Posted On: May 8, 2019

AWS Secrets Manager enables you to store, distribute, and rotate secrets such as database credentials and API keys through their lifecycle. Now, you can use Secrets Manager client-side caching libraries in Python, .NET, and Go to use these secrets in your applications easily.

In 2018, Secrets Manager launched client-side caching libraries in Java and JDBC. Client-side caching can help you improve the availability of using your secrets by reducing the impact of network availability issues, such as increased response times and temporary loss of network connectivity. It can also reduce the cost of using Secrets Manager by reducing the number of API requests made to and billed by Secrets Manager. The libraries update the cache periodically, ensuring your applications use the most up to date secret value, which you may have configured to rotate regularly. Learn more about client-side caching libraries.

Secrets Manager is available in the Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Paris, Stockholm), South America (São Paulo), US West (N. California, Oregon), and US East (N. Virginia, Ohio) regions. Visit the AWS Secrets Manager website to get started.