Posted On: May 8, 2019

Amazon RDS Performance Insights, a database performance tuning and monitoring feature that makes it easy to diagnose and solve performance issues on Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS), now supports additional counter metrics on Amazon RDS for Oracle in addition to RDS for MySQL, RDS for MariaDB, RDS for PostgreSQL, Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL. With counter metrics, you can customize the Performance Insights dashboard to include up to 10 additional graphs that show a selection from dozens of operating system and database performance metrics. Counter metrics provide additional information that can be correlated with the database load chart to help identify and analyze performance.

Here's an example of a Performance Insights dashboard showing a counter metric for user calls per second:

Performance Insights allows experts as well as non-experts to detect performance problems with an easy-to-understand dashboard that visualizes database load.  It supports Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility, Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle, with additional database engines coming soon.

For more information about Amazon RDS Performance Insights, please visit the product page. For regional availability, see the Performance Insights pricing page.