AWS Open Source Blog

Deploying an AWS Lambda function with the serverless framework and Tekton

This article is a guest post from Sebastien Goasguen, co-founder of TriggerMesh.

Deploying AWS Lambda functions with the serverless framework is arguably the easiest way to deploy functions and configure how they get triggered. If you want to automate your function deployment, you will most likely do so via your CI/CD workflow. A CI/CD pipeline can be implemented in many different ways using a variety of tools (e.g., Jenkins, AWS CodePipeline, Google Cloud Build, CircleCI, Bamboo, Rundeck). In March 2019, the Linux Foundation announced the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), whose mission is to provide a neutral home to collaborate on the development of the next generation continuous delivery systems. Tekton, which provides Kubernetes-like API resources to describe CI/CD pipelines, is an open source Google project hosted by the CDF.

In this article, we explain how to use Tekton to automate the deployment of AWS Lambda functions using the serverless framework. We start with a quick review of the serverless framework, and then dive into Tekton core API objects.

Serverless framework

The serverless framework has become the go-to tool to develop AWS Lambda functions and for good reasons: With a properly configured AWS account you can get started with Lambda extremely quickly.

Getting started

First install the serverless framework and generate a skeleton for a Python function:

npm install -g serverless
serverless create -t aws-python3

The resulting skeleton written in the working directory is:

└── serverless.yml

The function is stored in the file and the manifest describing how to deploy the function and how it gets invoked is serverless.yml.
To be able to reach your function from the internet, you must edit the serverless.yml manifest and set the functions section like so:

    handler: handler.hello
      - http:
          path: /
          method: get

To deploy the function:

serverless deploy

Once the deployment is finished, information describing the function on stdout is shown, similar to:

Service Information
service: foo
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: foo-dev
resources: 9
api keys:
  GET -
  hello: foo-dev-hello
Serverless: Run the "serverless" command to setup monitoring, troubleshooting and testing.

Now you can call the publicly-accessible endpoint and parse the output to get a nice message from the serverless framework:

curl -s | jq .message
"Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!"

This is straightforward, however, as mentioned in the introduction you will most likely deploy and update your functions through a CI/CD pipeline, which could be a traditional CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins, or one of the SaaS solutions available. Or, if you want your CI/CD pipeline to execute within your Kubernetes cluster and be defined through a Kubernetes-like API, you should give Tekton a try.

An introduction to Tekton concepts

Tekton is a set of API objects that can be used to describe your CI/CD pipeline and run the pipeline in a Kubernetes cluster.

Tekton provides a Kubernetes-native API (thanks to custom resources) to express CI/CD pipeline. This in itself is a worthy development in a world that has become Kubernetes-centric.

The Tekton API is composed of five key objects:

  1. Task: Describes a set of steps that will get executed within containers. The Task specification is similar to a Kubernetes Pod.
  2. TaskRun: Object that triggers the execution of a Task and defines the set of input and output necessary for the Task to run.
  3. Pipeline: Set of Tasks that need to be executed.
  4. PipelineRun: Object that triggers the execution of the Pipeline.
  5. PipelineResource: Defines what can be used as input and output of a Task.

To learn more about the Pipeline object, check out the tutorial on GitHub.

In the final section of this article, we will concentrate on the Task object and use it to deploy an AWS Lambda function.

Deploying Lambdas with Tekton

Now that we have seen in the previous section how to deploy an AWS Lambda function with the serverless framework and we have quickly covered the Tekton concepts, let’s connect the two.

What we need to do is:

  • Define a GitHub repository that contains our function code as a PipelineResource object.
  • Create a Task object that will run serverless deploy.
  • Execute the Task by creating a TaskRun object referencing the Task and the PipelineResource as input.
  • Check the logs of the Pod that executes that Task and see the function deployment happening.

The YAML manifests that are shown are all available on GitHub. To start, you can clone the repo to get easy access to the sample files:

git clone
cd klr-demo

Or you can get the manifests directly via curl like so:


The PipelineResource has the following shape, which will be familiar to all Kubernetes users. You see an API version, a kind, the name of the object defined in the metadata section, and in the spec section you will see the URL of the git repository, which contains our function code.

kind: PipelineResource
  name: klr-demo
  type: git
  - name: revision
    value: master
  - name: url

If we decompose the Task object necessary to deploy the function, we will see the apiVersion, kind and metadata, and spec section as in all Kubernetes objects. The spec will start with a reference to a resource of type git in the inputs section so that we can point to the git repository, which contains the function code:

kind: Task
  name: serverless-deploy
    - name: repository
      type: git

Then the Task will define the steps. In our Task we only have one step. This step should run serverless deploy. To do this, we need a container image that contains the serverless node package. We built this image at Triggermesh and it is publicly available at The step looks like this:

  - name: deploy
    workingDir: '/workspace/repository'
    command: ["serverless"]
    args: ["deploy"]

For this to run properly, your AWS credentials will need to be available to the Kubernetes Pod that will run the step. You can pass your credentials as environment variables using a Kubernetes Secrets or use a volume mount. Here is the simplest form using two environment variables:

    - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
          name: awscreds
          key: aws_access_key_id
          name: awscreds
          key: aws_secret_access_key

And that’s it to define your Task and PipelineResource. The declaration of your short pipeline is done. To launch the execution of this pipeline (a single Task), you now need to write a TaskRun object.

You can get the TaskRun manifest via curl like so:

curl -s

The object again has a familiar shape compared to all the Kubernetes objects, with the usual apiVersion, kind, metadata, and spec sections:

kind: TaskRun
  name: deploy

In the spec we set the input of the task to point to our PipelineResource, which defined the git repo to use. Finally, in the taskRef section, we point to the Task that does our serverless deploy.

    - name: repository
        name: klr-demo
    kind: Task
    name: serverless-deploy

With the objects properly configured and a Secret containing your AWS credentials, you are ready to create your objects and launch the deployment of your functions via Tekton and the serverless framework.

If you have cloned the sample repository:

kubectl apply -f resources.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml

The following diagram depicts the key Tekton API objects (Task, Resource, and TaskRun) and shows that basic flow. Creating the TaskRun object creates a Pod, which runs the serverless deploy command to deploy the function to AWS Lambda.

illustration of TaskRun creating the Pod, which runs the serverless deploy command to deploy the function to AWS Lambda.

The Task will execute in a Pod and you will get the serverless logs from the Pod Logs, for example:

kubectl logs serverless-deploy-fgn9x-pod-570cb9 -c build-step-deploy
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Creating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack create progress...
2020-01-28T14:18:24.054347892Z service: aws-python-simple-http-endpoint
2020-01-28T14:18:24.054360411Z stage: dev
2020-01-28T14:18:24.054367679Z region: us-east-1
2020-01-28T14:18:24.054375006Z stack: aws-python-simple-http-endpoint-dev
2020-01-28T14:18:24.05438248Z resources: 10
2020-01-28T14:18:24.054725635Z api keys:
2020-01-28T14:18:24.054763849Z   None
2020-01-28T14:18:24.055481345Z endpoints:
2020-01-28T14:18:24.055540592Z   GET -
2020-01-28T14:18:24.055893183Z functions:
2020-01-28T14:18:24.055951609Z   currentTime: aws-python-simple-http-endpoint-dev-currentTime
2020-01-28T14:18:24.056206865Z layers:
2020-01-28T14:18:24.056266366Z   None</code


AWS Lambda users who have embraced the serverless framework to deploy their functions must develop continuous deployment automation so that changes in function code can automatically get tested and deployed. Although there already are a significant number of CI/CD solutions—including Jenkins, CircleCI, and CodePipeline— Tekton, a relative newcomer in the field, offers a Kubernetes-like API of interest to Kubernetes users, such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). This opens the door to using Amazon EKS clusters for running containerized workloads as well as CI/CD pipelines, including the ones that drive a serverless architecture.

If you want to give Tekton a more in-depth try, check out the Task catalog. The serverless Tasks described in this article will be contributed to the catalog in the coming weeks.

Additionally, if you want to couple Tekton with Knative, you may be interested in the TriggerMesh Lambda runtime previously described in the article “Deploying AWS Lambda-Compatible Functions in Amazon EKS using TriggerMesh KLR,” as well as the Knative event sources for AWS services on GitHub, which allow you to tie your AWS services events with on-premises applications.

Sebastien Goasguen

Sebastien Goasguen

Sebastien is a co-founder of TriggerMesh, an integration platform company enabling developers to manage cloud-native applications. He has been involved with open source for almost 20 years. Sebastien is an Apache Software Foundation committer and an early contributor to the Kubernetes ecosystem. Around 2014, he became fascinated by the meteoric rise of Docker and decided to learn as much as he could, which led him to author the O’Reilly Docker Cookbook. This experience that introduced him to Kubernetes, and it was love at first Pod. Sebastien became an early and active participant in the CNCF space—contributing, building, teaching, and innovating. He founded TriggerMesh to push the boundaries of the serverless space and allow all companies to benefit from this new paradigm, even those with on-premises applications.

The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post.

Feature image via Pixabay.

Ricardo Sueiras

Ricardo Sueiras

Cloud Evangelist at AWS. Enjoy most things where technology, innovation and culture collide into sometimes brilliant outcomes. Passionate about diversity and education and helping to inspire the next generation of builders and inventors with Open Source.