Posted On: Oct 8, 2018

AWS IoT Device Management now provides two new jobs timeout configurations, in progress timeouts and step timeouts, which provide additional mechanisms to control and track executions for jobs running on devices. Jobs let you send remote actions to one or many devices at once, control the deployment of your jobs to your devices, and track the current and historical status of your jobs running on each device.

In progress timeouts allow customers to configure the time period that a job execution must reach a terminal state while it is in progress. This can help you easily identify situations where you may have a stuck job execution, such as if a device goes offline or if a firmware update is stuck in a loop. In progress timeouts are easily configured as an optional parameter during the creation of a job.

You can also configure a step timeout duration, which can be used to set a time period in which a particular execution step within a device's job must be completed. An example is to set a step timeout for which a device's download or validation of a firmware binary should be completed during an over-the-air (OTA) update. The step timeout duration can be updated by a device as it executes and completes each step within a job.

You can start using these jobs timeout configurations either through the AWS console or the AWS IoT Device Management APIs. To learn more about AWS IoT Device Management, please visit our website.