AWS Database Blog

Introducing Geospatial query capabilities for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a database service that is purpose-built for JSON data management at scale, fully managed and integrated with AWS, and enterprise-ready with high durability. This post introduces you to the new geospatial query capabilities in Amazon DocumentDB, specifically the $nearSphere query operator and the $geoNear aggregation pipeline stage. For more […]

Introducing Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) user-defined roles for access control

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a database service that is purpose-built for JSON data management at scale, fully managed and integrated with AWS, and enterprise-ready with high durability. Amazon DocumentDB added support for role-based access control (RBAC) with user-defined roles. Support for user-defined roles builds upon the existing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) functionality, allowing […]

Upgrade Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL version 9.6

  Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition version 9.6 end of life is approaching. If you’re currently running PostgreSQL 9.6, you must upgrade your databases or AWS will automatically upgrade your RDS for PostgreSQL databases starting January 18, 2022, and Aurora PostgreSQL databases starting January 31, 2022. Unlike […]

How to use segmentation to improve performance for large MongoDB and Amazon DocumentDB migrations in AWS DMS

When you’re migrating from a MongoDB or Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) database using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) in full load mode, a primary consideration is the ability to performantly migrate data. By default, when you provision a replication instance in AWS DMS, it uses a single threaded process to migrate data. A […]

Announcing Amazon Keyspaces Time to Live (TTL) general availability

Time to Live (TTL) is a widely used feature in Apache Cassandra. TTL helps developers manage storage costs and simplify application logic by expiring data automatically at a specified time. For example, you can use TTL in time series workloads to remove older data automatically to save on storage costs. You also can use TTL […]

Automate cross-account backups of Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora databases with AWS Backup

Many organizations around the world, such as government agencies, financial institutions, and non-profits, are looking for ways to protect their valuable data from ransomware attacks and natural disasters. In addition, many businesses are required to maintain their data long term to meet regulatory compliance and business policies. In the cloud, a strategy we see customers […]

Build purpose-built database AMIs using Amazon EC2 Image Builder

Managing virtual machine images that you standardize through configuration, consistent security patching, and hardening (also called “golden images”) is a time-consuming task. System administrators and database administrators responsible for these tasks have to define the characteristics of these images (such as which software to pre-install, which versions to use, and which security configurations to apply). […]

Cross-Region, cross-account disaster recovery using Amazon Aurora Global Database

Critical workloads with a global footprint have strict availability requirements and may need to tolerate a Region-wide outage. Traditionally, this required a difficult trade-off between performance, availability, cost, and data integrity, and sometimes required a considerable re-engineering effort. Due to the high implementation and infrastructure costs that are involved, some businesses are compelled to tier […]

Build and load test a multi-tenant SaaS database proxy solution with Amazon RDS Proxy

Many software as a service (SaaS) customers on AWS are familiar with multi-tenancy and tenant isolation. Indeed, customers using MySQL, for instance, may have adopted the bridge model of multi-tenancy, where each tenant has access to their own isolated database or schema. AWS provides many tools and best practices to get started, but achieving database […]

Capture key source table headers data using AWS DMS and use it for Amazon S3 data lake operations

Migrating the raw data from source systems into a central repository is usually the first step in establishing a data lake. Many systems store source data in relational database tables, therefore a mechanism is required to ingest this data in the data lake and also get some relevant metadata about these tables so that data […]