AWS Security Blog

Tag: AWS Lambda

How to control non-HTTP and non-HTTPS traffic to a DNS domain with AWS Network Firewall and AWS Lambda

December 7, 2022: We added a caveat to the solution, for those using a traffic steering mechanism, in this post. Security and network administrators can control outbound access from a virtual private cloud (VPC) to specific destinations by using a service like AWS Network Firewall. You can use stateful rule groups to control outbound access […]

Use IAM Access Analyzer policy generation to grant fine-grained permissions for your AWS CloudFormation service roles

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer provides tools to simplify permissions management by making it simpler for you to set, verify, and refine permissions. One such tool is IAM Access Analyzer policy generation, which creates fine-grained policies based on your AWS CloudTrail access activity—for example, the actions you use with Amazon Elastic Compute […]

IAM Access Analyzer makes it simpler to author and validate role trust policies

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer provides many tools to help you set, verify, and refine permissions. One part of IAM Access Analyzer—policy validation—helps you author secure and functional policies that grant the intended permissions. Now, I’m excited to announce that AWS has updated the IAM console experience for role trust policies to […]

Figure 1: Architecture diagram of the export function

How to export AWS Security Hub findings to CSV format

December 22, 2022: We are working on an update to address issues related to cloudformation stack deployment in regions other than us-east-1, and Lambda timeouts for customers with more than 100,000 findings. AWS Security Hub is a central dashboard for security, risk management, and compliance findings from AWS Audit Manager, AWS Firewall Manager, Amazon GuardDuty, […]

Figure 1: Solution Architecture and workflow for metadata enrichment

How to enrich AWS Security Hub findings with account metadata

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to deploy a solution to enrich AWS Security Hub findings with additional account-related metadata, such as the account name, the Organization Unit (OU) associated with the account, security contact information, and account tags. Account metadata can help you search findings, create insights, and better respond to […]

Hands-on walkthrough of the AWS Network Firewall flexible rules engine – Part 2

This blog post is Part 2 of Hands-on walkthrough of the AWS Network Firewall flexible rules engine – Part 1. To recap, AWS Network Firewall is a managed service that offers a flexible rules engine that gives you the ability to write firewall rules for granular policy enforcement. In Part 1, we shared how to […]

Manage your AWS Directory Service credentials using AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager helps you protect the secrets that are needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources. With this service, you can rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, OAuth tokens, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle. The secret value rotation feature has built-in integration for services like Amazon Relational Database Service […]

How to use ACM Private CA for enabling mTLS in AWS App Mesh

Securing east-west traffic in service meshes, such as AWS App Mesh, by using mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) adds an additional layer of defense beyond perimeter control. mTLS adds bidirectional peer-to-peer authentication on top of the one-way authentication in normal TLS. This is done by adding a client-side certificate during the TLS handshake, through which […]

Use IAM Access Analyzer to generate IAM policies based on access activity found in your organization trail

January 25, 2024: The path of the bucket was updated in this post. In April 2021, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Access Analyzer added policy generation to help you create fine-grained policies based on AWS CloudTrail activity stored within your account. Now, we’re extending policy generation to enable you to generate policies based on […]

How to restrict IAM roles to access AWS resources from specific geolocations using AWS Client VPN

You can improve your organization’s security posture by enforcing access to Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources based on IP address and geolocation. For example, users in your organization might bring their own devices, which might require additional security authorization checks and posture assessment in order to comply with corporate security requirements. Enforcing access to AWS […]