AWS Compute Blog

Sheila Busser

Author: Sheila Busser

The AWS CDK stack workflow

Deploying an automated Amazon CloudWatch dashboard for AWS Outposts using AWS CDK

This post is written by Enrico Liguori, Networking Solutions Architect, Hybrid Cloud and Sumeeth Siriyur, Sr. Hybrid Cloud Solutions Architect. AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that brings the same AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to virtually any data center, colocation space, manufacturing floor, or on-premises facility where it might be needed. With Outposts, […]

Secure Connectivity from Public to Private: Introducing EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint

This blog post is written by Ariana Rahgozar, Solutions Architect, and Kenneth Kitts, Sr. Technical Account Manager, AWS. Imagine trying to connect to an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) over the Internet. Typically, you’d first have to connect to a bastion host with a public […]

Selecting cost effective capacity reservations for your business-critical workloads on Amazon EC2

This blog post is written by Sarath Krishnan, Senior Solutions Architect and Navdeep Singh, Senior Customer Solutions Manager. Amazon CTO Werner Vogels famously said, “everything fails all the time.” Designing your systems for failure is important for ensuring availability, scalability, fault tolerance and business continuity. Resilient systems scale with your business demand changes, prevent data […]

Architecture diagram featuring adding a Resource Group of On Demand Capacity Reservations with 3 On Demand Capacity Reservations per Availability Zone.

Reserving EC2 Capacity across Availability Zones by utilizing On Demand Capacity Reservations (ODCRs)

This post is written by Johan Hedlund, Senior Solutions Architect, Enterprise PUMA. Many customers have successfully migrated business critical legacy workloads to AWS, utilizing services such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs), as well as the use of Multiple Availability Zones (AZs), Regions for Business Continuity, and High Availability. These […]

Best practices to optimize your Amazon EC2 Spot Instances usage

This blog post is written by Pranaya Anshu, EC2 PMM, and Sid Ambatipudi, EC2 Compute GTM Specialist. Amazon EC2 Spot Instances are a powerful tool that thousands of customers use to optimize their compute costs. The National Football League (NFL) is an example of customer using Spot Instances, leveraging 4000 EC2 Spot Instances across more […]

Figure 1 Landing Zones Accelerator Local Zones workload on AWS high level Architecture

Best Practices for managing data residency in AWS Local Zones using landing zone controls

This blog post is written by Abeer Naffa’, Sr. Solutions Architect, Solutions Builder AWS, David Filiatrault, Principal Security Consultant, and Jared Thompson Hybrid Edge SA Specialist. In this post, we discuss how you can leverage AWS Control Tower landing zone and AWS Organizations custom policies – guardrails – at the root level, known as Service […]

Architectural diagram: CDK building connections between EventBridge, Lambda, S3, and CloudWatch to generate dashboards

Optimizing Amazon EC2 Spot Instances with Spot Placement Scores

This blog post is written by Steve Cole, Principal Specialist SA, and Robert McCone, Sr. Specialist SA. Getting the compute resources you need, even vCPUS numbering in the millions, and completing a workload using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances is just a configuration away. In this post you will learn how to use Spot placement scores […]

Architecture Diagram depicting the integration between AWS Systems Manager with RunCommand Arguments stored in SSM Parameter Store, your Amazon GPU enabled EC2 instance with installed Amazon CloudWatch Agen­t, and Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard that aggregates and displays the ­reported metrics.

Optimizing GPU utilization for AI/ML workloads on Amazon EC2

­­­­This blog post is written by Ben Minahan, DevOps Consultant, and Amir Sotoodeh, Machine Learning Engineer. Machine learning workloads can be costly, and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) teams can have a difficult time tracking and maintaining efficient resource utilization. ML workloads often utilize GPUs extensively, so typical application performance metrics such as CPU, memory, and […]

Figure 5: The webpage of the Android streaming game portal.

Streaming Android games from cloud to mobile with AWS Graviton-based Amazon EC2 G5g instances

This blog post is written by Vincent Wang, GCR EC2 Specialist SA, Compute. Streaming games from the cloud to mobile devices is an emerging technology that allows less powerful and less expensive devices to play high-quality games with lower battery consumption and less storage capacity. This technology enables a wider audience to enjoy high-end gaming […]

Figure 4 An example workflow for a EC2 Image Builder Cascading Pipelines

Implementing up-to-date images with automated EC2 Image Builder pipelines

This blog post is written by Devin Gordon, Senior Solutions Architect, WWPS, and Brad Watson, Senior Solutions Architect, WWPS. Amazon EC2 Image Builder is a service designed to simplify the creation and deployment of customized Virtual Machine (VM) and container images on AWS or on-premises. The posts Automate OS Image Build Pipelines with EC2 Image […]