AWS for Industries

Tag: AWS Retail Competency Partners

AWS and Infosys Empower Smart Stores Transformation feature card

AWS and Infosys Empower Smart Stores Transformation

It’s not the end of the physical store The retail industry worldwide has been in the throes of change for a decade as shoppers’ expectations and behaviors evolve dramatically. The pandemic upended previously cherished notions and accelerated the rise of online shopping. Many younger shoppers with high digital awareness now dot the landscape. Yet, paradoxically, […]

Retail demand forecasting using AWS

Retailers use demand forecasting to anticipate customer needs and optimize supply decisions. Like most industries, demand forecasting in retail industry uses large amounts of historical data to predict future consumer demand. These forecasts depend upon analyses of variables that impact demand, such as seasonality, promotions, inventory levels, and market trends. Prediction accuracy is influenced by […]