Posted On: Jun 21, 2018

Starting today, you can create and co-author Microsoft Office files in real time in the Amazon WorkDocs web application using collaborative editing powered by Hancom Thinkfree Office Online. Users can now create new documents, worksheets, and presentations, share with co-workers, and have them make changes to files directly from a web browser. Users can also collaboratively edit Microsoft Office files from the WorkDocs web application using Hancom Thinkfree Office Online. 

With collaborative editing, users can work together to create content, and make changes to their Microsoft Office files without having to worry about switching applications or file formats. IT administrators do not have to worry about deploying additional software, or purchasing and managing software licenses. This feature provides one more way for users to create and edit content directly in Amazon WorkDocs, by integrating with Hancom Thinkfree Office Online.

To get started, site administrators need to enable the feature in the admin console of their WorkDocs site. Once enabled, users can click the New menu option to create a document, worksheet, or presentation. Users can also click the Edit menu option when viewing a Microsoft Office file in the WorkDocs web application. This opens the file for editing, and anyone with edit permissions can also edit the file at the same time. Edits are automatically saved in WorkDocs, and the changes are available to anyone with access to the content.

The feature is offered to customers at no additional cost for all Amazon WorkDocs users, is now available in the US West (Oregon) Region and will become available in all AWS regions where WorkDocs is available, in 2 weeks time. To learn more about Amazon WorkDocs, or to start your 30-day trial, please visit Amazon WorkDocs.