AWS Open Source Blog

Managing Spinnaker using Spinnaker Operator in Amazon EKS


Spinnaker enables developers to focus on writing code and deploying their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. The development team can focus on application development and leave ops provisioning to Spinnaker for automating reinforcement of business and regulatory requirements. Spinnaker, a cloud-based open source continuous delivery platform built originally by Netflix for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably, supports several CI systems and build tools like AWS CodeBuild with Jenkins. You can integrate Spinnaker for configuring Artifacts from Git, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), and more.

There are several methods to install open source Spinnaker on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS):

  • Halyard – Halyard is a command-line administration tool that manages the lifecycle of your Spinnaker deployment, including writing and validating its configuration, deploying each of Spinnaker’s microservices, and updating the deployment.
  • Kleat Intended to replace Halyard, Kleat is a tool for managing Spinnaker configuration files. It is currently under active development, but it is ready for early adopters to try in development clusters.
  • Spinnaker Operator – is a Kubernetes operator to deploy and manage Spinnaker using familiar tools. You can install a basic version of Spinnaker or use kustomize files for advanced configuration.

In this blog, we will be using Spinnaker Operator, a Kubernetes operator for managing Spinnaker, built by Armory. Operator, which runs in Kubernetes makes managing Spinnaker simple and more automated while introducing new Kubernetes-native features. Basically, the Spinnaker Operator creates a CRD (Custom Resource Definition) on the Kubernetes cluster which has custom Kubernetes kind object, which is the kind: SpinnakerService. You specify the SpinnakerService manifest file describing the statuses that you want Spinnaker to have. Then, you apply the manifest to the cluster. The spinnaker operator pod running inside the cluster takes this Kubernetes kind: SpinnakerService and creates the respective deployment object, service objects, secrets, and so on, for Spinnaker to be run in the cluster. Using Operator, you can use standard tools, like kubectl, or use kustomize to deploy the configuration instead of custom deployment tools like Halyard.

Installing the operator consists of below Kubernetes manifests:

  • A Custom Resource Definition (CRD), which extends Kubernetes APIs
  • A service account, role, and role binding to grant the operator access to the Kubernetes objects it needs to watch or modify.
  • A Deployment object for the operator itself.

Spinnaker Operator lets you treat Spinnaker as just another Kubernetes deployment, which makes installing and managing Spinnaker easy and reliable. Operator unlocks the scalability of a GitOps workflow by defining Spinnaker configurations in a code repository rather than in Halyard commands. The current tool, Halyard, involved significant manual processes and requires Spinnaker domain expertise.

In this blog post, we will focus on managing Spinnaker using Spinnaker Operator and deploying the Product Catalog application using Spinnaker CD Pipeline to EKS cluster.

Architecture diagram showing how Spinnaker, ECR, EKS, and S3 are connected

Spinnaker concepts

Spinnaker architecture is composed of a number of independent microservices for resiliency and allows for faster iteration on each individual component and a more pluggable architecture for custom components. Spinnaker provides two core sets of features Application management and Application deployment:

Application management

This is also called infrastructure management where we use Spinnaker’s application management features to view and manage the cloud resources.

Diagram illustrating the concept of a cluter composed of multiple server groups

Application deployment

Spinnaker’s application deployment features allow us to construct and manage continuous delivery workflows.

Pipeline: The pipeline is the key deployment management construct in Spinnaker. It consists of a sequence of actions, known as stages. You can pass parameters from stage to stage along the pipeline.

Diagram explaining the concept of a Spinnaker pipeline

Image source:

Stage: A stage in Spinnaker is a collection of sequential tasks and composed stages that describe a higher-level action the Pipeline will perform either linearly or in parallel.

Task: A task in Spinnaker is an automatic function to perform.

Deployment strategies: Spinnaker supports the red/black, also called blue/green, strategy, with rolling red/black and canary strategies in active development.



This tutorial assumes you have already finished the following setup:

Step 1 ⁠– Clone the repo

To begin, clone the following:

cd ~/environment
git clone
cd eks-app-mesh-polyglot-demo
helm install workshop ~/environment/eks-app-mesh-polyglot-demo/workshop/helm-chart/

The output will be like below:

NAME: workshop
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Mar  9 07:12:11 2022
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
     NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer to be available.
           You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get --namespace workshop svc -w frontend'
  export LB_NAME=$(kubectl get svc --namespace workshop frontend -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}")
  echo http://$LB_NAME:80

You can access the product catalog application using the below load balancer URL.

export LB_NAME=$(kubectl get svc frontend -n workshop -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}") 
echo $LB_NAME

Once you go to the load balancer URL, you should see the below UI. There is no data for the product catalog.

Screenshot of the Load Balancer UI showing the Product Catalog Application screen

Now add a product. Below, we’ve used 1 as “id and Table as “name. Here, you see that “Catalog Detail” has only one vendor, “,” which comes from the Catalog Detail service.

Product Catalog Application UI screen showing a configured vendor

Later in this blog, when we deploy this same application using Spinnaker pipeline, we will see new version of CatalogDetail which shows two vendors “” and “”.

Step 2 – Install Spinnaker CRDs

Pick a release from and export that version. We are using the latest release of Spinnaker Operator that was available when this blog was written.

export VERSION=1.2.5

cd ~/environment
mkdir -p spinnaker-operator && cd spinnaker-operator
bash -c "curl -L${VERSION}/manifests.tgz | tar -xz"
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/

Output would be as below:

1.2.5  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   621  100   621    0     0   2700      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2688
100 11225  100 11225    0     0  29080      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 29080 created created

Step 3 – Install Spinnaker Operator

Install operator in namespace spinnaker-operator. We have used Cluster mode for the operator that works across namespaces and requires a ClusterRole to perform validation.

kubectl create ns spinnaker-operator
kubectl -n spinnaker-operator apply -f deploy/operator/cluster

Output would be as below:

namespace/spinnaker-operator createddeployment.apps/spinnaker-operator created created created
serviceaccount/spinnaker-operator created

Make sure the Spinnaker Operator pod is running. This may take a couple of minutes.

kubectl get pod -n spinnaker-operator

Output will be as below:

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
spinnaker-operator-6d95f9b567-tcq4w   2/2     Running   0          82s

Step 4 – Configure Spinnaker services

Let’s configure all the artifacts and storage for Spinnaker services that we will need for our use case.

We will add all configuration to the file located at spinnaker-operator/deploy/spinnaker/basic/spinnakerservice.yml, which was created by Spinnaker Operator install.

First, replace the content of SpinnakerService manifest located at spinnaker-operator/deploy/spinnaker/basic/spinnakerservice.yml with the below YAML file content.

kind: SpinnakerService
  name: spinnaker
      version: $SPINNAKER_VERSION   # the version of Spinnaker to be deployed
        persistentStoreType: s3
          bucket: $S3_BUCKET
          rootFolder: front50
          region: $AWS_REGION
          - name: token-refresh
            mountPath: /etc/passwords
            - configMapName: token-refresh-config
              mountPath: /opt/config/ecr-token-refresh
        artifacts: true
          enabled: true
          - name: $GITHUB_USER
            token: $GITHUB_TOKEN  # GitHub's personal access token. This fields supports `encrypted` references to secrets.
              enabled: true
              enabled: true
              - name: spinnaker-workshop
                requiredGroupMembership: []
                providerVersion: V2
                  - accountName: my-ecr-registry
                configureImagePullSecrets: true
                cacheThreads: 1
                namespaces: [spinnaker,workshop]
                omitNamespaces: []
                kinds: []
                omitKinds: []
                customResources: []
                cachingPolicies: []
                oAuthScopes: []
                onlySpinnakerManaged: false
                kubeconfigFile: kubeconfig-sp  # File name must match "files" key
              primaryAccount: spinnaker-workshop  # Change to a desired account from the accounts array
        kubeconfig-sp: |
            enabled: true
            primaryAccount: my-ecr-registry
            - name: my-ecr-registry
              address: https://$ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$
              username: AWS
              passwordFile: /etc/passwords/my-ecr-registry.pass
              trackDigests: true
              - $ECR_REPOSITORY
            enabled: true
          serviceAccountName: $S3_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
            fsGroup: 100
  # spec.expose - This section defines how Spinnaker should be publicly exposed
    type: service  # Kubernetes LoadBalancer type (service/ingress), note: only "service" is supported for now
      type: LoadBalancer

Step 5 – Configure Spinnaker release version

Pick a release from and export that version. Below, we are using the latest Spinnaker release that was available when this blog was written.


Step 6 – Configure Amazon S3 artifact

We will configure Spinnaker to access an bucket as a source of artifacts. Spinnaker stages such as a “Deploy Manifest” read configuration from Amazon S3 files directly. Lets enable Amazon S3 as an artifact source.

Spinnaker requires an external storage provider for persisting our application settings and configured pipelines. In this blog we will be using Amazon S3 as a storage source so that Spinnaker will store all of its persistent data in a bucket.

  • Create an S3 bucket first: You can create an S3 bucket either using Admin Console or using AWS CLI. Use one of the options from below.
    • Using Admin Console:
      Go to AWS Console and go to Amazon S3 service and create the bucket as below.

      Screenshot of the Amazon S3 web console showing the Create Bucket dialog
      Screenshot of the Amazon S3 web console showing the newly created bucket
    • Using AWS CLI:
      export S3_BUCKET=spinnaker-workshop-$(cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc "[:alpha:]" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | head -c 10)
      aws s3 mb s3://$S3_BUCKET
      aws s3api put-public-access-block \
      --bucket $S3_BUCKET \
      --public-access-block-configuration "BlockPublicAcls=true,IgnorePublicAcls=true,BlockPublicPolicy=true,RestrictPublicBuckets=true"
      echo $S3_BUCKET
  • Set up an IAM service account to access Amazon S3
    • Create the OIDC provider for your cluster.
      eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster eksworkshop-eksctl --approve

      The output will be:

      [ℹ]  using region {AWS_REGION}
      [ℹ]  will create IAM Open ID Connect provider for cluster "eksworkshop-eksctl" in "{AWS_REGION}"
      [✔]  created IAM Open ID Connect provider for cluster "eksworkshop-eksctl" in "{AWS_REGION}"
    • Now, create the service account to access the S3 bucket that uses the managed policy.
      eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
          --name s3-access-sa \
          --namespace spinnaker \
          --cluster eksworkshop-eksctl \
          --attach-policy-arn arn\:aws\:iam::aws\:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess \
          --approve \
      export S3_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=s3-access-sa
    • Confirm the details on the service account.
      kubectl describe sa s3-access-sa -n spinnaker
      echo $S3_SERVICE_ACCOUNT

      The output will be:

      Name:                s3-access-saNamespace:           spinnaker
      Annotations: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT_ID>:role/eksctl-eksworkshop-eksctl-addon-iamserviceac-Role1-1WHK24KTB8MC3
      Image pull secrets:  <none>
      Mountable secrets:   s3-access-sa-token-pvf4k
      Tokens:              s3-access-sa-token-pvf4k
      Events:              <none>

Step 7 – Configure ECR artifact

Amazon ECR requires access tokens to access the images, and those access tokens expire after a time. In order to automate updating the token, use a sidecar container with a script that does it for you. Since both Clouddriver and the sidecar container need access to the ECR access token, we will use a shared volume to store the access token. The sidecar needs to be able to request an access token from Amazon ECR. The Spinnaker installation must have the AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly policy attached to the role assigned in order to request and update the required access token.

  • Create an Amazon ECR repository
    We will be testing the trigger in Spinnaker pipeline for Amazon ECR image of one of our microservice proddetail. We need to push a test container image to the newly created ECR repository because an empty ECR repository does not show up in the Spinnaker UI when we set up the trigger in Pipeline. Below we are building a test container image for proddetail and pushing it to the newly created ECR repo.

    cd ~/environment/eks-app-mesh-polyglot-demo
    export ECR_REPOSITORY=eks-workshop-demo/test-detail
    export APP_VERSION=1.0
    aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$
    aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-name $ECR_REPOSITORY >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
      aws ecr create-repository --repository-name $ECR_REPOSITORY >/dev/null
    docker pull nginx
    docker tag nginx $TARGET
    docker push $TARGET

    Go to the Amazon ECR repository in AWS console and check if this repository has been pushed by Docker.

    Screenshot of the Amazon ECR console showing the image entry
  • Create a ConfigMap Create the ConfigMap for ECR token.
    cd ~/environment
    cat << EOF > config.yaml
    interval: 30m # defines refresh interval
    registries: # list of registries to refresh
      - registryId: "$ACCOUNT_ID"
        region: "$AWS_REGION"
        passwordFile: "/etc/passwords/my-ecr-registry.pass"
    kubectl -n spinnaker create configmap token-refresh-config --from-file config.yaml

    Output should be as below:

    namespace/spinnaker createdconfigmap/token-refresh-config created

    Confirm if the ConfigMap is created correctly.

    kubectl describe configmap token-refresh-config -n spinnaker

    Output looks like below:

    Name:         token-refresh-config
    Namespace:    spinnaker
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    interval: 30m # defines refresh interval
    registries: # list of registries to refresh
      - registryId: "405710XXXXX"
        region: "us-west-2"
        passwordFile: "/etc/passwords/my-ecr-registry.pass"

Step 8 – Add a GitHub repository

Set up environment variables to access a GitHub repo as a source of artifacts. If you actually want to use a file from the GitHub commit in your pipeline, you’ll need to configure GitHub as an artifact source in Spinnaker. So we need the GitHub credentials to access the repository from Spinnaker.

export GITHUB_USER=<your_github_username>
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your_github_accesstoken>

Step 9 – Add an EKS account

At a high level, Spinnaker operates in the following way when deploying to Kubernetes:

  • Spinnaker is configured with one or more “Cloud Provider” Kubernetes accounts, which you can think of as deployment targets.
  • For each Kubernetes account, Spinnaker is provided a kubeconfig to connect to that Kubernetes cluster.
  • The kubeconfig should have the following components:
    • A Kubernetes kubeconfig cluster
    • A Kubernetes kubeconfig user
    • A Kubernetes kubeconfig context
    • Metadata, such as which context to use by default
  • Each Kubernetes account is configured in the SpinnakerService manifest under spec.spinnakerConfig.config.providers.kubernetes.accounts key. Each entity has these fields, among others:
    • name: A Spinnaker-internal name
    • kubeconfigFile: A file path referencing the contents of the kubeconfig file for connecting to the target cluster.
    • onlySpinnakerManaged: When true, Spinnaker only caches and displays applications that have been created by Spinnaker.
    • namespaces: An array of namespaces that Spinnaker will be allowed to deploy to. If this is left blank, Spinnaker will be allowed to deploy to all namespaces
    • omitNamespaces: If namespaces is left blank, you can blacklist specific namespaces to indicate to Spinnaker that it should not deploy to those namespaces
  • If the kubeconfig is properly referenced and available, Operator will take care of the following:
    • Creating a Kubernetes secret containing your kubeconfig in the namespace where Spinnaker lives
    • Dynamically generating a clouddriver.yml file that properly references the kubeconfig from where it is mounted within the Clouddriver container
    • Creating/Updating the Kubernetes Deployment (spin-clouddriver) which runs Clouddriver so that it is aware of the secret and properly mounts it in the Clouddriver pod

Now, lets add a Kubernetes/Amazon EKS Account Deployment Target in Spinnaker.

  • Download the latest spinnaker-tools release
    • This tool helps to create the ServiceAccount, ClusterRoleBinding, kubeconfig for the service account for the Amazon EKS/Kubernetes account
      cd ~/environment
      git clone
      cd spinnaker-tools
      go mod download all
      go build

      Output should be:

      Cloning into 'spinnaker-tools'...remote: Enumerating objects: 278, done.
      remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
      remote: Total 278 (delta 0), reused 4 (delta 0), pack-reused 272
      Receiving objects: 100% (278/278), 84.72 KiB | 4.71 MiB/s, done.
      Resolving deltas: 100% (124/124), done.
  • Set up environment variables
    • Run these commands to set and check the environment variables:
      export CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context)
      export SOURCE_KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/.kube/config
      export SPINNAKER_NAMESPACE="spinnaker"
      export SPINNAKER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME="spinnaker-ws-sa"
      export DEST_KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/Kubeconfig-ws-sa
      echo $CONTEXT

      If you do not see output from the above command for all the above environment variables, do not proceed to next step.

  • Create the service account
    • Create the kubernetes service account with namespace-specific permissions
      ./spinnaker-tools create-service-account   --kubeconfig ${SOURCE_KUBECONFIG}   --context ${CONTEXT}   --output ${DEST_KUBECONFIG}   --namespace ${SPINNAKER_NAMESPACE}   --service-account-name ${SPINNAKER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}

      Output should be:

      Cloning into 'spinnaker-tools'...remote: Enumerating objects: 278, done.
      remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
      remote: Total 278 (delta 0), reused 4 (delta 0), pack-reused 272
      Receiving objects: 100% (278/278), 84.72 KiB | 4.71 MiB/s, done.
      Resolving deltas: 100% (124/124), done.
      Getting namespaces ...
      Creating service account spinnaker-ws-sa ...
      Created ServiceAccount spinnaker-ws-sa in namespace spinnaker
      Adding cluster-admin binding to service account spinnaker-ws-sa ...
      Created ClusterRoleBinding spinnaker-spinnaker-ws-sa-admin in namespace spinnaker
      Getting token for service account ... 
      Cloning kubeconfig ... 
      Renaming context in kubeconfig ... 
      Switching context in kubeconfig ... 
      Creating token user in kubeconfig ... 
      Updating context to use token user in kubeconfig ... 
      Updating context with namespace in kubeconfig ... 
      Minifying kubeconfig ... 
      Deleting temp kubeconfig ... 
      Created kubeconfig file at /home/ec2-user/Kubeconfig-ws-sa
  • Configure EKS account
    • Open the SpinnakerService manifest located under deploy/spinnaker/basic/spinnakerservice.yml.
                  enabled: true
                  enabled: true
                  - name: spinnaker-workshop
                    requiredGroupMembership: []
                    providerVersion: V2
                      - accountName: my-ecr-registry
                    configureImagePullSecrets: true
                    cacheThreads: 1
                    namespaces: [spinnaker,workshop]
                    omitNamespaces: []
                    kinds: []
                    omitKinds: []
                    customResources: []
                    cachingPolicies: []
                    oAuthScopes: []
                    onlySpinnakerManaged: false
                    kubeconfigFile: kubeconfig-sp  # File name must match "files" key
                  primaryAccount: spinnaker-workshop  # Change to a desired account from the accounts array
                kubeconfig-sp: |
                   <REPLACE_ME_WITH_FILE_CONTENT> # Content from kubeconfig created by Spinnaker Tool
    • Replace the <REPLACE_ME_WITH_FILE_CONTENT> in the above section of deploy/spinnaker/basic/spinnakerservice.yml with the kubeconfig content from ${HOME}/Kubeconfig-ws-sa.
      • From the terminal, Go to ${HOME}/Kubeconfig-ws-sa (in my case it was /home/ec2-user/Kubeconfig-ws-sa) and copy the kubeconfig text starting from “apiVersion…” to the end of file.
      • Align the tab of the added file content to look as below
  • Verify the Spinnaker manifest
    • By now we have completed our configuration for Spinnaker, and the SpinnakerService manifest located at deploy/spinnaker/basic/spinnakerservice.yml should look similar to below.
    • Note: “$$$” in the YAML below is just a placeholder. Do not copy the content under “kubeconfig-sp:” in this file. Copy the content from ${HOME}/Kubeconfig-ws-sa to this section.
      kind: SpinnakerService
        name: spinnaker
            version: $SPINNAKER_VERSION # the version of Spinnaker to be deployed
              persistentStoreType: s3
                bucket: $S3_BUCKET
                rootFolder: front50
                region: $AWS_REGION
                - name: token-refresh
                  mountPath: /etc/passwords
                  - configMapName: token-refresh-config
                    mountPath: /opt/config/ecr-token-refresh
              artifacts: true
                enabled: true
                - name: $GITHUB_USER
                  token: $GITHUB_TOKEN # GitHub's personal access token. This fields supports `encrypted` references to secrets.
                    enabled: true
                    enabled: true
                    - name: spinnaker-workshop
                      requiredGroupMembership: []
                      providerVersion: V2
                        - accountName: my-ecr-registry
                      configureImagePullSecrets: true
                      cacheThreads: 1
                      namespaces: [spinnaker,workshop]
                      omitNamespaces: []
                      kinds: []
                      omitKinds: []
                      customResources: []
                      cachingPolicies: []
                      oAuthScopes: []
                      onlySpinnakerManaged: false
                      kubeconfigFile: kubeconfig-sp  # File name must match "files" key
                    primaryAccount: spinnaker-workshop  # Change to a desired account from the accounts array
              kubeconfig-sp: |
                  apiVersion: v1
                  - cluster:
                      certificate-authority-data: $$$$
                      server: $$$$$
                    name: arn:aws:eks:$AWS_REGION-2:$ACCOUNT_ID:cluster/eksworkshop-eksctl
                  - context:
                      cluster: arn:aws:eks:$AWS_REGION:$ACCOUNT_ID:cluster/eksworkshop-eksctl
                      namespace: spinnaker
                      user: spinnaker-token-user
                    name: spinnaker
                  current-context: spinnaker
                  kind: Config
                  preferences: {}
                  - name: spinnaker-token-user
                      token: $$$$$
                  enabled: true
                  primaryAccount: my-ecr-registry
                  - name: my-ecr-registry
                    address: https://$ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$
                    username: AWS
                    passwordFile: /etc/passwords/my-ecr-registry.pass
                    trackDigests: true
                    - $ECR_REPOSITORY
                  enabled: true
                serviceAccountName: $S3_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
                  fsGroup: 100
        # spec.expose - This section defines how Spinnaker should be publicly exposed
          type: service  # Kubernetes LoadBalancer type (service/ingress), note: only "service" is supported for now
            type: LoadBalancer
  • You are done with the Spinnaker configuration for all the Spinnaker services. Now, let’s install Spinnaker.

Step 10 – Install Spinnaker

Confirm all the environment variables are set correctly, as below.

echo $S3_BUCKET

If you do not see output from the above command for all the environment variables, do not proceed to the next step.

cd ~/environment/spinnaker-operator/
envsubst < deploy/spinnaker/basic/spinnakerservice.yml | kubectl -n spinnaker apply -f -

Output should be: created

It will take some time to bring up all the pods, so wait for few minutes.

# Get all the resources created
kubectl get svc,pod -n spinnaker
NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)        AGEservice/spin-clouddriver   ClusterIP      10.1x0.xx.71    <none>                                                                    7002/TCP       8d
service/spin-deck          LoadBalancer   10.1x0.yy.xx    a1c58905706b1442d94863nnnn-XXXX.$   80:32392/TCP   8d
service/spin-echo          ClusterIP      10.1x0.54.127    <none>                                                                    8089/TCP       8d
service/spin-front50       ClusterIP      10.1x0.xx.241   <none>                                                                    8080/TCP       8d
service/spin-gate          LoadBalancer   10.1x0.75.xx    a43bb9mmmmm-XXXX.$   80:32208/TCP   8d
service/spin-igor          ClusterIP      10.1x0.yy.xx    <none>                                                                    8088/TCP       8d
service/spin-orca          ClusterIP      10.xx.64.yy    <none>                                                                    8083/TCP       8d
service/spin-redis         ClusterIP      10.1x0.xx.242    <none>                                                                    6379/TCP       1x0
service/spin-rosco         ClusterIP      10.1x0.yy.xx   <none>                                                                    8087/TCP       8d

NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/spin-clouddriver-7c5dbf658b-spl64   2/2     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-deck-7f785d675f-2q4q8          1/1     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-echo-d9b7799b4-4wjnn           1/1     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-front50-76d9f8bd58-n96sl       1/1     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-gate-7f48c76b55-bpc22          1/1     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-igor-5c98f5b46f-mcmvs          1/1     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-orca-6bd7c69f-mml4c            1/1     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-redis-7f7d9659bf-whkf7         1/1     Running   0          8d
pod/spin-rosco-7c6f77c64c-2qztw         1/1     Running   0          8d
# Watch the install progress.
kubectl -n spinnaker get spinsvc spinnaker -w

Output should be like below:

spinnaker   1.26.6    3h8m             OK       9          http://ae33c1a7185b1402mmmmm-XXXX.$

You have successfully installed Spinnaker.

Step 11 – Deploy Helm chart

Let’s deploy a Helm-based product catalog application to Amazon EKS using Spinnaker pipeline.

  • Access Spinnaker UI: Grab the load balancer URL from the previous chapter, or use the below command to get the load balancer URL.
    kubectl -n spinnaker get spinsvc spinnaker -w

    Open the URL in the browser. You should see the below Spinnaker UI.

    Screenshot showing the Spinnaker UI, highlighting the search bar
  • Create application: Click on Create Application and enter name as product-detail and email as your email. Leave the rest of the fields as default. Then, click on “Create.”
    New Application Dialog in the Spinnaker UI
    Spinnaker UI showing the successfully added application
  • Create pipeline: Click on Pipelines under product-detail and click on link Configure a new pipeline and add the name helm-pipeline.
    Spinnaker UI showing the Create New Pipeline dialog
  • Set up trigger: You should now be in the Configuration page.
      • Now click on Add Trigger under Automated Triggers
      • Select Type as Docker Registry.
      • In the Registry Name dropdown you should see the value my-ecr-registry, select that.
      • In the Organization dropdown you should see the value eks-workshop-demo, select that.
      • In the Image dropdown you should see the value eks-workshop-demo/test-detail, select that.
      • Click on Save Changes.

    This is the ECR registry we set up in Spinnaker manifest in Step 7 – Configure ECR Artifact.

    Spinnaker UI showing the successfully created Automated Trigger
  • Evaluate variable configuration
    • Click on Add Stage and select type as Evaluate Variables from the dropdown.
    • Add the variable name as image_name and value as ${trigger['tag']}.
    • Add another variable name as repo_name and value as $ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$ Replace $ACCOUNT_ID and $AWS_REGION based on your setup.
    • Click on Save Changes. We will be using these variables in the next Bake Stage.
      Spinnaker UI showing the Evaluate Variables Configuration settings
  • Set up bake stage
    • Click on Add Stage and select Type as Bake Manifest from the dropdown.
    • Select Template Renderer as Helm3 and enter name as workshop-detail and enter workshop as namespace.
    • Select Expected Artifact as Define a new artifact
    • Under the Overrides section, select Add new artifact.
    • Under the Overrides key/value section, click on “Add override.”
      • Enter first key as detail.image.repository for repository and value as ${repo_name}.
      • Enter second key as detail.image.tag for tag and value as ${image_name}.
      • The keys are based on the Values.yaml from the Helm chart and the values are the variables that we set in previous step “Evaluate Variables.”
    • Edit the Produces Artifacts and change the name to helm-produced-artifact and click Save Artifact. Then, click Save Changes.
      Spinnaker UI showing the Bake Manifest Configuration
      Spinnaker UI highlighting the Expected Artifact configuration dialog
  • Set up deploy stage
    • Click on Add Stage and select “Type” as Deploy (Manifest) from the dropdown, and give a name as Deploy proddetail
    • Select Account as spinnaker-workshop from the dropdown. This is the EKS account we had setup in Spinnaker manifest in Step 9 – Add EKS account.
    • Select Artifact and then select helm-produced-artifact from the dropdown for Manifest Artifact and click Save Changes.
      Spinnaker UI showing the customized Manifest Artifact setting

Step 12 – Test deployment

  • Push the new container image to ECR for testing trigger. To ensure that the Amazon ECR trigger will work in Spinnaker UI:
    • First, change the code to generate a new docker image digest. Note: The Amazon ECR trigger in Spinnaker does not work for same docker image digest.
    • Go to ~/environment/eks-app-mesh-polyglot-demo/workshop/apps/catalog_detail/app.js and replace the line "vendors":[ ""] with "vendors":[ "",""]
    • Ensure that the image tag (APP_VERSION) you are adding below does not exist in the Amazon ECR repository eks-workshop-demo/test-detail otherwise the trigger will not work. Spinnaker pipeline only triggers when a new version of image is added to ECR.
    • Then, run the below command.
      cd ~/environment/eks-app-mesh-polyglot-demo/workshop
      aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$
      export APP_VERSION=5.0 ## pick a version that is not there in the ECR
      export ECR_REPOSITORY=eks-workshop-demo/test-detail
      docker build -t $TARGET apps/catalog_detail
      docker push $TARGET

Building/Pushing Container images for the first time to Amazon ECR may take around 3-5 minutes. You can ignore any warnings you get due to the npm upgrade.

  • Watch the pipeline getting triggered
    • You should see the image version 5.0 get triggered.
      Spinnaker UI showing the image version 5.0 getting triggered
    • You will see that Docker push triggers a deployment in the pipeline.
      Spinnaker UI showing the deployment in the pipepline
    • Below are the Execution Details of pipeline:
      Spinnaker UI showing the Execution Details of the pipeline

      Spinnaker UI showing it at the Bake stage of the pipeline
      Spinnaker UI showing it at the Deploy stage of the pipeline
  • Get deployment details
    • Click on Clusters and you can see the deployment of frontend, prodcatalog, and proddetail service below.
      Spinnaker UI showing the deployment of frontend, prodcatalog, and proddetail
    • Click on the LoadBalancer icon link for frontend and you should see below information. Click on that Load Balancer link or Paste the link on browser.
      Spinnaker UI screen highlighting the LoadBalancer icon for the frontend service
    • You should see the service up and running as below.
      Product Catalog Application dialog showing the finished service architecture
    • Now add a product. Below, we’ve used “1“ as “id“ and “Table“ as “name.“ And you see that an additional vendor,, is added  from the new container image for proddetail service we pushed into ECR.
      Product Catalog Application dialog showing additional vendor
    • You can also go to the terminal and confirm the deployment details.
      kubectl get all -n workshop
      You can see the below output

      pod/frontend-7b78bc4cbb-fr2mz 1/1 Running 0 16m
      pod/prodcatalog-f6d7bffb5-rjbz2 1/1 Running 0 16m
      pod/proddetail-75cd46fb7b-k82lg 1/1 Running 0 16m
      service/frontend LoadBalancer 80:32022/TCP 10h
      service/prodcatalog ClusterIP <none> 5000/TCP 10h
      service/proddetail ClusterIP <none> 3000/TCP 10h

      deployment.apps/frontend 1/1 1 1 10h
      deployment.apps/prodcatalog 1/1 1 1 10h
      deployment.apps/proddetail 1/1 1 1 10h


Delete Spinnaker artifacts when finished with this walkthrough.

for i in $(kubectl get crd | grep spinnaker | cut -d" " -f1) ; do
kubectl delete crd $i

kubectl delete ns spinnaker-operator

kubectl delete ns spinnaker

cd ~/environment
rm config.yaml

rm -rf spinnaker-tools
rm -rf spinnaker-operator

helm uninstall workshop
kubectl delete ns workshop


In this post, we installed Spinnaker Service using Spinnaker Operator and walked through the process of setting up microservices in Spinnaker service using Spinnaker service YAML configuration. Then, we built a helm-based Spinnaker CD pipeline and saw how the pipeline got initiated when we pushed a new image into an Amazon ECR repository which then executed the deployment stage and deployed the Product Detail application artifacts into an Amazon EKS cluster.

To learn more, we recommend you review these additional resources:

Praseeda Sathaye

Praseeda Sathaye

Praseeda Sathaye is a Principal Specialist for App Modernization and Containers at Amazon Web Services, based in the Bay Area in California. She has been focused on helping customers accelerate their cloud-native adoption journey by modernizing their platform infrastructure and internal architecture using microservices strategies, containerization, platform engineering, GitOps, Kubernetes and service mesh. At AWS she is working on AWS services like EKS, ECS and helping strategic customers to run at scale.