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    결과를 찾을 수 없습니다.

    • Retail

      VMEngine and AWS Help Yeppon to 40% Savings and 30% Faster Web Performance


      Italian ecommerce company Yeppon sells a range of goods from electronics to clothes and has a total inventory of over 400,000 items. In 7 years, it grew its sales from €1 million to €38.5 million but needed to improve its website to support its growth. The company turned to AWS Partner VMEngine for help with optimization, security, and automating processes to improve scalability. The migration cut 40 percent from IT costs while speeding up website performance by 30 percent.

    • General Public Services

      Bat Conservation Trust gets Better Bat Counts Using Lambert Labs to Build Scalable Solution on AWS

      United Kingdom

      The Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) is a UK-based nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the conservation of bats and their habitats. The BCT uses a variety of recording devices, such as the AudioMoth, to record bat activity at hundreds of locations across the UK. The recordings are then analyzed to identify the species of bats, their numbers, and their activity. This involves processing large volumes of data—one night’s recording of a single site can easily generate 30 GB or more, and this amounts to hundreds of terabytes when multiplied across many sites and dates. BCT needed a timely, reliable, scalable, and cost-effective way to ingest, analyze, and store its data. Working with AWS Partner Lambert Labs, it increased processing speeds, cut costs, and has been able to grow its coverage.

    • Media & Entertainment

      MyOnvent & SafeINIT


      Digital events provider myOnvent worked with AWS Partner safeINIT to completely re-engineer its application through containerization and introduce auto-scaling capabilities using Amazon Web Services (AWS). The company faced a particular scalability challenge—it needed to correctly provision for virtual events when accurately forecasting audience numbers was problematic. myOnvent’s manual scaling solution was time-consuming, resource-intensive, and—because of the tendency to over provision as insurance against downtime and poor user experience—unnecessarily costly. Now myOnvent’s infrastructure has improved scalability and performance, enhanced reliability and availability, accelerated time-to-market, and greater cost optimization.

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  • 블로그
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    해당 기준과 일치하는 블로그를 찾을 수 없습니다.
    • Jini Park, Dongsoo Koo, 2024.07.08
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    • Jungseob Shin, 2024.03.22
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