Posted On: Oct 10, 2018

AWS Cost Explorer’s Reserved Instance (RI) Utilization and Coverage reports provide you with the ability to visualize your utilization and coverage trends both at a high level (e.g., utilization across all Amazon RDS reservations) or for highly-specific requests (e.g., utilization of all regional Amazon EC2 reservations owned by a particular linked account).

Starting today, you can view utilization and coverage information for your Amazon Elasticsearch reservations via AWS Cost Explorer. Using these reports, you can access information regarding your RI-related savings, RI hours purchased, and more over a user-defined time frame. From there, you can further refine the underlying dataset using the available filtering dimensions, which include Instance Type, Region, and Platform. Once you have refined the view of your data to meet your needs, you can save your progress as a custom report and refer back to it later.

To learn more about getting started using AWS Cost Explorer’s RI Utilization and Coverage reports, please refer to the Reserved Instance Reporting webpage or the Analyzing your costs with Cost Explorer user guide.