Posted On: May 24, 2018

Hello! Bonjour! 안녕하세요! 你好! こんにちは! Hallo! Ciao! Hola! Olá!

Today, AWS made the AWS Organizations console available in French, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese. The availability of the Organizations console in nine total languages - English was previously available - supports our increasingly international customer base for organization administration.

AWS Organizations offers policy-based management for multiple AWS accounts. With Organizations, you can create groups of accounts and then apply policies to those groups. Organizations enables you to centrally manage policies across multiple accounts, without requiring custom scripts and manual processes.

Using AWS Organizations, you can create Service Control Policies (SCPs) that centrally control AWS service use across multiple AWS accounts. You can also use Organizations to help automate the creation of new accounts through APIs. Organizations helps simplify the billing for multiple accounts by enabling you to setup a single payment method for all the accounts in your organization through consolidated billing. AWS Organizations is available to all AWS customers at no additional charge.

For more information about AWS Organizations, see the AWS Organizations home page.