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  • Travel

    United Airlines on AWS

    United Airlines is leading modernization in an industry that’s embracing change. The largest airline globally by number of seat miles, its mission is to “Connect People, Uniting the World.” Migrating tens of hundreds of applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS) has helped the business accelerate innovation, even in the midst of challenging market conditions. From supporting its technology team to save $2 billion and boosting developer productivity 40 percent, to using generative artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline passenger record processes and save months of manual effort. With services such as Amazon Bedrock, AWS IoT Core, and Amazon DocumentDB, United Airlines is transforming passenger experiences, increasing efficiency and security, and shaping the intelligent airport of tomorrow.
  • Travel

    Cathay Accelerates Projects and Boosts Reliability by Modernizing Critical Applications on AWS

    Hong Kong
    Cathay modernized 90+ applications on AWS, using Amazon RDS and AWS DMS for seamless database management and migration, and Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP to manage IBM MQ workloads, decreasing time-to-market and increasing availability.
  • Travel

    Aeroporti di Roma Improves the Passenger Experience through Continuous Innovation

    Aerorporti di Roma is migrating its infrastructure to the cloud and collaborated with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to foster innovation.
  • Hospitality

    En s'appuyant sur AWS, Dalma réinvente le métier d’assureur pour animaux

    Qui a dit qu’on ne pouvait pas innover dans le secteur de l’assurance ? Face aux acteurs déjà bien implantés sur le secteur, Dalma a fait le choix d’une approche résolument novatrice : une assurance dédiée aux animaux de compagnie qui se veut simple, claire et efficace en tirant parti de toute la souplesse du digital !
  • Hospitality

    iFood and Appoena Gain Agility on AWS Marketplace

    Learn how iFood teamed with Appoena to simplify governance and increase visibility
  • Travel

    DB Energie Uses Machine Learning to Enhance Power Grid Operations

    DB Energie used Amazon SageMaker to create a scalable pipeline for machine learning (ML) to support efficient deployment into production of ML models that produced operational insights.
  • Travel

    Skyscanner Delivers Travel Deals Using Amazon CloudFront

    Travel marketplace Skyscanner migrated to Amazon CloudFront, helping its scale to three billion monthly API requests, maintain a 99.99 percent cache-hit rate, and unlock 50 percent cost savings.
  • Airlines

    Calgary Airport Authority Enhances Cybersecurity on the AWS Cloud

    To improve performance, reduce costs, and mitigate passenger-service disruptions in the event of a cybersecurity incident, the Calgary Airport Authority migrated its on-premises data center to the AWS Cloud.
  • Hospitality

    TUI Uses Amazon CloudFront to Create an App for 12,000 Users

    TUI used AWS to build a branded voting application 90 percent faster, for use by 12,000 audience members on the popular Belgian game show De Mol.
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Nozioni di base

Le aziende leader nel settore turistico e alberghiero hanno già iniziato a usare i servizi di AWS. Contatta i nostri esperti e comincia oggi il tuo percorso verso AWS Cloud.