AWS Open Source Blog

Category: AWS CLI

Accelerate AWS IAM Identity Center Implementation Using AWS Cloud Development Kit

Accelerate AWS IAM Identity Center (Successor to AWS Single Sign-On) Implementation using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)

In conversations with our customers, we often hear that they find it tedious to write AWS CloudFormation templates to create new permission sets, assign permission sets to users and groups in AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) and grant access for users and groups to multiple AWS accounts in their organization. This […]

Deploying Open Policy Agent (OPA) as a sidecar on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)

Introduction The sidecar deployment pattern lets developers decouple monolithic applications into separate processes with high levels of isolation and encapsulation. To address cross-cutting concerns like logging, monitoring, and authorization, organizations can decouple these operations into sidecar containers shared across multiple microservices within a deployment. In order to perform operations like authorization, microservice deployments often depend […]

Managing Spinnaker using Spinnaker Operator in Amazon EKS

Overview Spinnaker enables developers to focus on writing code and deploying their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. The development team can focus on application development and leave ops provisioning to Spinnaker for automating reinforcement of business and regulatory requirements. Spinnaker, a cloud-based open source continuous delivery platform built originally by Netflix […]

Multi-environment CI/CD pipelines with AWS CodePipeline and open source tools

A common scenario AWS customers face is how to automate their infrastructure deployments on AWS. Customers must create a secure, agile workflow that deploys to the cloud and uses their preferred AWS services. Customers also need a reliable, supportable deployment pattern driven by automated workflows that are not overly complex and difficult to manage. Customer […]