AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon CloudFront

Implement a full stack serverless search application using AWS Amplify, Amazon Cognito, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

Designing a full stack search application requires addressing numerous challenges to provide a smooth and effective user experience. This encompasses tasks such as integrating diverse data from various sources with distinct formats and structures, optimizing the user experience for performance and security, providing multilingual support, and optimizing for cost, operations, and reliability. Amazon OpenSearch Serverless […]

Build a Serverless Architecture to Analyze Amazon CloudFront Access Logs Using AWS Lambda, Amazon Athena, and Amazon Kinesis Analytics

Nowadays, it’s common for a web server to be fronted by a global content delivery service, like Amazon CloudFront. This type of front end accelerates delivery of websites, APIs, media content, and other web assets to provide a better experience to users across the globe. The insights gained by analysis of Amazon CloudFront access logs […]