AWS Security Blog

Summer 2024 SOC 1 report now available in Japanese, Korean, and Spanish

Japanese | Korean | Spanish

At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we continue to listen to our customers, regulators, and stakeholders to understand their needs regarding audit, assurance, certification, and attestation programs. We are pleased to announce that the AWS System and Organization Controls (SOC) 1 report is now available in Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. This translated report will help drive greater engagement and alignment with customer and regulatory requirements across Japan, Korea, Latin America, and Spain.

The Japanese, Korean, and Spanish language versions of the report do not contain the independent opinion issued by the auditors, but you can find this information in the English language version. Stakeholders should use the English version as a complement to the Japanese, Korean, or Spanish versions.

Going forward, the following reports in each quarter will be translated. Spring and Fall SOC 1 controls are included in the Spring and Fall SOC 2 reports, so this translation schedule will provide year-round coverage of the English versions.

Report Period covered
Spring SOC 2 April 1–March 31
Summer SOC 1 July 1–June 30
Fall SOC 2 October 1–September 30
Winter SOC 1 January 1–December 31

Customers can download the translated Summer 2024 SOC 1 reports in Japanese, Korean, and Spanish through AWS Artifact, a self-service portal for on-demand access to AWS compliance reports. Sign in to AWS Artifact in the AWS Management Console, or learn more at Getting Started with AWS Artifact.

The Summer 2024 SOC 1 report includes a total of 177 services in scope. For up-to-date information, including when additional services are added, see the AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program webpage and choose SOC.

AWS strives to continuously bring services into scope of its compliance programs to help you meet your architectural and regulatory needs. Please reach out to your AWS account team if you have questions or feedback about SOC compliance.

To learn more about our compliance and security programs, see AWS Compliance Programs. As always, we value your feedback and questions; reach out to the AWS Compliance team through the Contact Us page.

Japanese version

Summer 2024 SOC 1 レポートの日本語、韓国語、スペイン語版の提供を開始

当社はお客様、規制当局、利害関係者の声に継続的に傾聴し、Amazon Web Services (AWS) における監査、保証、認定、認証プログラムに関するそれぞれのニーズを理解に努めています。この度、AWS System and Organization Controls (SOC) 1 レポートが、日本語、韓国語、スペイン語で利用可能になりました。この翻訳版のレポートは、日本、韓国、ラテンアメリカ、スペインのお客様および規制要件との連携と協力体制を強化するためのものです。


今後、四半期ごとの以下のレポートで翻訳版が提供されます。SOC 1 統制は、Spring および Fall SOC 2 レポートに含まれるため、英語版と合わせ、1 年間のレポートの翻訳版すべてがこのスケジュールで網羅されることになります。

レポート 対象期間
春季SOC 2 4 月 1 日〜3 月 31 日
夏季SOC 1 7 月 1 日〜6 月 30 日
秋季SOC 2 10 月 1 日〜9 月 30 日
冬季SOC 1 1 月 1 日〜12 月 31 日

Summer 2024 SOC 1 レポートの日本語、韓国語、スペイン語版は AWS Artifact (AWS のコンプライアンスレポートをオンデマンドで入手するためのセルフサービスポータル) を使用してダウンロードできます。AWS マネジメントコンソール内の AWS Artifact にサインインするか、AWS Artifact の開始方法ページで詳細をご覧ください。

Summer 2024 SOC 1 レポートの対象範囲には合計 177 のサービスが含まれます。その他のサービスが追加される時期など、最新の情報については、コンプライアンスプログラムによる対象範囲内の AWS のサービスで [SOC] を選択してご覧いただけます。

AWS では、アーキテクチャおよび規制に関するお客様のニーズを支援するため、コンプライアンスプログラムの対象範囲に継続的にサービスを追加するよう努めています。SOC コンプライアンスに関するご質問やご意見については、担当の AWS アカウントチームまでお問い合わせください。

コンプライアンスおよびセキュリティプログラムに関する詳細については、AWS コンプライアンスプログラムをご覧ください。当社ではお客様のご意見・ご質問を重視しています。お問い合わせページより AWS コンプライアンスチームにお問い合わせください。

Korean version

2024년 하계 SOC 1 보고서가 한국어, 일본어, 스페인어로 제공됩니다.

Amazon은 고객, 규제 기관 및 이해관계자의 의견을 지속적으로 경청하여 Amazon Web Services (AWS)의 감사, 보증, 인증 및 증명 프로그램과 관련된 요구사항을 파악하고 있습니다. AWS System and Organization Controls(SOC) 1 보고서가 이제 한국어, 일본어, 스페인어로 제공됨을 알려 드립니다. 이 번역된 보고서는 일본, 한국, 중남미, 스페인 전역의 고객의 참여도를 높이고 규제 요건을 준수하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

보고서의 일본어, 한국어, 스페인어 버전에는 감사인의 독립적인 의견이 포함되어 있지 않지만, 영어 버전에서는 해당 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다. 이해관계자는 일본어, 한국어 또는 스페인어 버전을 보완하기 위해 영어 버전을 사용해야 합니다.

앞으로 분기마다 다음 보고서가 번역본으로 제공됩니다. SOC 1 통제 조치는 춘계 및 추계 SOC 2 보고서에 포함되어 있으므로, 이 일정은 영어 버전과 함께 모든 번역된 언어로 연중 내내 제공됩니다.

보고 대상 기간
춘계 SOC 2 4월 1일~3월 31일
하계 SOC 1 7월 1일~6월 30일
추계 SOC 2 10월 1일~9월 30일
동계 SOC 1 1월 1일~12월 31일

고객은 AWS 규정 준수 보고서를 필요할 때 이용할 수 있는 셀프 서비스 포털인 AWS Artifact를 통해 일본어, 한국어, 스페인어로 번역된 2024년 하계 SOC 1 보고서를 다운로드할 수 있습니다. AWS Management Console의 AWS Artifact에 로그인하거나 Getting Started with AWS Artifact(AWS Artifact 시작하기)에서 자세한 내용을 알아보세요.

2024년 하계 SOC 1 보고서에는 총 177개의 서비스가 포함됩니다. 추가 서비스가 추가되는 시기 등의 최신 정보는 AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program(규정 준수 프로그램별 범위 내 AWS 서비스)에서 SOC를 선택하세요.

AWS는 고객이 아키텍처 및 규제 요구사항을 충족할 수 있도록 지속적으로 서비스를 규정 준수 프로그램의 범위에 포함시키기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. SOC 규정 준수에 대한 질문이나 피드백이 있는 경우 AWS Account 팀에 문의하시기 바랍니다.

규정 준수 및 보안 프로그램에 대한 자세한 내용은 AWS 규정 준수 프로그램을 참조하세요. 언제나 그렇듯이 AWS는 여러분의 피드백과 질문을 소중히 여깁니다. 문의하기 페이지를 통해 AWS 규정 준수 팀에 문의하시기 바랍니다.

Spanish version

El informe SOC 1 verano 2024 se encuentra disponible actualmente en japonés, coreano y español

Seguimos escuchando a nuestros clientes, reguladores y partes interesadas para comprender sus necesidades en relación con los programas de auditoría, garantía, certificación y acreditación en Amazon Web Services (AWS). Nos enorgullece anunciar que el informe de controles de sistema y organización (SOC) 1 de AWS se encuentra disponible en japonés, coreano y español. Estos informes traducidos ayudarán a impulsar un mayor compromiso y alineación con los requisitos normativos y de los clientes en Japón, Corea, Latinoamérica y España.

Estas versiones del informe en japonés, coreano y español no contienen la opinión independiente emitida por los auditores, pero se puede acceder a esta información en la versión en inglés del documento. Las partes interesadas deben usar la versión en inglés como complemento de las versiones en japonés, coreano y español.

De aquí en adelante, los siguientes informes trimestrales estarán traducidos. Dado que los controles SOC 1 se incluyen en los informes de primavera y otoño de SOC 2, esta programación brinda una cobertura anual para todos los idiomas traducidos cuando se la combina con las versiones en inglés.

de AWS IAM Período cubierto
SOC 2 primavera Del 1 de abril al 31 de marzo
SOC 1 verano Del 1 de julio al 30 de junio
SOC 2 otoño Del 1 de octubre al 30 de septiembre
SOC 1 invierno Del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre

Los clientes pueden descargar los informes SOC 1 verano 2024 traducidos al japonés, coreano y español a través de AWS Artifact, un portal de autoservicio para el acceso bajo demanda a los informes de conformidad de AWS. Inicie sesión en AWS Artifact mediante la Consola de administración de AWS u obtenga más información en Introducción a AWS Artifact.

El informe SOC 1 verano 2024 incluye un total de 177 servicios que se encuentran dentro del alcance. Para acceder a información actualizada, que incluye novedades sobre cuándo se agregan nuevos servicios, consulte los Servicios de AWS en el ámbito del programa de conformidad y seleccione SOC.

AWS se esfuerza de manera continua por añadir servicios dentro del alcance de sus programas de conformidad para ayudarlo a cumplir con sus necesidades de arquitectura y regulación. Si tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia sobre la conformidad de los SOC, no dude en comunicarse con su equipo de cuenta de AWS.

Para obtener más información sobre los programas de conformidad y seguridad, consulte los Programas de conformidad de AWS. Como siempre, valoramos sus comentarios y preguntas; de modo que no dude en comunicarse con el equipo de conformidad de AWS a través de la página Contacte con nosotros.

Brownell Combs

Brownell Combs
Brownell is a Compliance Program Manager at AWS, where he leads multiple security and privacy initiatives. Brownell holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Virginia and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Centre College. He has over 20 years of experience in information technology risk management and CISSP, CISA, CRISC, and GIAC GCLD certifications.

Rodrigo Fiuza

Rodrigo Fiuza
Rodrigo is a Security Audit Manager at AWS, based in São Paulo. He leads audits, attestations, certifications, and assessments across Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe. Rodrigo has worked in risk management, security assurance, and technology audits for the past 12 years.

Paul Hong

Paul Hong
Paul is a Compliance Program Manager at AWS. He leads multiple security, compliance, and training initiatives within AWS and has over 10 years of experience in security assurance. Paul is a CISSP, CEH, and CPA, and holds a Masters of Accounting Information Systems and a Bachelors of Business Administration from James Madison University, Virginia.

Hwee Hwang

Hwee Hwang
Hwee is an Audit Specialist at AWS based in Seoul, South Korea. Hwee is responsible for third-party and customer audits, certifications, and assessments in Korea. Hwee previously worked in security governance, risk, and compliance and is laser focused on building customers’ trust and providing them assurance in the cloud.

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain
Tushar is a Compliance Program Manager at AWS, where he leads multiple security, compliance, and training initiatives. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Indian Institute of Management and a Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering degree from Marathwada University. He has over 12 years of experience in information security and holds CCSK and CSXF certifications.

Eun Jin Kim

Eun Jin Kim
Eun Jin is a security assurance professional working as the Audit Program Manager at AWS. She mainly leads compliance programs in South Korea for the financial sector. She has more than 25 years of experience and holds a Master’s Degree in Management Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master’s Degree in Law from George Mason University.

Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy
Michael is a Compliance Program Manager at AWS, where he leads multiple security and privacy initiatives. Michael has 12 years of experience in information security. He holds a Master’s Degree and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. He also holds CISSP, CRISC, CISA, and CISM certifications.

Nathan Samuel

Nathan Samuel
Nathan is a Compliance Program Manager at AWS, where he leads multiple security and privacy initiatives. Nathan has a Bachelor’s of Commerce degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has 21 years’ experience in security assurance and holds the CISA, CRISC, CGEIT, CISM, CDPSE, and Certified Internal Auditor certifications.

Seul Un Sung

Seul Un Sung
Seul Un is a Security Assurance Audit Program Manager at AWS, where she has been leading South Korea audit programs, including K-ISMS and RSEFT, for the past 4 years. She has a Bachelor’s of Information Communication and Electronic Engineering degree from Ewha Womans University and has 14 years of experience in IT risk, compliance, governance, and audit, and holds the CISA certification.

Hidetoshi Takeuchi

Hidetoshi Takeuchi
Hidetoshi is a Senior Audit Program Manager at AWS, based in Japan, leading Japan and India security certification and authorization programs. Hidetoshi has led information technology, cyber security, risk management, compliance, security assurance, and technology audits for the past 28 years and holds the CISSP certifications.

ryan wilks

Ryan Wilks
Ryan is a Compliance Program Manager at AWS, where he leads multiple security and privacy initiatives. Ryan has 13 years of experience in information security. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Rutgers University and holds ITIL, CISM, and CISA certifications.