适用于非营利组织的 AWS


立即注册:2025 年 3 月 26 日 | 适用于非营利组织的 AWS Imagine 会议 | 了解有针对性的技术应用如何产生正向的社会和环境影响

在 re:Invent 2024 上了解适用于非营利组织的 AWS 解决方案的详细信息 | 立即注册

非营利组织正在使用 AWS 云解决世界上最紧迫的挑战

各种规模的非营利组织都在使用 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 来增加支持、扩大知名度,并提高任务在本地和全球的影响。AWS 致力于创造一个人人都有机会在一个健康的星球上过上有尊严生活的世界。无论您是努力通过托管数据库和分析获得捐赠者、成员或志愿者的见解,还是通过机器学习和人工智能加速研究,通过可扩展的网站和应用程序优化项目交付,还是刚刚起步,AWS 都将为您提供帮助。



AWS Nonprofit Generative AI Week

AWS 非营利组织生成式人工智能周

按需观看 AWS 非营利组织生成式人工智能周,了解如何利用生成式人工智能的价值发展您的非营利组织。
适用于非营利组织的 AWS Imagine

适用于非营利组织的 AWS Imagine

2025 年 3 月 26日参加适用于非营利组织的 AWS Imagine,富有使命感的领导者和技术创新者汇聚一堂,共同加快社会影响力的提升。了解云计算和人工智能如何增强非营利组织的使命感,推动积极的变革,并激励采取行动造福全球社会。



领先的非营利组织已在使用 AWS。联系我们的专家,立即踏上您的 AWS 云之旅。

适用于非营利组织的 AWS


AWS 举办各种线上和线下活动,汇聚云计算社区,以相互交流、协作以及向 AWS 专家学习。
Showing results: 9-12
Total results: 194
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  • Virtual

    On Demand

    How to Implement a Virtual Computer Lab Quickly

    In this webinar, we will outline a series of steps and decision points based on a real-world scenario to enable rapid deployment of a virtual computer lab solution on AWS in an accelerated timeframe.

    On Demand
  • AWS Events

    On Demand

    Webinar: Disaster readiness for healthcare organizations

    Backup, archiving, and recovery in preparation for natural emergencies

    Data is one of every healthcare organization’s most critical assets, which makes safeguarding it against natural disasters a priority. Register for our webinar to learn how to improve on backup, archiving, and recovery in preparation for natural emergencies. Hear from a data protection practitioner who will share strategies on protecting your organizational data.

    On Demand
  • Webinars

    On Demand

    Scaling for Back to School

    The initial impact of COVID-19 resulted in a surge in the use of educational technologies. This webinar will dive into key learnings and insights for AWS EdTech customers so you will be ready for what may come this back to school season.

    On Demand

    On Demand

    Panel discussion: Preparing your EdTech for an uncertain back to school (and beyond)

    An AWS webinar focused on the K12 market

    Join AWS for a webinar series tailored for EdTech providers as you quickly reshape strategies, product roadmaps, and service models to support customers in this rapidly changing situation.

    On Demand
1 49

请查看我们的 AWS 非营利组织播放列表客户成功案例页面中的更多事例。


了解非营利组织如何利用 AWS 云彻底改变他们的使命和影响力
