AWS Database Blog

Implementing cross-region disaster recovery using Oracle GoldenGate for Amazon RDS for Oracle

Many AWS users take advantage of the managed service offerings available in the AWS portfolio to do the heavy lifting in their day-to-day activities. Amazon RDS is one of these services and is ideal for your relational database deployments. With RDS, you can significantly reduce the administrative overhead of managing and maintaining a relational database.

This post shows how to set up cross-region disaster recovery (DR) for Amazon RDS for Oracle for a database instance running from one Region to another. The solution uses Oracle GoldenGate installed on an Amazon EC2 instance hub that is configured with integrated capture mode to do DDL replication.


There are multiple ways to implement DR, depending on the following factors:

  • Recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO)
  • Cost and the administrative tasks of setting up and maintaining the DR site
  • Location of the DR site for geographic diversity

Amazon RDS for Oracle provides Multi-AZ deployment options to provide enhanced availability and durability for database (DB) instances and is often an effective DR solution for some customer use cases. If you need to spread the DR site across two different Regions, you can’t use Multi-AZ for DR. However, there are several ways to implement such a solution depending on the preceding factors.

Solution architecture

The solution consists of the following components:

  • An EC2 instance (RHEL 7.4 AMI) configured as a GoldenGate hub instance.
  • The hub instance has Oracle GoldenGate software version configured with two different Oracle GoldenGate homes (OGGSRC and OGGTRG), one for the source DB and one for the target DB.
  • The hub instance also has Oracle Database version
  • A source RDS for an Oracle DB instance running version in the us-east-1
  • A Target RDS for an Oracle DB instance running version in the us-west-2

This post tested the solution on RDS Oracle DB version and Oracle GoldenGate version However, you should use the latest supported DB engine version for RDS for Oracle

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Deploying the solution

The high-level deployment steps are as follows:

  • Create a source RDS Oracle database.
  • Create a target RDS Oracle database.
  • Configure a GoldenGate hub on EC2 for the source database.
  • Configure a GoldenGate hub on EC2 for the target database.
  • Test the DDL and DML replication setup.

Creating a source RDS Oracle database

To set up a source RDS Oracle database, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the GoldenGate replication parameter on the source RDS database.
    Create a new database parameter group with enable_goldengate_replication set to true in the source Regions. For details on how to create a parameter group, see Creating a DB Parameter Group.
  2. Create the source RDS for your Oracle DB instance.
    Using your new custom DB parameter group, create a source RDS for an Oracle DB instance (OGGSRC) with engine version in the us-east-1 Region. Make sure to enable automatic backups on the source RDS Oracle DB instance. For this post, the databases are publicly accessible. For more information, see Creating an Oracle DB Instance and Connecting to a Database on an Oracle DB Instance.
    The following screenshot shows the endpoint (DNS name) and port number of the source and target RDS DB instances:

    RDS console screenshot to show the connectivity information for the Database

  3. Set up the source database for replication with GoldenGate.
    a.) Connect to the source database OGGSRC as RDS master user (for this post, the user is admin) and verify the GoldenGate replication parameter is set to true. See the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus admin/xxxxxxxxx@OGGSRC
    SQL> show parameter enable_goldengate_replication
    NAME				     TYPE	 VALUE
    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
    enable_goldengate_replication	     boolean	 TRUE

    b.) Enable supplemental logging on the OGGSRC database with the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus admin/xxxxxxxxx@OGGSRC
    SQL> exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.set_configuration('archivelog retention hours',24);
    exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.force_logging(p_enable => true);
    exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging('ADD');
    exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging('ADD','PRIMARY KEY');
    exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging( p_action => 'ADD',p_type => 'ALL');
    exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.switch_logfile;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    c.) Check that supplemental logging is enabled on the OGGSRC database with the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus admin/xxxxxxxxx@OGGSRC
    SQL> select supplemental_log_data_min, force_logging FROM  v$database;
    -------- ---------------------------------------
    YES	 YES
  4. Set up an Oracle GoldenGate replication user on the source database.
    Connect to the source database OGGSRC as admin user to set up Oracle GoldenGate replication user (OGGUSER). See the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus admin/xxxxxxxxx@OGGSRC
    SQL> create user OGGUSER identified by xxxxxxxxx default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP;
    User created.
    SQL> grant DBA to OGGUSER;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> create tablespace srcdata datafile size 50M autoextend on extent management local uniform size 256k;
    Tablespace created.
    SQL> create user OGGSRC identified by xxxxxxxxx default tablespace  SRCDATA temporary tablespace TEMP;
    User created.
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> alter user OGGSRC quota unlimited on SRCDATA;
    User altered.

    For the sake of simplicity, this post assigns DBA privilege to the GoldenGate user. The best practice is to not grant DBA privilege, but instead to grant the specific GoldenGate privileges required. For more information, see Granting the Appropriate User Privileges on the Oracle website.

Creating a target RDS Oracle database

To set up your target RDS Oracle database, complete the following steps:

  1. Enable the GoldenGate replication parameter on the target RDS databases.
    Create a new database parameter group with enable_goldengate_replication set to true in target Regions. For more information, see Creating a DB Parameter Group.
  2. Create the target RDS for your Oracle DB instance in the target Region.
    Using the new custom DB parameter group created in the previous step, create a target RDS for your Oracle DB instance (OGGTRG) with engine version in the us-west-2 Region. Make sure to enable automatic backups on the target RDS for your Oracle DB instance. For this post, the databases are publicly accessible. For more information, see Creating an Oracle DB Instance and Connecting to a Database on an Oracle DB Instance.
    The following screenshot shows the endpoint (DNS name) and port number of the target RDS DB instances:

    RDS console screenshot to show the connectivity information for the Database

  3. Set up an Oracle GoldenGate replication user on the target database.
    Connect to the target database OGGTRG as admin user to set up Oracle GoldenGate replication user (OGGUSER). See the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus admin/xxxxxxxxx@OGGTRG
    SQL> create tablespace trgdata datafile  size 50M autoextend on extent management local uniform size 256k;
    Tablespace created.
    SQL> create user OGGUSER identified by xxxxxxxxx default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP;
    User created.
    SQL> grant DBA to OGGUSER;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> create user OGGTRG identified by xxxxxxxxx default tablespace TRGDATA temporary tablespace TEMP;
    User created.
    SQL> alter user OGGTRG quota unlimited on TRGDATA;
    User altered.
    Grant succeeded.

Configuring a GoldenGate hub on EC2 for the source database

The next step is to create a GoldenGate hub instance on EC2 with full installation of Oracle Database 12c version and GoldenGate software installed in the same Region as the source OGGSRC database. For more information on creating an EC2 Instance, see Create Your EC2 Resources and Launch Your EC2 Instance. For more information about installing GoldenGate, see the Oracle documentation library.

Oracle Database 12c software is installed on the EC2 hub instance following the Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) standard; ORACLE_HOME is located at “/u01/app/oracle/product/12c/db1”.
You have two Oracle GoldenGate homes on the same EC2 host:

  • OGG home for source “/u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_src
  • OGG home for target “/u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg

To configure your GoldenGate hub instance, complete the following steps:

  1. Establish connectivity from your EC2 hub instance to the source and target DB.
    Configure an EC2 hub instance to connect to the source and target database using OGGUSER. Update the tnsnames.ora file on the EC2 hub instance with DNS endpoint entry for OGGSRC and OGGTRG databases as shown previously. See the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-19-223 ~]$ echo $TNS_ADMIN
    [oracle@ip-172-31-19-223 ~]$ vi $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: 
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oggsrg1. = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
  2. Configure the OGG(OGGSRC) for source RDS DB with the following code:
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 2>edit param mgr
    PORT 7809
    DynamicPortList 20000-20099
    PurgeOldExtracts ./dirdat/*, UseCheckPoints, MinKeepHours 2
    Autostart Extract E*
    AUTORESTART Extract *, WaitMinutes 1, Retries 3
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 3> start mgr 
    Manager started.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal)  4> info mgr detail
    Manager is running (IP port ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal.7809, Process ID 4611).
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-30-239.ec2.internal) 5> 
  3. Configure Oracle GoldenGate Wallet to connect to the source RDS database with the following code:
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 4>  Create Wallet
    Created wallet at location 'dirwlt'.
    Opened wallet at location 'dirwlt'.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 6> Add CredentialStore
    Credential store created in ./dircrd/.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 6> Alter CredentialStore Add User ogguser@oggsrc
    Password xxxxxxx Alias ogg_user_src
    Credential store in ./dircrd/ altered.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 7> Info CredentialStore 
    Reading from ./dircrd/:
    Domain: OracleGoldenGate
      Alias: ogg_user_src
      Userid: ogguser@oggsrc
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 8>
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 8>  DBLogin UserIDAlias ogg_user_src                            
    Successfully logged into database.
  4. Configure an Oracle GoldenGate TRANDATA option for the source database with the following code:
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 13> Add TranData OGGSRC.*  ALLCOLS
    2019-06-19 02:33:35  INFO    OGG-15132  Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table OGGSRC.ECONOMIC_DATA.
    2019-06-19 02:33:35  INFO    OGG-15133  TRANDATA for scheduling columns has been added on table OGGSRC.ECONOMIC_DATA.
    2019-06-19 02:33:35  INFO    OGG-15134  TRANDATA for all columns has been added on table OGGSRC.ECONOMIC_DATA.
    2019-06-19 02:33:35  INFO    OGG-15135  TRANDATA for instantiation CSN has been added on table OGGSRC.ECONOMIC_DATA.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 14> Info TranData OGGSRC.*     
    Logging of supplemental redo log data is enabled for table OGGSRC.ECONOMIC_DATA.
    All columns supplementally logged for table OGGSRC.ECONOMIC_DATA.
    Prepared CSN for table OGGSRC.ECONOMIC_DATA: 524105
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 15>

    a.) Configure the Source Data Capture using Integrated Extract for the source database with the following code:

    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 15> edit param EXTSRC
    Extract EXTSRC
    UserIdAlias ogg_user_src
    TranlogOptions IntegratedParams (max_sga_size 256)
    Exttrail ./dirdat/in
    ddl include all
    ddloptions addtrandata, report
    Table OGGSRC.*;
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 16> dblogin useridalias ogg_user_src
    Successfully logged into database.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 17> register extract EXTSRC database
    2019-06-19 02:38:34  INFO    OGG-02003  Extract EXTSRC successfully registered with database at SCN 524573.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 18> add extract EXTSRC , integrated tranlog, begin now
    EXTRACT (Integrated) added.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 19> add exttrail ./dirdat/in, extract EXTSRC , megabytes 10  
    EXTTRAIL added.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 20>

    b.) Configure an Optional Data Pump for the source database with the following code:

    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 20> edit param PXTSRC
    Extract  PXTSRC
    UserIdAlias ogg_user_src
    rmthost localhost, mgrport 7909
    rmttrail ./dirdat/pn
    table OGGSRC.*;
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 21> add extract PXTSRC, exttrailsource ./dirdat/in 
    EXTRACT added.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 22> add rmttrail ./dirdat/pn, extract PXTSRC, megabytes 10
    RMTTRAIL added.

    The Data Pump process is a secondary optional component of the GoldenGate replication software, and is recommended primarily to safeguard against network and target failures. For more information, see Overview of the Oracle GoldenGate Architecture on the Oracle website.
    c.) Start the Primary Extract and the Data Pump processes for the source database with the following code:

    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 23>) > start Extract EXTSRC  
    Sending START request to MANAGER ...
    EXTRACT EINTA starting
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGSRC) 25> start extract PXTSRC
    Sending START request to MANAGER ...
    EXTRACT PINTA starting
    GGSCI ( >  
    GGSCI ( > Info All  
    Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt
    EXTRACT     RUNNING     EINTA       20:44:16      00:00:01
    EXTRACT     RUNNING     PINTA       00:00:00      00:00:03
    GGSCI ( >

Configuring a GoldenGate hub on EC2 for the target database

To set up a GoldenGate hub for your target database, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the OGG(OGGTRG) for the target RDS DB.
    Configure the manager with the following parameters for the target database:

    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 2>  edit param mgr
    Port 7909
    DynamicPortList 20100-20199
    PurgeOldExtracts ./dirdat/pe*, UseCheckPoints, MinKeepHours 2
    Autostart Replicat R*
    AUTORESTART Replicat *, WaitMinutes 1, Retries 3 
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-30-239.ec2.internal) 1> stop mgr
    Manager process is required by other GGS processes.
    Are you sure you want to stop it (y/n)?y
    Sending STOP request to MANAGER ...
    Request processed.
    Manager stopped.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 2> start mgr
    Manager started.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 3> info mgr detail
    Manager is running (IP port ip-172-31-30-239.ec2.internal.7909, Process ID 5048).
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 4>\
  2. Configure Oracle GoldenGate Wallet for a target RDS database with the following code:
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 4>  Create Wallet
    Created wallet at location 'dirwlt'.
    Opened wallet at location 'dirwlt'.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 6> Add CredentialStore           
    Credential store created in ./dircrd/.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 6> Alter CredentialStore Add User ogguser@oggtrg
    Password oracle Alias ogg_user_trg
    Credential store in ./dircrd/ altered.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 7> Info CredentialStore 
    Reading from ./dircrd/:
    Domain: OracleGoldenGate
      Alias: ogg_user_trg
      Userid: ogguser@oggtrg
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 8>  DBLogin UserIDAlias ogg_user_trg                            
    Successfully logged into database.
  3. Configure the target data delivery using Integrated Replicat. See the following code:
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) >Edit Param RXTTRG
    Replicat RXTTRG
    DiscardFile ./dirrpt/rpdw.dsc, Purge
    UserIdAlias ogg_user_trg
    Map oggsrc.*, target oggtrg.*;
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) > DBlogin UserIdAlias ogg_user_trg 
    Successfully logged into database.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) > Add Replicat RXTTRG Integrated  exttrail ./dirdat/pn                        
    REPLICAT (Integrated) added.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) > Start Replicat RXTTRG
    Sending START request to MANAGER ...
    REPLICAT RXTTRG starting
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) > info all
    Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt
    REPLICAT    RUNNING     RXTTRG       00:00:00      00:00:39
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) >
  4. Obtain information about Replicat and other processes with the following code:
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) > Info RXTTRG, Detail 
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGTRG) 14> info RXTTRG, detail
    REPLICAT   RXTTRG    Last Started 2019-06-19 03:07   Status RUNNING
    Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:00:06 ago)
    Process ID           14328
    Log Read Checkpoint  File /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/dirdat/pn000000000
                         First Record  RBA 0
    INTEGRATED Replicat
    DBLOGIN Provided, inbound server name is OGG$RXTTRG in ATTACHED state
    Current Log BSN value: (no data)
    Low Watermark CSN value: (no data)
    High Watermark CSN value: (no data)
      Extract Source                          Begin             End             
      /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/dirdat/pn000000000  * Initialized *   First Record    
      /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/dirdat/pn000000000  * Initialized *   First Record    
      ./dirdat/pn000000000                    * Initialized *   First Record    
    Current directory    /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg
    Report file          /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/dirrpt/RXTTRG.rpt
    Parameter file       /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/dirprm/rxttrg.prm
    Checkpoint file      /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/dirchk/RXTTRG.cpr
    Process file         /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/dirpcs/RXTTRG.pcr
    Error log            /u01/app/oracle/product/ogg_trg/ggserr.log
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal as ogguser@OGGTRG) 15> 

Testing the DDL and DML replication setup

To test your replication setup, complete the following steps:

  1. Create sample data to test replication on the source.
    Connect to the source database OGGSRC as OGGSRC user and create test data with the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus OGGSRC/xxxxxxxxx@OGGSRC
    SQL> create table ECONOMIC_DATA
      entity_id        integer      not null,
      economic_entity  varchar2(128) not null,
      continent	   varchar2(20),
      PRIMARY KEY(entity_id)
    Table created.
    SQL> Insert into ECONOMIC_DATA (ENTITY_ID,ECONOMIC_ENTITY,CONTINENT) values (29,'St Vincent and the Grenadines','AMERICAS');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
  2. Perform DML and DDL with the following code:
    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus OGGSRC/oracle@OGGSRC
    SQL> select count(*) from ECONOMIC_DATA ;
    SQL> delete from ECONOMIC_DATA;
    1 row deleted.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.

    a.) Use the stats command to request the Extract processes EXTSRC. See the following code:

    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 1> stats EXTSRC
    Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXTSRC ...
    Start of Statistics at 2019-06-19 03:28:00.
    DDL replication statistics (for all trails):
    *** Total statistics since extract started     ***
    	Operations                		           1.00
    	Mapped operations         		           1.00
    	Unmapped operations         		           0.00
    	Other operations         		                0.00
    	Excluded operations         		           0.00
    Output to ./dirdat/in:
    *** Total statistics since 2019-06-19 03:16:57 ***
    	Total inserts                   	           0.00
    	Total updates                   	           0.00
    	Total deletes                   	           1.00
    	Total discards                  	           0.00
    	Total operations                	           1.00
    End of Statistics.
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 3>

    b.) Use the stats command to request the Replicat process RXTTRG. Please note that the stats output is truncated to show the DDL replication stats only. See the following code:

    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 1> stats RXTTRG
    Sending STATS request to REPLICAT RXTTRG ...
    Start of Statistics at 2019-06-19 03:32:52.
    Integrated Replicat Statistics:
    	Total transactions            		           2.00
    	Redirected                    		           0.00
    	Replicated procedures         		           0.00
    	DDL operations                		           1.00
    	Stored procedures             		           0.00
    	Datatype functionality        		           0.00
    	Event actions                 		           0.00
    	Direct transactions ratio     		          50.00%
    DDL replication statistics:
    *** Total statistics since replicat started     ***
    	Operations                		           1.00
    	Mapped operations         		           1.00
    	Unmapped operations         		           0.00
    	Other operations         		                0.00
    	Excluded operations         		           0.00
    	Errors                    		           0.00
    	Retried errors            		           0.00
    	Discarded errors          		           0.00
    	Ignored errors            		           0.00
    GGSCI (ip-172-31-19-223.ec2.internal) 2>

    c.) Connect the target database OGGTRG as OGGTRG user and verify replication. See the following code:

    [oracle@ip-172-31-30-239 admin]$ sqlplus OGGTRG/oracle@OGGTRG
    SQL> select count(*) from ECONOMIC_DATA ;
     Name					   Null?      Type
     ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
     entity_id				 NOT NULL   NUMBER
     economic_entity            NOT NULL   varchar2(128)  
     continent                             varchar2(20)


This post covered how to implement cross-region disaster recovery for an RDS for Oracle database running in two different Regions, using GoldenGate integrated capture. Oracle GoldenGate version 12.1 and above with integrated capture is simple to configure, supports native DDL replication, and requires no additional database object creation on the source or target RDS Database. For more information about implementing low-cost, cross-region disaster recovery for RDS for Oracle, see Cross-Region Automatic Disaster Recovery on Amazon RDS for Oracle Database Using DB Snapshots and AWS Lambda.


About the Authors


Sameer Malik is a Principal database solutions architect with Amazon Web Services.





Sahil Thapar is an Enterprise solutions architect with Amazon Web Services.