AWS Database Blog

Using JSON with MySQL 5.7–compatible Amazon Aurora

What’s the big deal about JSON support in MySQL 5.7?
MySQL 5.6 supports numeric, date and time, string (character and byte) types, and spatial data types. Although this is a broad set of supported types, these primitive data types can limit your flexibility to evolve an application.

If you use MySQL 5.6, you have two options when planning ahead for evolution of the application. The first option is to specify the full schema containing all the fields that you currently need in the application. If the application subsequently needs a new field, you must update the schema to add that column. There are some benefits to this approach. You can index the new field. Also, features such as fast data definition language (DDL) in Amazon Aurora can minimize the operational burden of adding a column. However, the fact remains that you must execute a database schema change and also update the SQL statements to accommodate the change.

The second option is to use a string to encode a flexible set of fields and parse the string in the application layer. Although flexible, this approach places an unreasonable burden on you to parse the data.

This is where JSON comes in—it offers an excellent middle way by providing you the flexibility you need. JSON also provides the benefit of your not having to write any code to parse the data; the ORM or the language runtime should be able to care of it. JSON support was introduced in MySQL 5.7.8.

In addition to the benefits just listed, having JSON as a native type in MySQL means that the database can automatically validate JSON documents stored in JSON columns. Invalid documents produce an error. JSON as a native type also allows the database to optimize the JSON format. JSON documents stored in JSON columns are converted to an internal format that permits quick read access to document elements. When the server later must read a JSON value stored in this binary format, the value need not be parsed from a text representation. The binary format is structured to enable the server to look up subobjects or nested values directly by key or array index. It does so without reading all the values before or after them in the document.

Amazon Aurora now supports MySQL 5.7 compatibility, meaning you can now develop applications using JSON data types on top of MySQL 5.7–compatible Aurora.

The rest of this post walks through an example e-commerce application for an electronics store that uses JSON data types and MySQL-compatible Aurora.

Creating a schema
Electronics products can be diverse—laptops, cell phones, printers, TVs, DVDs, and so on. The product attributes can correspondingly vary widely. This makes it tricky to store product attributes in a normalized form so that you can search on different features and attributes. For example, we might want to do this for a product comparison.

We start by creating a database for our store.

CREATE DATABASE online_store;
USE online_store

For simplicity, our database only has three tables—brands, categories, and products. The brands and categories tables don’t have JSON fields, so let’s get them out of the way so we can get to the fun part.

    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE categories (
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO brands (name) VALUES ('Apple');
INSERT INTO brands (name) VALUES ('Samsung');
INSERT INTO brands (name) VALUES ('Lenovo');
INSERT INTO brands (name) VALUES ('LG');
INSERT INTO brands (name) VALUES ('ASUS');

INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES ('Phones');
INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES ('Desktop');
INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES ('Laptop');
INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES ('Tablets');

The following is what the tables look like.

mysql> SELECT * FROM categories;
| id | name    |
|  1 | Phones  |
|  2 | Desktop |
|  3 | Laptop  |
|  4 | Tablets |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM brands;
| id | name    |
|  1 | Apple   |
|  2 | Samsung |
|  3 | Lenovo  |
|  4 | LG      |
|  5 | ASUS    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now for the part that starts using JSON. The products table holds different product attributes in a JSON column.

CREATE TABLE products (
attributes JSON NOT NULL);

Inserting JSON data
Let’s store information about our first product. We can do this by directly inserting the attributes as a JSON object.

INSERT INTO products 
('Samsung 3 Chromebook',2,3,
"CPU":"Intel Celeron N3060 / 1.6 GHz",
"Storage":"16 GB SSD"

mysql> select * from products \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 1
       name: Samsung 3 Chromebook
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 3
 attributes: {"CPU": "Intel Celeron N3060 / 1.6 GHz", "color": "black", "memory": 4, "weight": 2.54, "Storage": "16 GB SSD", "dimensions": {"d": 8, "h": 0.7, "w": 11.4}, "processor_count": 2, "operating_system": "chrome"}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

If you are using a GUI tool like MySQL Workbench, replace \G at the end of the query with ;

Formatting a JSON object in an insert query can turn out to be quite a cumbersome exercise. We can use the function JSON_OBJECT to make this easier.

The JSON_OBJECT function accepts a list of key-value pairs in the format

JSON_OBJECT(key1,value1,key2,value2,key3,value3,……,key(n),value(n). It returns a JSON object.

Let’s insert information about our next product using the JSON_OBJECT function.

INSERT INTO products 
('Lenovo Notebook',3,3,JSON_OBJECT(
"dimensions",JSON_OBJECT("w",12.6,"d",8.8,"h",0.6),"weight",3.53,"color","platinum silver","CPU","Intel Core i7 (7th Gen) 7500U / 2.7 GHz","processor_count",2,"operating_system","Windows 10","memory",16,"storage","512 GB SSD","interfaces",JSON_ARRAY("USB","Thunderbolt","HDMI","Audio Jack"))

mysql> select * from products where id=2 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 2
       name: Lenovo Notebook
   brand_id: 3
category_id: 3
 attributes: {"CPU": "Intel Core i7 (7th Gen) 7500U / 2.7 GHz", "color": "platinum silver", "memory": 16, "weight": 3.53, "storage": "512 GB SSD", "dimensions": {"d": 8.8, "h": 0.6, "w": 12.6}, "interfaces": ["USB", "Thunderbolt", "HDMI", "Audio Jack"], "processor_count": 2, "operating_system": "Windows 10"}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Here we can also see another helpful function at work—JSON_ARRAY. This function returns a JSON array when passed a set of values.

Another function that helps us store a JSON object is JSON_MERGE. The JSON_MERGE function takes multiple JSON objects and produces a single JSON object. This is useful when you get data as key-value pair objects. Let’s insert data about our next product using JSON_MERGE.

INSERT INTO products 
('Galaxy Tab',2,4,
'{"operating_system":"Android Marshmallow"}',
'{"storage":"16 GB"}',
'{"camera":"8 MegaPixel"}'

mysql> select * from products where id=3 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 3
       name: Galaxy Tab
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 4
 attributes: {"color": "White", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 2, "storage": "16 GB", "display_size": 10.1, "operating_system": "Android Marshmallow"}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

We can use JSON_OBJECT and JSON_MERGE in combination to make things easier.

INSERT INTO products 
('Lenovo Tab',3,4,
JSON_OBJECT("storage","16 GB"),
JSON_OBJECT("camera","5 MegaPixel")

mysql> select * from products where id=4 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 4
       name: Lenovo Tab
   brand_id: 3
category_id: 4
 attributes: {"color": "Black", "camera": "5 MegaPixel", "memory": 16 , "storage": "16 GB", "display_size": 10.1, "operating_system": "Android"}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Let’s add a few more rows.

INSERT INTO products
('Asus Vivobook',5,3,'{"CPU": "Intel Pentium mobile processor N4200", "color": "black", "memory": 4, "weight": 4.10, "storage": "500 GB SSD", "graphics": "Intel HD Graphics 500", "dimensions": {"d": 11.5, "h": 2.6, "w": 19.8}, "interfaces": ["USB", "Thunderbolt", "HDMI", "Audio Jack"], "processor_count": 4, "operating_system": "Windows 10"}'),
('Macbook Pro',1,3,'{"CPU": "Intel Core i7", "color": "Silver", "memory": 16, "weight": 4.49, "storage": "256 GB SSD", "graphics": "Intel Iris Pro Graphics", "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "interfaces": ["USB", "Thunderbolt", "Audio Jack"], "processor_count": 4, "operating_system": "Mac OS X"}'),
('Apple iPad',1,4,'{"color": "Space Gray", "camera": "1.2 MegaPixel", "memory": 16, "storage": "16 GB", "display_size": 9.7, "operating_system": "iOS 10"}'),
('Apple iPad',1,4,'{"color": "Space Gray", "camera": "1.2 MegaPixel", "memory": 32, "storage": "16 GB", "display_size": 9.7, "operating_system": "iOS 10"}'),
('S8',2,1,'{"color": "Rose Pink", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Nougat"}'),
('Note',2,1,'{"color": "Black ", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "dimensions": {"d": 0.3, "h": 3, "w": 6.3}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Nougat"}'),
('iPhone 7 plus',1,1,'{"color": "Silver ", "camera": "12 MegaPixel", "memory": 32, "weight": "120 g", "dimensions": {"d": 3.1, "h": 0.29, "w": 6.2}, "Screen Size": 5.5, "operating_system": "iOS 10"}'),
(' iPhone 6',1,1,'{"color": "Silver ", "camera": "12 MegaPixel", "memory": 16, "weight": "150 g", "dimensions": {"d": 3.1, "h": 0.29, "w": 6.2}, "Screen Size": 4.7, "operating_system": "iOS 10"}');

Now that we’ve added a few rows, let’s move on to run queries on JSON objects.

Selecting and filtering JSON data
It’s simple to write a select query like the following one.

SELECT * FROM products WHERE attributes like '{"color": "Black", "camera": "5 MegaPixel", "memory": 16, "storage": "16 GB", "display_size": 10.1, "operating_system": "Android"}'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 4
       name: Lenovo Tab
   brand_id: 3
category_id: 4
 attributes: {"color": "Black", "camera": "5 MegaPixel", "memory": 16 , "storage": "16 GB", "display_size": 10.1, "operating_system": "Android"}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

However, this isn’t the most efficient or useful way to query a database. The function we want to use is JSON_EXTRACT. For example, let’s say that we want to find all the Android devices we have.

SELECT name,attributes->'$.operating_system' as operating_system FROM products WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(attributes,'$.operating_system') like '"Android%';
| name       | operating_system      |
| Galaxy Tab | "Android Marshmallow" |
| Lenovo Tab | "Android"             |
| S8         | "Android Nougat"      |
| Note       | "Android Nougat"      |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

There are three things to notice here. First, JSON_EXTRACT can extract attributes from JSON that we can use for comparison and filtering.

Second, you can see another shorthand for reading attributes in the select clause: attributes->'$.operating_system'.

Third, the results of the JSON_EXTRACT still include quotes. That leads us to our next function, JSON_UNQUOTE. Let’s rewrite the query with JSON_UNQUOTE and see the difference.

SELECT name,JSON_UNQUOTE(attributes->'$.operating_system') as operating_system FROM products WHERE JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(attributes,'$.operating_system')) like 'Android%';

| name       | operating_system    |
| Galaxy Tab | Android Marshmallow |
| Lenovo Tab | Android             |
| S8         | Android Nougat      |
| Note       | Android Nougat      |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL doesn’t support indexes on JSON columns, but that restriction is easy to get around using virtual columns.

mysql> alter table products add key idx_attributes (attributes);
ERROR 3152 (42000): JSON column 'attributes' cannot be used in key specification.

Let’s add a generated column that stores the memory of each device.

mysql> alter table products add column memory int as (attributes->'$.memory');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Now let’s create an index on the column.

mysql> alter table products add key idx_memory (memory);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Let’s look at the explain plan for the query to fetch all devices that have 16 GB memory. As you can see from the explain plan, this uses the index we created on the virtual column derived from the JSON column.

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT name,memory FROM products where memory=16;
| id | select_type | table    | partitions | type | possible_keys | key        | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | products | NULL       | ref  | idx_memory    | idx_memory | 5       | const |    5 |   100.00 | NULL  |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Another useful function is JSON_KEYS, which returns the keys from the JSON object. Suppose that we want to see what attributes we store for an iPad.

mysql> select id,name,JSON_KEYS(attributes) from products where name like 'Apple iPad';
| id | name       | JSON_KEYS(attributes)                                                        |
|  7 | Apple iPad | ["color", "camera", "memory", "storage", "display_size", "operating_system"] |
|  8 | Apple iPad | ["color", "camera", "memory", "storage", "display_size", "operating_system"] |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Updating JSON data
Let’s take a look at how we can modify JSON values.

mysql> select * from products where id=9 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 9
       name: S8
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 1
 attributes: {"color": "Rose Pink", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Nougat"}
     memory: 64
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Let’s use the JSON_INSERT function to add information about supported networks.

mysql> UPDATE products SET attributes=JSON_INSERT(attributes,"$.network","CDMA") where id=9;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

As we can see, the network attribute is added to the JSON.

mysql> select * from products where id=9 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 9
       name: S8
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 1
 attributes: {"color": "Rose Pink", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "network": "CDMA", "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Nougat"}
     memory: 64
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

JSON_INSERT adds an attribute to the JSON. Let’s say we want to update an existing attribute like operating_system. In this case, we use the JSON_REPLACE function.

mysql> UPDATE products SET attributes=JSON_REPLACE(attributes,"$.operating_system","Android Oreo") where id=9;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

This is what the product now looks like.

mysql> select * from products where id=9 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 9
       name: S8
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 1
 attributes: {"color": "Rose Pink", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "network": "CDMA", "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Oreo"}
     memory: 64
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

JSON_INSERT adds an attribute to the JSON. JSON_REPLACE updates an attribute that is already present. If we don’t know if an attribute is present or not, we should use the JSON_SET function. JSON_SET updates the attribute if it’s already present and otherwise adds it.

mysql> UPDATE products SET attributes=JSON_SET(attributes,"$.color","Gray") WHERE id=9;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> SELECT * FROM products WHERE id=9 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 9
       name: S8
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 1
 attributes: {"color": "Gray", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "network": "CDMA", "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Oreo"}
     memory: 64
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Another useful function while running updates is the JSON_ARRAY_APPEND. This function appends to an array attribute in a JSON. If the attribute is a scalar attribute, JSON_ARRAY_APPEND converts it to an array.

Let’s continue from our previous example. Suppose that we want to add GSM to the networks supported by the phone.

mysql> UPDATE products SET attributes=JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(attributes,"$.network","GSM") WHERE id=9;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

The network attribute gets converted to an array and has the updated value.

mysql> SELECT * FROM products WHERE id=9 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 9
       name: S8
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 1
 attributes: {"color": "Gray", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "network": ["CDMA", "GSM"], "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Oreo"}
     memory: 64
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Performing delete operations on a JSON object
There are two aspects to delete operations on a JSON object. We might want to delete an attribute from the JSON. Or we might want to delete the row itself, based on attributes from the JSON object.

Deleting an attribute from JSON is done using the JSON_REMOVE function. For example, let’s remove the information associated with networks from our phone specifications.

mysql> UPDATE products SET attributes=JSON_REMOVE(attributes,"$.network") WHERE id=9;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from products where id=9 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 9
       name: S8
   brand_id: 2
category_id: 1
 attributes: {"color": "Gray", "camera": "8 MegaPixel", "memory": 64, "weight": "152 g", "dimensions": {"d": 14.1, "h": 0.7, "w": 9.7}, "Screen Size": 5.8, "operating_system": "Android Oreo"}
     memory: 64
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Deleting a row based on the information contained in the JSON is done using the JSON_EXTRACT function, which we used for filtering in WHERE clauses before. For example, suppose that we want to delete all devices that have screen size less than 5.

mysql> SELECT name,attributes->'$."Screen Size"' as screen_size FROM products WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(attributes,'$."Screen Size"')<5;
| name     | screen_size |
| iPhone 6 | 4.7         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Let’s try the DELETE using the JSON_EXTRACT function.

mysql> DELETE FROM products WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(attributes,'$."Screen Size"')<5;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> SELECT name,attributes->'$."Screen Size"' as screen_size FROM products WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(attributes,'$."Screen Size"')<5;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

To recap, the functions that help insert data to JSON are JSON_OBJECT, JSON_ARRAY, and JSON_MERGE. The function that helps filter data is JSON_EXTRACT. To update JSON, we can use the functions JSON_INSERT, JSON_REPLACE, JSON_SET, and JSON_ARRAY_APPEND. To delete JSON attributes and objects, we can use JSON_REMOVE or delete using a WHERE clause.

We’re excited to hear from you as you start using the feature. Feel free to leave a comment below or ping us at with any questions or feedback.

About the Author

Sirish Chandrasekaran is a product manager for Amazon Aurora at Amazon Web Services.





Yashada Jadhav is a database engineer for Amazon Aurora at Amazon Web Services.