AWS Security Blog

Category: Best Practices

Integrate Kubernetes policy-as-code solutions into Security Hub

Integrate Kubernetes policy-as-code solutions into Security Hub

Using Kubernetes policy-as-code (PaC) solutions, administrators and security professionals can enforce organization policies to Kubernetes resources. There are several publicly available PAC solutions that are available for Kubernetes, such as Gatekeeper, Polaris, and Kyverno. PaC solutions usually implement two features: Use Kubernetes admission controllers to validate or modify objects before they’re created to help enforce configuration best […]

The curious case of faster AWS KMS symmetric key rotation

Today, AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) is introducing faster options for automatic symmetric key rotation. We’re also introducing rotate on-demand, rotation visibility improvements, and a new limit on the price of all symmetric keys that have had two or more rotations (including existing keys). In this post, I discuss all those capabilities and changes. […]

AWS Network Firewall logo

TLS inspection configuration for encrypted egress traffic and AWS Network Firewall

In the evolving landscape of network security, safeguarding data as it exits your virtual environment is as crucial as protecting incoming traffic. In a previous post, we highlighted the significance of ingress TLS inspection in enhancing security within Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. Building on that foundation, I focus on egress TLS inspection in this […]

Figure 1: Generative AI Scoping Matrix

Securing generative AI: data, compliance, and privacy considerations

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the imagination of organizations and individuals around the world, and many have already adopted it to help improve workforce productivity, transform customer experiences, and more. When you use a generative AI-based service, you should understand how the information that you enter into the application is stored, processed, shared, and […]

How to use OAuth 2.0 in Amazon Cognito: Learn about the different OAuth 2.0 grants

Implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms in modern applications can be challenging, especially when dealing with various client types and use cases. As developers, we often struggle to choose the right authentication flow to balance security, user experience, and application requirements. This is where understanding the OAuth 2.0 grant types comes into play. Whether you’re building […]

Data flow diagram for a generic Scope 1 consumer application and Scope 2 enterprise application

Securing generative AI: Applying relevant security controls

This is part 3 of a series of posts on securing generative AI. We recommend starting with the overview post Securing generative AI: An introduction to the Generative AI Security Scoping Matrix, which introduces the scoping matrix detailed in this post. This post discusses the considerations when implementing security controls to protect a generative AI […]

Introducing the AWS WAF traffic overview dashboard

For many network security operators, protecting application uptime can be a time-consuming challenge of baselining network traffic, investigating suspicious senders, and determining how best to mitigate risks. Simplifying this process and understanding network security posture at all times is the goal of most IT organizations that are trying to scale their applications without also needing […]

SaaS access control using Amazon Verified Permissions with a per-tenant policy store

SaaS access control using Amazon Verified Permissions with a per-tenant policy store

Access control is essential for multi-tenant software as a service (SaaS) applications. SaaS developers must manage permissions, fine-grained authorization, and isolation. In this post, we demonstrate how you can use Amazon Verified Permissions for access control in a multi-tenant document management SaaS application using a per-tenant policy store approach. We also describe how to enforce the […]

OT/IT convergence security maturity model

For decades, we’ve watched energy companies attempt to bring off-the-shelf information technology (IT) systems into operations technology (OT) environments. These attempts have had varying degrees of success. While converging OT and IT brings new efficiencies, it also brings new risks. There are many moving parts to convergence, and there are several questions that you must […]

Amazon Cognito

How to customize access tokens in Amazon Cognito user pools

With Amazon Cognito, you can implement customer identity and access management (CIAM) into your web and mobile applications. You can add user authentication and access control to your applications in minutes. In this post, I introduce you to the new access token customization feature for Amazon Cognito user pools and show you how to use […]