AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Send SMS at scale to Indian recipients using Amazon Pinpoint

SMS has one of the highest open rates of all customer communications channels, and is popular with application builders for both transactional use cases like appointment reminders or asynchronous use cases like a SMS chatbot. Amazon Pinpoint supports SMS in over 200 countries and territories, but SMS sending requirements can vary by recipient destination. SMS […]

Maintain consistency in emails with custom content using Amazon SES templates

When sending emails, content creators often want to add custom content such as images or videos while maintaining consistency in their messages. They also want to send those emails automatically once new content is ready. In this blog, we will show you how to create templates for emails with a common theme by combining Amazon […]

Solving abandoned cart scenarios using Amazon Pinpoint event-triggered journeys

In this post, we will walk through building an abandoned shopping cart user journey in Amazon Pinpoint. Journeys are multi-step user engagements with channels sends (SMS, email or push) based on conditional logic with a goal to drive a high value action. This journey will enable customers to identify users who added a product to […]

Send SMS messages at scale using 10DLC and Amazon Pinpoint

This week, we’re adding support for 10DLC phone numbers to Amazon Pinpoint. You can use 10DLC phone numbers to send SMS text messages at scale quickly and affordably. What is 10DLC? The abbreviation 10DLC stands for Ten-Digit Long Code. 10DLC phone numbers are intended specifically for sending Application-to-Person (A2P) messages—that is, messages that are sent […]

Opt-in to the new Amazon SES console experience

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce the launch of the newly redesigned Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) console. With its streamlined look and feel, the new console makes it even easier for customers to leverage the speed, reliability, and flexibility that Amazon SES has to offer. Customers can access the new console experience […]

Updating opt-in status for Amazon Pinpoint channels

In many real-world scenarios, customers are using home-grown or 3rd party systems to manage their campaign related information. This includes user preferences, segmentation, targeting, interactions, and more. To create customer-centric engagement experiences with such existing systems, migrating or integrating into Amazon Pinpoint is needed. Luckily, many AWS services and mechanisms can help to streamline this […]

Send localized messages using Amazon Pinpoint templates and standard demographic attributes

As your application user base expands into more countries and languages, it’s important to make sure messages are localized for each recipient to improve engagement. Localizing your messages helps you reach your audience with content specific to their language settings. Creating separate messages for each language and managing each template separately can require a lot […]

Introducing advanced segmentation in Amazon Pinpoint

Today, Amazon Pinpoint announced the launch of several new segmentation capabilities for Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Pinpoint now provides customers additional filters to perform more granular segmentation. You can increase the level of campaign and message personalization by being able to reach more specific audiences. Today’s end users require consistent and personalized experiences across channels such […]

Strategies for list management with Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service

Managing customer lists is a large part of any outbound customer communication program. From customer acquisition to ongoing engagement, locating the best sources for subscribers and respecting their contact preferences is key to maintaining healthy customer lists. This article will discuss recommendations for list building using Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). We […]