AWS Identity Services

Securely manage and govern access for your customers, workforce, and workloads

Identity management, access controls, and governance are foundational security pillars for organizations of any size and type. As you migrate to and modernize on AWS, your security and IT teams can adopt modern cloud-native identity solutions and Zero Trust architectures to securely support hybrid workforce productivity, provide builders and customers access experiences with less friction, apply and audit permissions toward least privilege, and help meet stringent compliance mandates.

Scalable customer and workforce identity solutions

AWS Identity Services are resilient and highly available to help you manage identities, permissions, and resource access securely and at scale. You can grant your customers, workforce, and workloads the access they need using fine-grained permissions, organizational and account governance, as well as preventative, detective, and proactive security controls.  

Freedom to choose your identity source

Choose where and how you manage your employee, partner, and customer identities. You can confidently migrate to and modernize on AWS by granting your existing users and groups access to AWS accounts and applications. Use an expansive partner network from AWS to extend and augment your identity program.

Fine-grained access controls and analysis

Specify and define fine-grained access to AWS resources, workloads, and the applications you develop for customers. Apply role, attribute, and policy-based access controls at scale for a strengthened security posture and analyze access to help meet compliance mandates.  

Govern and manage identities and access

Centralize governance and automate access controls across AWS for better efficiency, productivity, and ongoing governance. At the same time, you can integrate your identity solutions with other AWS security services and AWS Partner Network solutions for more actionable insights and governance into who can access what.

Managing Identity and Access in AWS (1:32)

Identity use cases

Purpose-built identity management and access control capabilities from AWS help you securely deliver delightful customer experiences, manage and analyze access, govern cloud resources at scale, and refine toward least privilege as you transform your business.

Customer identity and access management

Interact and engage your customers from sign-up to sign-in across digital channels using industry standards. You can apply security controls, integrate developer tools, use customer analytics, and balance privacy and ease of use for your customers. 

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Workforce and workload identity and access management

You can manage employee, vendor, partner, and resource access to AWS services and applications. You grant your workforce and workloads the access only needed to organizational and cloud-based applications and data. 

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Identity services and solutions for your customer applications

Secure, frictionless customer identity and access management that scales.
Fine-grained permissions and authorization for the applications you build.
Cedar is a language for defining permissions as policies, which describe who should have access to what.

Identity services for your workforce and workloads

Securely manage access to AWS services and resources.
Manage workforce access across AWS accounts and applications.
Use a fully managed Microsoft Active Directory service.
Simply and securely share your AWS resources across multiple accounts.
Central governance and management across AWS accounts.
The easiest way to set up and govern a new, secure multi-account AWS environment.
A first-principles approach: AWS Identity and Access Management (56:44)
Create enterprise-wide preventive guardrails, featuring Inter & Co. (58:25)
Establishing a data perimeter on AWS, featuring USAA (56:53)

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