Posted On: Oct 18, 2018

You can now use an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) optimized for Amazon Elastic Container Services (ECS) based on Amazon Linux 2 (AL2).

Previously, the latest version of the ECS-optimized AMI was based on Amazon Linux 2018.03, which is the previous generation of Amazon Linux. Therefore, ECS customers had to customize their own AMIs in order to take advantage of the stability and security of AL2.

Now, with the new ECS-optimized AL2 AMI, ECS customers can automatically provision and run ECS AL2 instances with no additional work. The AMI includes all of the software and configuration necessary to run ECS, including the ECS Agent, which runs on all ECS instances and is used to manage ECS tasks and services.

To learn more about the the ECS-optimized AL2 AMI, read our documentation.