Posted On: Apr 9, 2019

You can now use Apache HBase 1.4.9, Apache Flink 1.7.1, and Apache Oozie 5.1.0 on Amazon EMR release 5.22.0. These releases include various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Also, with this release, we have increased the default EBS storage size of EC2 instances that have EBS-only storage. The size increase is proportional to the size of the EC2 instance and we have spread the increase over multiple EBS volumes. This change allows applications such as Spark to take better advantage of the IOPS performance of the EBS volumes when writing intermediate data to disk which in turn results in better job performance.

Additionally, with this release, you can use the upgraded version of Apache Phoenix 4.14.1 and Apache Zeppelin 0.8.1.

You can create an Amazon EMR cluster with the release 5.22.0 by choosing the release label “emr-5.22.0” from the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDK. You can choose HBase, Oozie, Flink, Phoenix, and Zeppelin to install these applications when you launch your EMR cluster. Please visit the Amazon EMR documentation for more information about EMR release 5.22.0, HBase 1.4.9, Oozie 5.1.0, Flink 1.7.1, Phoenix 4.14.1, and Zeppelin 0.8.1.

Amazon EMR release 5.22.0 is now available in all supported regions for Amazon EMR.

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