AWS 安全能力合作伙伴

与拥有深厚技术知识和久经考验的客户成功案例的 AWS 专业化合作伙伴一起推动创新并释放更大的商业价值


具有安全能力的合作伙伴在 AWS 安全方面拥有深厚的技术专长,并通过其软件和服务产品成功地确保了客户的云之旅安全。

AWS 安全能力合作伙伴专注于为您的特定工作负载和用例提供以安全为中心的解决方案。AWS 合作伙伴解决方案可帮助您工作负载的自动化、敏捷性和可扩展性。通过 AWS Marketplace 在几分钟内轻松查找、购买、部署和管理这些云就绪软件解决方案,包括软件即服务 (SaaS) 产品。这些解决方案协同工作,以本地不可能的方式保护您的数据安全,并提供适用于各种工作负载和使用案例的解决方案。

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    • Education

      Eficode and AWS Help University of Turku Scale to Improve Sustainability


      Based in Finland, the University of Turku built a business simulator to help students understand decision making around sustainability issues. To enable growth, the University worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Eficode to improve the software’s scalability and security. It has expanded its services to business leaders in addition to students. It can now add more features such as Amazon Quicksight, providing real business tools for all learners.

    • Software & Internet

      Collaboration.Ai Achieves DoD Authorization in Less Than 90 Days, Saves $2 Million with Second Front, Chainguard, and AWS

      United States

      Collaboration.Ai, a leader in AI-driven innovation management software, sought to expand into the US federal government sector, particularly the Department of Defense (DoD), with its end-to-end CrowdVector innovation management platform. Obtaining the required Authority to Operate (ATO) on DoD networks—a complex, lengthy, and costly process—posed a significant challenge for the startup. By engaging with AWS Partner Second Front, a member of the AWS Global Security & Compliance Acceleration (GSCA) program and using its Game Warden DevSecOps platform on AWS GovCloud (US), Collaboration.Ai secured a Certificate to Field (CTF) for DoD networks in less than 90 days. The deployment was accelerated further by using a custom registry of secure, minimal container images from AWS Partner Chainguard. This approach saved nearly two years of work and $2 million in compliance costs, swiftly opening access to the US federal government market.

    • Financial Services

      Affirm Reduces Manual Security Response Efforts by 50% with AWS Partner Expel

      United States

      Affirm is a payment network that empowers consumers and helps merchants drive growth through flexible and transparent financing options. The company wanted to streamline its security operations program to address manual triage, decentralized tooling, and increasing alert fatigue. AWS Partner Expel offered a managed detection and response (MDR) service that integrated seamlessly with Affirm’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. Expel MDRTM centralizes monitoring, automates routine tasks, and enhances detection and response workflows Expel reduced the volume of security alerts fielded by engineers by 50 percent and helped Affirm scale the foundations of its security operations program efficiently.

    1 30
  • 网络研讨会
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    • AWS 能力合作伙伴解决方案

      由 AWS 解决方案架构师和 AWS 能力合作伙伴主持的这一网络研讨会系列包含技术课程、现场演示、客户示例和专家问答环节。活动主题涵盖人工智能/机器学习 (AI/ML)、迁移、IoT 和安全性等内容。

  • APN TV
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    • Success Story

      Industrial Software

      Sonatus Accelerates Vehicle Software Innovation

      AWS Industrial

      Hear how the Sonatus Vehicle Platform built on AWS, with real-time data collection, enables the transition towards software-defined vehicles. Understand the technologies that empower automakers with more dynamic capabilities to harness vehicle data, add features, and diagnose problems without the cost and disruption of developing and deploying software updates.

    • Success Story

      Industrial Software

      Increase production performance with Siemens and AWS

      AWS Industrial

      Discover how Siemens and AWS can help you to increase production performance, lower your costs and get energy sustainability.

    • Success Story

      Business Applications; AI/ML; Storage; Front-End Web & Mobile

      Pennylane reaches more customers, scales with HubSpot for startups & AWS


      Pennylane, an all-in-one financial management platform, leverages AWS to scale to more than 100k customers in just a few years. HubSpot for Startups has helped Pennylane reach more customers and increase conversion rates.

    1 366
  • 电子书
  • 促进云中的成功和安全性

    查看如何在 AWS 和 AWS 安全能力合作伙伴的支持下创建可靠的云治理策略。

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    安全 AWS 工作负载的蓝图

    了解 CrowdStrike Falcon 和 AWS Security Hub 的组合如何对 AWS 服务发出的威胁提示进行集中的自动化管理。

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    检测和保护您在 AWS 上的数据

    了解如何通过 AWS 和 AWS 合作伙伴 McAfee 检测和纠正安全误配置、确保工作负载和容器的安全,以及保护应用程序中的数据。

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    了解如何通过来自 AWS 和 AWS 合作伙伴 Trend Micro 的开发运维安全解决方案在 AWS 上将安全整合到开发运维流程中,以简化安全管理并提高可视性。

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  • 博客
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