AWS for Games Blog

Announcing Per-Second Billing for Amazon GameLift

Amazon GameLift puts the power in your hands to create the perfect balance between cost efficiency and a great experience for your players. The ability to use an instance for an hour, and to pay only for that hour (as well as our FlexMatch, game session queues, autoscaling features), has enabled you to scale capacity to player demand in an optimal and cost effective way.

Today, we move one step further, introducing per-second billing for game instances, making Amazon GameLift more cost efficient than ever before.

While per-second billing will bring cost reductions, we believe this change will also give you the ability to tighten control over your game, giving you further flexibility to select a configuration that scales capacity to handle sudden player spikes and manage idle instances down to the last second.

Starting October 2nd, all newly launched and already running Linux-based Amazon GameLift instances in all of the 14 available AWS Regions will be billed per instance-second. Visit the pricing page to learn more. Per-second billing is not currently applicable to instances running Microsoft Windows

As part of the AWS free tier, you can get started with Amazon GameLift for free. Find out more and begin your free trial today.

Ellie Lawson

Ellie Lawson

Ellie Lawson a Sr. Marketing Manager at AWS, responsible for engagement and storytelling with AWS leading cloud innovators. She comes from a background in industry marketing, with a special focus in games and media & entertainment technology.