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Improve Apache Kafka scalability and resiliency using Amazon MSK tiered storage

Since the launch of tiered storage for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), customers have embraced this feature for its ability to optimize storage costs and improve performance. In previous posts, we explored the inner workings of Kafka, maximized the potential of Amazon MSK, and delved into the intricacies of Amazon MSK tiered storage. In this post, we deep dive into how tiered storage helps with faster broker recovery and quicker partition migrations, facilitating faster load balancing and broker scaling.

Apache Kafka availability

Apache Kafka is a distributed log service designed to provide high availability and fault tolerance. At its core, Kafka employs several mechanisms to provide reliable data delivery and resilience against failures:

  • Kafka replication – Kafka organizes data into topics, which are further divided into partitions. Each partition is replicated across multiple brokers, with one broker acting as the leader and the others as followers. If the leader broker fails, one of the follower brokers is automatically elected as the new leader, providing continuous data availability. The replication factor determines the number of replicas for each partition. Kafka maintains a list of in-sync replicas (ISRs) for each partition, which are the replicas that are up to date with the leader.
  • Producer acknowledgments – Kafka producers can specify the required acknowledgment level for write operations. This makes sure the data is durably persisted on the configured number of replicas before the producer receives an acknowledgment, reducing the risk of data loss.
  • Consumer group rebalancing – Kafka consumers are organized into consumer groups, where each consumer in the group is responsible for consuming a subset of the partitions. If a consumer fails, the partitions it was consuming are automatically reassigned to the remaining consumers in the group, providing continuous data consumption.
  • Zookeeper or KRaft for cluster coordination – Kafka relies on Apache ZooKeeper or KRaft for cluster coordination and metadata management. It maintains information about brokers, topics, partitions, and consumer offsets, enabling Kafka to recover from failures and maintain a consistent state across the cluster.

Kafka’s storage architecture and its impact on availability and resiliency

Although Kafka provides robust fault-tolerance mechanisms, in the traditional Kafka architecture, brokers store data locally on their attached storage volumes. This tight coupling of storage and compute resources can lead to several issues, impacting availability and resiliency of the cluster:

  • Slow broker recovery – When a broker fails, the recovery process involves transferring data from the remaining replicas to the new broker. This data transfer can be slow, especially for large data volumes, leading to prolonged periods of reduced availability and increased recovery times.
  • Inefficient load balancing – Load balancing in Kafka involves moving partitions between brokers to distribute the load evenly. However, this process can be resource-intensive and time-consuming, because it requires transferring large amounts of data between brokers.
  • Scaling limitations – Scaling a Kafka cluster traditionally involves adding new brokers and rebalancing partitions across the expanded set of brokers. This process can be disruptive and time-consuming, especially for large clusters with high data volumes.

How Amazon MSK tiered storage improves availability and resiliency

Amazon MSK offers tiered storage, a feature that allows configuring local and remote tiers. This greatly decouples compute and storage resources and thereby addresses the aforementioned challenges, improving availability and resiliency of Kafka clusters. You can benefit from the following:

  • Faster broker recovery – With tiered storage, data automatically moves from the faster Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes to the more cost-effective storage tier over time. New messages are initially written to Amazon EBS for fast performance. Based on your local data retention policy, Amazon MSK transparently transitions that data to tiered storage. This frees up space on the EBS volumes for new messages. When broker fails and recovers either due to node or volume failure, the catch-up is faster because it only needs to catch up data stored on the local tier from the leader.
  • Efficient load balancing – Load balancing in Amazon MSK with tiered storage is more efficient because there is less data to move while reassigning partition. This process is faster and less resource-intensive, enabling more frequent and seamless load balancing operations.
  • Faster scaling – Scaling an MSK cluster with tiered storage is a seamless process. New brokers can be added to the cluster without the need for a large amount of data transfer and longer time for partition rebalancing. The new brokers can start serving traffic much faster, because the catch-up process takes less time, improving the overall cluster throughput and reducing downtime during scaling operations.

As shown in the following figure, MSK brokers and EBS volumes are tightly coupled. On a three-AZ deployed cluster, when you create a topic with replication factor three, Amazon MSK spreads those three replicas across all three Availability Zones and the EBS volumes attached with that broker store all the topic data spread across three Availability Zones. If you need to move a partition from one broker to another, Amazon MSK needs to move all the segments (both active and closed) from the existing broker to the new brokers, as illustrated in the following figure.

However, when you enable tiered storage for that topic, Amazon MSK transparently moves all closed segments for a topic from EBS volumes to tiered storage. That storage provides the built-in capability for durability and high availability with virtually unlimited storage capacity. With closed segments moved to tiered storage and only active segments on the local volume, your local storage footprint remains minimal regardless of topic size. If you need to move the partition to a new broker, the data movement is very minimal across the brokers. The following figure illustrates this updated configuration.

Amazon MSK tiered storage addresses the challenges posed by Kafka’s traditional storage architecture, enabling faster broker recovery, efficient load balancing, and seamless scaling, thereby improving availability and resiliency of your cluster. To learn more about the core components of Amazon MSK tiered storage, refer to Deep dive on Amazon MSK tiered storage.

A real-world test

We hope that you now understand how Amazon MSK tiered storage can improve your Kafka resiliency and availability. To test it, we created a three-node cluster with the new m7g instance type. We created a topic with a replication factor of three and without using tiered storage. Using the Kafka performance tool, we ingested 300 GB of data into the topic. Next, we added three new brokers to the cluster. Because Amazon MSK doesn’t automatically move partitions to these three new brokers, they will remain idle until we rebalance the partitions across all six brokers.

Let’s consider a scenario where we need to move all the partitions from the existing three brokers to the three new brokers. We used the kafka-reassign-partitions tool to move the partitions from the existing three brokers to the newly added three brokers. During this partition movement operation, we observed that the CPU usage was high, even though we weren’t performing any other operations on the cluster. This indicates that the high CPU usage was due to the data replication to the new brokers. As shown in the following metrics, the partition movement operation from broker 1 to broker 2 took approximately 75 minutes to complete.

Additionally, during this period, CPU utilization was elevated.

After completing the test, we enabled tiered storage on the topic with (1 hour) and We continuously monitored the RemoteCopyBytesPerSec metrics to determine when the data migration to tiered storage was complete. After 6 hours, we observed zero activity on the RemoteCopyBytesPerSec metrics, indicating that all closed segments had been successfully moved to tiered storage. For instructions to enable tiered storage on an existing topic, refer to Enabling and disabling tiered storage on an existing topic.

We then performed the same test again, moving partitions to three empty brokers. This time, the partition movement operation was completed in just under 15 minutes, with no noticeable CPU usage, as shown in the following metrics. This is because, with tiered storage enabled, all the data has already been moved to the tiered storage, and we only have the active segment in the EBS volume. The partition movement operation is only moving the small active segment, which is why it takes less time and minimal CPU to complete the operation.


In this post, we explored how Amazon MSK tiered storage can significantly improve the scalability and resilience of Kafka. By automatically moving older data to the cost-effective tiered storage, Amazon MSK reduces the amount of data that needs to be managed on the local EBS volumes. This dramatically improves the speed and efficiency of critical Kafka operations like broker recovery, leader election, and partition reassignment. As demonstrated in the test scenario, enabling tiered storage reduced the time taken to move partitions between brokers from 75 minutes to just under 15 minutes, with minimal CPU impact. This enhanced the responsiveness and self-healing ability of the Kafka cluster, which is crucial for maintaining reliable, high-performance operations, even as data volumes continue to grow.

If you’re running Kafka and facing challenges with scalability or resilience, we highly recommend using Amazon MSK with the tiered storage feature. By taking advantage of this powerful capability, you can unlock the true scalability of Kafka and make sure your mission-critical applications can keep pace with ever-increasing data demands.

To get started, refer to Enabling and disabling tiered storage on an existing topic. Additionally, check out Automated deployment template of Cruise Control for Amazon MSK for effortlessly rebalancing your workload.

About the Authors

Sai Maddali is a Senior Manager Product Management at AWS who leads the product team for Amazon MSK. He is passionate about understanding customer needs, and using technology to deliver services that empowers customers to build innovative applications. Besides work, he enjoys traveling, cooking, and running.

Nagarjuna Koduru is a Principal Engineer in AWS, currently working for AWS Managed Streaming For Kafka (MSK). He led the teams that built MSK Serverless and MSK Tiered storage products. He previously led the team in Amazon JustWalkOut (JWO) that is responsible for real time tracking of shopper locations in the store. He played pivotal role in scaling the stateful stream processing infrastructure to support larger store formats and reducing the overall cost of the system. He has keen interest in stream processing, messaging and distributed storage infrastructure.

Masudur Rahaman Sayem is a Streaming Data Architect at AWS. He works with AWS customers globally to design and build data streaming architectures to solve real-world business problems. He specializes in optimizing solutions that use streaming data services and NoSQL. Sayem is very passionate about distributed computing.