Posted On: Apr 8, 2019

AWS Elemental MediaStore now supports chunked object transfer, a standard that lets you build ultra-low latency end-to-end workflows for over-the-top (OTT) video. When using chunked object transfer to deliver segmented objects, your video segments are split into smaller chunks that can be played before the complete segment is delivered. Video players can begin playback by requesting video from CDNs such as Amazon CloudFront, which in turn can start downloading the beginning of a video segment from MediaStore while the encoder is still in the process of writing the end of that same segment.

For example, consider a workflow that uses MediaStore and CloudFront to deliver video with Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) delivery protocol using six-second video segments. With chunked object transfer, you no longer need to wait for the complete six-second segment to be written to MediaStore before you begin delivery to clients. As chunked segments are written to MediaStore, chunks within the segment immediately become available for delivery via CloudFront to viewers on the internet. This reduces the end-to-end latency, measured from source to screen, without lowering bitrates or shortening the video segment duration, which can reduce video quality and increase the likelihood of rebuffering.

AWS Elemental MediaStore and Amazon CloudFront anchor a scalable end-to-end live streaming video workflow that can achieve sub-four-second latency from source to screen, enhancing the audience experience at the scale required for high-profile live events and gaming experiences. When MediaStore is used with CloudFront, you benefit from optimized network performance, simplified administration, and better economics with reduced data transfer costs.

You can get started using chunked object transfer with MediaStore and CloudFront today. There are no additional charges for using chunked object transfer with either MediaStore or CloudFront; you simply pay for what you use on each service at the same low rates.

Visit the AWS global region table for a full list of AWS Regions where AWS Elemental MediaStore is available.