AWS Cloud Operations Blog

How to isolate signed-in users from guest users within Amazon CloudWatch RUM

Real user monitoring (RUM) helps web application owners monitor the performance of client-side applications running on end-user devices. For example, RUM can help application owners detect when end-users are experiencing slow page load speeds, application errors, network errors, or issues with the application’s user interface.

Amazon CloudWatch RUM is a managed RUM service which is integrated into the Amazon CloudWatch ecosystem. CloudWatch RUM collects data from your client-side application and exports this data to the following AWS observability services:

  1. Client-side metrics are exported to CloudWatch Metrics
  2. Client-side events are exported to CloudWatch RUM’s event storage
  3. Client-side logs are exported to CloudWatch Logs
  4. Client-side traces are exported to AWS X-Ray

Once your RUM data is in the CloudWatch ecosystem, you can use existing tools to monitor, analyze, and debug your client-side applications.

However, when ingesting data into your CloudWatch RUM app monitor, you must consider data authenticity. RUM data is “authentic” when an actual user of your application generates it and is otherwise “inauthentic.” For example, RUM data generated by bot users are inauthentic. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how to gain confidence that your RUM data is authentic by isolating data sent by signed-in users from data sent by guest users.

How CloudWatch RUM authorizes data

All clients that send data to your CloudWatch RUM “Add app monitor” must be authorized to do so. This gives you control over which users send data to your RUM “Add app monitor”. When you create a RUM “Add app monitor” using the CloudWatch RUM console, by default an Amazon Cognito identity pool is created that permits guest users to write data to the “Add app monitor”. The following screenshot shows this configuration in the CloudWatch RUM console.

Above screenshot shows the authorization panel of the CloudWatch RUM console’s create app monitor wizard. The default option, the radio button labeled “Create new identity pool”, is selected.

Figure 1: By default, when creating an app monitor, the CloudWatch RUM console creates a new Cognito identity pool.

With this configuration, when you onboard your application to CloudWatch RUM, you won’t need to configure authorization. The data will simply appear in your account.  The following diagram shows the authorization flow for guest users. By default, the identity provider will be Amazon Cognito.

A component diagram shows the interactions between the application and AWS to acquire AWS credentials for a guest user. The user doesn’t sign in to retrieve a token from the identity provider.

Figure 2: A component diagram showing guest-user authentication interactions.

This authorization flow performs the following steps:

  1. The application is given a token by the identity provider (without signing in to the application).
  2. The application provides the token to AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) in exchange for temporary AWS credentials.
  3. The application signs the monitoring data using the AWS credentials and sends the data to the “Add app monitor”.

However, if your application has signed-in users, at some point, you may want to restrict the ability to write data to your “Add app monitor” to only those users who have signed in. The following diagram shows the authorization flow for signed-in users.

A component diagram shows the interactions between the application and AWS to acquire AWS credentials for a signed-in user. The user must sign in to retrieve a token from the identity provider.

Figure 3: A component diagram showing signed-in-user authentication interactions.

This authorization flow performs the following steps:

  1. The user signs in to the application.
  2. The application is given a token by the identity provider.
  3. The application provides the token to AWS STS in exchange for temporary AWS credentials.
  4. The application signs the monitoring data using the AWS credentials and sends the data to the “Add app monitor”.

The key difference between the authorization flow for signed-in and guest users is that is that in the case of the signed-in user, the user must sign into the application before being given a token by the identity provider.

Gain confidence that RUM data is authentic

In general, monitoring data generated by client-side applications is untrusted because end-users have control over the application and can manipulate data before it’s sent to the monitoring provider. Since RUM operates exclusively in the client-side application space, both you and your RUM provider must take steps to mitigate the impact of RUM data which, maliciously or accidentally, wasn’t generated by a real user of the application. I will refer to this data as inauthentic. When you allow unauthenticated users to send data to your RUM provider, the risk of receiving inauthentic data increases because users can visit your website and send data to your RUM provider anonymously. This scenario is visualized below, where guest users and bad bots anonymously send RUM data to a CloudWatch RUM “Add app monitor”.

A component diagram shows unauthenticated guest users and bad bots sending RUM data to a CloudWatch RUM app monitor.

Figure 4: Unauthenticated app monitors have a larger attack surface

To add a layer of protection against this scenario, you can restrict the ability to send data to your RUM provider to a set of authorized users. For example, you can do this by accepting data only from users who have signed in to your application. This reduces the likelihood of receiving inauthentic data by reducing the attack surface (fewer users can send data to your RUM provider), and makes it easier to mitigate inauthentic data by blocking data from the specific users who are generating that data. This scenario is visualized below, where signed-in users and signed-in good bots send RUM data to a CloudWatch RUM “Add app monitor”.

A component diagram shows authenticated users and good bots sending RUM data to a CloudWatch RUM app monitor.

Figure 5: Authenticated users and good bots should send RUM data to a separate app monitor.

However, for many web applications, users may use the application in either a signed-in (authenticated) state, or a guest (unauthenticated) state. For example, sign-in pages represent a situation where users are in an an unauthenticated state. In such cases, the best practice is to isolate data sent by signed-in users from data sent by guest users. You can achieve this by using two separate app monitors: one “authenticated” “Add app monitor” for signed-in users, and one “unauthenticated” “Add app monitor” for guest users.

Step 1: Create separate app monitors for signed-in and guest users

I’ll use the Retail Demo Store (links to an external GitHub page) web application as a running example. The Retail Demo Store is an open-source sample web application provided by AWS. The Retail Demo Store allows both signed-in and guest users to add items to their cart, and check out. Users can switch between the signed-in state and the guest state at any time. As discussed above, the best practice is to isolate the RUM data sent by signed-in users from the RUM data sent by guest users, by using two RUM “app monitors”.

First, I open the CloudWatch RUM console to create two RUM app monitors: one for signed-in users and one for guest users. From the landing page, I select the “Add app monitor” button.

A screenshot shows the landing page of the CloudWatch RUM console.

Figure 6: The landing page of the CloudWatch RUM console

Next, in the “app monitor” workflow, I name the first “app monitor” “RetailDemoStore_Unauthenticated”. I will use this “app monitor” for guest users.

A screenshot shows the “Add app monitor” workflow of the CloudWatch RUM console.

Figure 7: The “Add app monitor” workflow of the CloudWatch RUM console

The Retail Demo Store already has Cognito identities and corresponding AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for both guest users and signed-in users. I re-use these roles to authorize data sent to CloudWatch RUM. Since I’ll set up authorization later, in the Authorization pane, I select the option “Use private authentication from existing provider”.

A screenshot shows the authorization panel of the CloudWatch RUM console’s create app monitor wizard. The radio button labeled “Use private authentication from existing provider” is selected.

Figure 8: I select “Use private authentication from existing provider”

At the bottom of the “Add app monitor” workflow, I select “Add app monitor” and then at the bottom of the “Code snippet” workflow, I select Done.

Finally, I repeat this process to create a second app monitor named RetailDemoStore_Authenticated. I will use this app monitor for signed-in users.

And voila – I have the two RUM app monitors!

A screenshot shows the “List view” tab of the CloudWatch RUM console. The list contains two RUM app monitors: “RetailDemoStore_Authenticated” and “RetailDemoStore_Unauthenticated”.

Figure 9: One app monitor for authenticated users and one app monitor for unauthenticated users

Step 2: Grant signed-in and guest user roles permission to send data to app monitors

Now I grant the relevant IAM roles permission to send data to the two app monitors created in Step 1. First, I update the role for authenticated users and open the IAM console and navigate to the authenticated user role. Then, I create an inline policy named “PutRumEvents” and define the policy with the following JSON:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "rum:PutRumEvents",
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:rum:us-west-2:000000000000:app monitor/RetailDemoStore_Authenticated"

Next, I update the role for unauthenticated users. Still in the IAM console, I navigate to the unauthenticated user role, create an inline policy named “PutRumEvents” and define the policy with the following JSON.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "rum:PutRumEvents",
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:rum:us-west-2:000000000000:app monitor/RetailDemoStore_Unauthenticated"

These IAM roles now have permission to write data to our app monitors. Signed-in users and guest users will now gain authorization to send data to CloudWatch RUM when they assume these roles through AWS STS.

Step 3: Instrument the web application to simultaneously send data to two app monitors

Now I am ready to instrument the Retail Demo Store to collect data using the CloudWatch RUM web client. First, I install the CloudWatch RUM web client in the Retail Demo Store from NPM.

npm install aws-rum-web

Next, in the start-up script of the Retail Demo Store (`index.js`), I create configurations for my two app monitors.

const cwrGuestArgs = {
  id: "390ac3eb-8093-4073-b2e0-acefeaed0923",
  version: "1.0.0",
  region: "us-west-2",
  config: {
    allowCookies: true,
    // We will use the Vue.js router to record page views
    disableAutoPageView: true,
    endpoint: "",
    // The Retail Demo Store uses Cognito's enhanced authflow, which does not
    // allow CloudWatch RUM to be used with unauthenticated identities.
    // Instead, we let the CloudWatch RUM web client acquire AWS credentials
    // itself (using Cognito's basic authflow) by providing the guestRoleArn and
    // identityPoolId of the unauthenticated identity.
    identityPoolId: "us-west-2:5fb83c00-3725-4c13-8af7-8e167b1b7751",
    telemetries: ["errors", "performance"],
    enabled: false,
    // Since there are multiple RUM instances, we must use unique cookie names.
    cookieAttributes: { unique: true },

const cwrAuthArgs = {
  id: "f844d388-8717-4011-b93f-c5f927ee1fe1",
  version: "1.0.0",
  region: "us-west-2",
  config: {
    allowCookies: true,
    // We will use the Vue.js router to record page views
    disableAutoPageView: true,
    endpoint: "",
    telemetries: ["errors", "performance"],
    enabled: false,
    // Since there are multiple RUM instances, we must use unique cookie names.
    cookieAttributes: { unique: true },

Next, still in the start-up script, I create two instances of the CloudWatch RUM web client: one for the authenticated app monitor, and one for the unauthenticated app monitor. Both instances of the web client begin in the disabled state, which means that they won’t yet record data. If the current user is the guest user, the unauthenticated app monitor is enabled. If the current user is signed in, the authenticated app monitor is enabled. Because one of the web client instances is enabled immediately after instantiation, there’s no risk of losing monitoring data from initializing them in the disabled state.

let activeRum;
let authRum;
let guestRum;

try {
  authRum = createRum(cwrAuthArgs);
  guestRum = createRum(cwrGuestArgs);

  if (authenticated) {
    activeRum = authRum;
    enableRum(authRum, cwrAuthArgs);
  } else {
    activeRum = guestRum;
    enableRum(guestRum, cwrGuestArgs);
} catch (error) {
  // Ignore errors thrown during CloudWatch RUM web client initialization

function setRumCredentials(rum, cwrArgs) {
  if (!cwrArgs.config.identityPoolId) {
    Auth.currentCredentials().then((credentials) => {

function recordPageView(rum) {
  if (router) {

function enableRum(rum, cwrArgs) {
  setRumCredentials(rum, cwrArgs);

Next, I add an event listener to detect when the user logs in or logs out.

function switchRum(from, to, cwrArgs) {
  enableRum(to, cwrArgs);
  activeRum = to;

// Event handler for authentication
AmplifyEventBus.$on("authState", async (state) => {
  try {
    if (state === "signedOut") {
      // User has signed out -- switch to guest user app monitor
      switchRum(authRum, guestRum, cwrGuestArgs);
    } else {
      // User has signed in -- switch to signed-in user app monitor
      switchRum(guestRum, authRum, cwrAuthArgs);
  } catch (error) {
    // Ignore errors thrown during CloudWatch RUM web client initialization

Finally, I hook into the Vue.js router to record page views.

const recordPageViewCallback = (to) => {

Signed-in and guest user journeys

Now that I have instrumented the application, I’ll try out the app monitors! I open my instance of the Retail Demo Store and navigate it as follows:

  1. From the welcome page, I select “Sign in”
  2. From the sign in page, I select “Sign in”
  3. From the home page, I select a product
  4. From the product page, I select “Add to cart” and “View cart”
  5. From the cart page, I select “Checkout” and “Place your order”
  6. From the home page, I select “Sign out”

Now I view the user journeys for this interaction. I open the CloudWatch RUM console, open the “RetailDemoStore_Unauthenticated” app monitor, and select the User journey tab. The following screenshot shows the user journey for the unauthenticated guest user session. The session pauses on the sign in page (/auth) after the user logs in and resumes on the index page (/) after the user logs out.

A screenshot shows the user journey for the unauthenticated app monitor in the CloudWatch RUM console.

Figure 10: The user journey view for the unauthenticated app monitor

Next, I open the”RetailDemoStore_Authenticated” app monitor, and select the User journey tab. The following screenshot shows the user journey for the authenticated, signed-in user session. The session begins on the sign in page (/auth) after the user logs in, and ends on the index page (/), where the user logs out.

A screenshot shows the user journey for the authenticated app monitor in the CloudWatch RUM console.

Figure 11: The user journey view for the authenticated app monitor


Because monitoring data generated by client-side applications is untrusted, you can gain confidence that your RUM data is authentic by isolating signed-in user traffic from guest user traffic. In this post, I demonstrated how to do this by instrumenting the Retail Demo Store application with two CloudWatch RUM app monitors: one for signed-in user traffic and one for guest user traffic. Authorization is one layer or protection that CloudWatch RUM provides to help you ingest client-side monitoring data into the CloudWatch ecosystem, including CloudWatch Metrics, CloudWatch RUM, CloudWatch Logs and AWS X-Ray. Using these observability services can help client-side application owners detect and resolve issues such as slow page load speeds, application errors, network errors, and issues with the application’s user interface.

Next steps

In this post, I instrumented the Retail Demo Store with CloudWatch RUM. However, your application may have unique requirements that differ from that of the Retail Demo Store. For example, your application may use an identity provider other than Amazon Cognito identity pools. While this demo can serve as a starting point, you can learn more about CloudWatch RUM configuration and authorization by reading:

  1. The CloudWatch RUM user documentation
  2. The CloudWatch RUM web client documentation
  3. The Amazon Cognito identity pools (federated identities) authentication flow


Quinn Hanam

Quinn Hanam is a Software Development Engineer at AWS where he works on cloud-based software monitoring and testing services. Prior to AWS, Quinn was a researcher at the University of British Columbia, Google, and BlackBerry, specializing in software testing and analysis.

Rich McDonough

Rich McDonough is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect for AWS based in Toronto. His primary focus is on Cloud Operations, helping customers scale their use of AWS safely and securely, and guiding customers in their adoption of observability practices and services. Before joining AWS in 2018, he specialized in helping migrate customers into the cloud.