AWS Compute Blog

Tag: Amazon Elastic Block Store

architecture used in this post

Automating Amazon EC2-Windows EBS Volumes monitoring and creating alarms

This blog post is written by, Santhosh Kumar Adapa, Database Consultant,  AWS WWCO ProServe,  Jeevan Shetty, Database Consultant, AWS WWCO ProServe, and Bhanu Ganesh Gudivada, Consultant  Databases, AWS WWCO ProServe. Customers who are running fleets of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances use advanced monitoring techniques to observe their operational performance. Capabilities like aggregated and […]

adding encrypted storage to instance

Must-know best practices for Amazon EBS encryption

This blog post covers common encryption workflows on Amazon EBS. Examples of these workflows are: setting up permissions policies, creating encrypted EBS volumes, running Amazon EC2 instances, taking snapshots, and sharing your encrypted data using customer-managed CMK. Introduction Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) service provides high-performance block-level storage volumes for Amazon EC2 instances. Customers […]

Amazon ECS and Docker volume drivers, part 1: Amazon EBS

→ Part 2: Amazon EFS   Post by: Jeremy Cowan, Ronnie Eichler, and Tiffany Jernigan Introduction Containers are emerging as the default compute primitive for building cloud-native applications.  They facilitate the adoption of continuous delivery, and help increase infrastructure use. However, deploying stateful application as containers has been challenging because containers have short life-spans, get […]

Tag Amazon EBS Snapshots on Creation and Implement Stronger Security Policies

This blog was contributed by Rucha Nene, Sr. Product Manager for Amazon EBS AWS customers use tags to track ownership of resources, implement compliance protocols, control access to resources via IAM policies, and drive their cost accounting processes. Last year, we made tagging for Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon EBS volumes easier by adding the […]