a Cloud Architect with AWS. Hitesh is passionate about partnering with customers on their cloud adoption journey and building innovative and modern cloud native digital solutions on AWS. Outside of work, he loves to spend time with his family, travel, watch movies, and do community service.




James Sun is a Senior Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. James has over 15 years of experience in information technology. Prior to AWS, he held several senior technical positions at MapR, HP, NetApp, Yahoo, and EMC. He holds a PhD from Stanford University.