AWS Compute Blog

Implementing Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection using Terraform

This blog post is written by Christian Melendez, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, Flexible Compute – EC2 Spot and Carlos Manzanedo Rueda, WW SA Leader, Flexible Compute – EC2 Spot. In this blog post we will cover the release of Terraform support for Attribute-Based Instance Type Selection (ABS). ABS simplifies the configuration required to acquire compute […]

CloudWatch Console

Capturing GPU Telemetry on the Amazon EC2 Accelerated Computing Instances

This post is written by Amr Ragab, Principal Solutions Architect EC2. AWS is excited to announce the native integration of monitoring GPU metrics through the CloudWatch Agent. Customers can now easily monitor GPU utilization and its memory to scale their workloads more effectively without custom scripts. In this post, we’ll describe how to allow GPU […]

Workflow architecture

Combining Amazon AppFlow with AWS Step Functions to maximize application integration benefits

This blog post explores how to integrate Amazon AppFlow and AWS Glue using Step Functions to automate your business requirements. You can use AWS Lambda to simplify the configuration phase and reduce state transitions or create complex checks, filters, or even data cleansing and preparation.

Architecture overview - Lambda functions on AWS Outposts

Running AWS Lambda functions on AWS Outposts using AWS IoT Greengrass

This blog post is written by Adam Imeson, Sr. Hybrid Edge Specialist Solution Architect. Today, AWS customers can deploy serverless applications in AWS Regions using a variety of AWS services. Customers can also use AWS Outposts to deploy fully managed AWS infrastructure at virtually any datacenter, colocation space, or on-premises facility. AWS Outposts extends the […]

Lambda layers

Extending PowerShell on AWS Lambda with other services

This post expands on the functionality introduced with the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda. The previous blog explains how the custom runtime approach makes it easier to run Lambda functions written in PowerShell. You can add additional functionality to your PowerShell serverless applications by importing PowerShell modules, which are shareable packages of code. Build your own […]

Event sampling

Testing Amazon EventBridge events using AWS Step Functions

This blog post outlines how to use Step Functions, Lambda, SQS, DynamoDB, and S3 to create a workflow that automates the testing of EventBridge events. With this example, you can send events to the EventBridge Event Tester endpoint to verify that event delivery is successful or identify the root cause for event delivery failures.

Relative performance comparison for requesting a static webpage

Making your Go workloads up to 20% faster with Go 1.18 and AWS Graviton

This blog post was written by Syl Taylor, Professional Services Consultant. In March 2022, the highly anticipated Go 1.18 was released. Go 1.18 brings to the language some long-awaited features and additions, such as generics. It also brings significant performance improvements for Arm’s 64-bit architecture used in AWS Graviton server processors. In this post, we […]