Microsoft Workloads on AWS

Category: .NET

Reserve your seat: Microsoft workloads on AWS sessions-including .NET-at re:Invent 2022

Reserve your seat: Microsoft workloads on AWS sessions–including .NET–at re:Invent 2022

In just a few weeks, Amazon Web Services (AWS) will host its 11th annual re:Invent for both in-person and virtual attendees. Join us in Las Vegas from November 28th through December 2nd for a full week of keynotes, leadership sessions, bootcamps, breakout content, and technical deep dives. This year, there is a new Enterprise & […]

Accelerate .NET modernization with AWS Toolkit for .NET Refactoring

Accelerate .NET modernization with AWS Toolkit for .NET Refactoring

Today we are announcing the general availability of AWS Toolkit for .NET Refactoring, an extension for Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2022. This extension helps transform your legacy .NET Framework applications to a modern, cloud-optimized architecture, letting you fully leverage the benefits of reduced cost, increased uptime, and improved scalability.

Port legacy VB.NET applications to .NET 6.0 with Porting Assistant for .NET

Since its release in 2002, Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) has been a popular choice for software developers creating Windows-based applications. With the release of .NET 6.0, some exciting changes are available for developers. This version of .NET boasts some amazing features that are sure to make your applications faster, more reliable, and easier to maintain. […]

How to load .NET configuration from AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager helps you protect secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources. It enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve secrets used by your application, eliminating the need to hard-code sensitive information in plain text. You can use the Secrets Manager client to retrieve secrets using AWS SDK for .NET. However, this would require code changes and add to the complexity of your code, as you need to invoke the client whenever you need to read data stored in Secrets Manager. Instead, you can use the .NET configuration system – an extensible API used to read and manage application secrets. This lets developers use a familiar API to access secrets in secure storage and reduce complexity by using a single code path for all environments. Additionally, the provider lets existing applications move to Secrets Manager without making any code changes.

Using AWS Services for distributed caching in ASP.NET Core Web Applications

Software development engineers invest thought and effort into optimizing the performance of the applications they build, often using strategies such as caching frequently used data, moving code closer to the users, optimizing code, optimizing data access and disk I/O, and response compression. In this blog post, we explore one such optimization – caching in ASP.NET […]

Monitor applications and AWS infrastructure using Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights

Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights helps you monitor your applications and AWS infrastructure running those applications by providing easy monitoring setup and a holistic view into the health of your applications. You begin with CloudWatch Application Insights discovering the applications in your AWS Resource Groups or account. Then, it will identify and set up metrics, logs, […]

Setting up monitors for .NET Application and SQL Server using Application Insights

Many Windows-based applications are .NET applications. They use SQL Server in the backend to retrieve and persist data. Often in the journey to the cloud, a rehost decision is made for such a solution using a simple lift-and-shift approach. When such applications are hosted on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Windows platform, native […]

Modernizing ASP.NET Web Forms applications to Blazor using Porting Assistant for .NET

ASP.NET Web Forms has been a part of the .NET Framework since its initial release in 2002 and continues to power many web applications today. Customers want to modernize these applications to ASP.NET Core to realize cost savings, enhance performance, and increased agility. However, the .NET team confirmed that Web Forms will not be ported to ASP.NET Core. This means […]

How Tyler Technologies improved access to justice during the COVID-19 pandemic using .NET on AWS

By Zovin Khanmohammed – Software Architect at Tyler Technologies     Arun Krishnaswamy – Sr. Solutions Architect at AWS (Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: TYL) is the largest provider of software to the United States public sector. The end-to-end solutions that Tyler provides empower the public sector to create smarter, safer, and stronger communities.) This blog post […]

Announcing AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET

These days customers are increasingly looking to modernize internally developed applications. These applications could be internet facing products, which were developed as monolithic applications, or applications designed to help with internal processes. Customers seeking to modernize applications have a variety of goals that include making their applications more stable, and moving to newer technologies such […]