AWS Open Source Blog

Jon Handler

Author: Jon Handler

Jon Handler (@_searchgeek) is a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services based in Palo Alto, CA. Jon works closely with the CloudSearch and Elasticsearch teams, providing help and guidance to a broad range of customers who have search workloads that they want to move to the AWS Cloud. Prior to joining AWS, Jon's career as a software developer included four years of coding a large-scale, eCommerce search engine. Jon holds a Bachelor of the Arts from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master of Science and a Ph. D. in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from Northwestern University.

An Open Distro for Elasticsearch cluster with balanced resource usage

Use Elasticsearch’s _rollover API For efficient storage distribution

Many Open Distro for Elasticsearch users manage data life cycle in their clusters by creating an index based on a standard time period, usually one index per day. This pattern has many advantages: ingest tools like Logstash support index rollover out of the box; defining a retention window is straightforward; and deleting old data is […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security plugin selecting the tenant for Kibana visualizations and dashboards

Set up Multi-Tenant Kibana Access in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – Elasticsearch has become a default choice for storing and analyzing log data to deliver insights on your application’s performance, your security stance, and your users’ interactions with your application. It’s so useful that many teams adopt Elasticsearch early in their development cycle to support DevOps. This grass-roots adoption often mushrooms into a confusing […]

A Kibana dashboard with metrics gathered by Open Distro for Elasticsearch's Performance Analyzer plugin

Store Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s Performance Analyzer Output in Elasticsearch

中文版 – Open Distro for Elasticsearch‘s Performance Analyzer plugin exposes a REST API that returns metrics from your Elasticsearch cluster. To get the most out of these metrics, you can store them in Elasticsearch and use Kibana to visualize them. While you can use Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s PerfTop to build visualizations, PerfTop doesn’t retain data […]

Lightweight Debugging with Performance Analyzer and PerfTop in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – When you want to monitor your Elasticsearch cluster or debug an issue, you have a number of choices. You can use the various _cat and stats APIs to pull information out of the cluster. You can monitor and profile the JVM itself. These options can be cumbersome, and they lack visual displays. While […]

Set an Alert in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – One of Elasticsearch’s primary use cases is log analytics: you collect logs from your infrastructure, transform each log line into JSON documents, and send those documents to Elasticsearch’s _bulk API. A transformed log line contains many fields, each containing values. For instance, an Apache Web Log line has a source IP address field, […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch logo

Build and Run the Open Distro For Elasticsearch SQL Plugin with Elasticsearch OSS

Note: These tutorial instructions are not current and will not be updated. OpenSearch was announced on April 12, 2021. Visit to learn more. Open Distro for Elasticsearch comprises four plugins: Security — supports node-to-node encryption, five types of authentication, role-based access controls, audit logging, and cross-cluster search. Alerting — notifies you when data from […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch security plugin Kibana window showing permissions and roles as well as authentication back ends

Change your Admin Passwords in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – Open Distro for Elasticsearch ships with an advanced security plugin. The plugin comes pre-configured with a number of different users and default passwords for them – of course, you will want to change those defaults! Passwords for some of the preconfigured users—kibanaro, logstash, readall, and snapshotrestore—are available to change in the Security UI in Kibana. […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch kibana login screen

Get Up and Running with Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – On March 11, 2019, we released Open Distro for Elasticsearch, a value-added distribution of Elasticsearch that is 100% open source (Apache 2.0 license) and supported by AWS. (See also Open Distro for Elasticsearch from Jeff Barr and Keeping Open Source Open – Open Distro for Elasticsearch from Adrian Cockcroft.) In addition to the source […]