經驗證可遵循 AWS Lambda 最佳實務
AWS Lambda 合作夥伴可協助您建立服務和應用程式,而無需佈建或管理伺服器。AWS Lambda 交付合作夥伴可協助您建立或將解決方案移轉至無伺服器運算上執行的微型服務架構。AWS Lambda Ready 合作夥伴提供開發人員工具解決方案,這些解決方案已由 AWS 無伺服器專家針對 AWS Well-Architected Framework 進行驗證。
AWS 服務交付和 AWS 服務就緒計劃讓 AWS 客戶能夠識別 AWS 合作夥伴的經驗,以及對特定 AWS 服務及軟體解決方案具有深入了解。這些合作夥伴已通過嚴格的技術驗證,以確保其遵循 AWS Lambda 的最佳實務,並證明客戶的成功。
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利用 Stackery 和 AWS 提供的無伺服器工具,MasterStream 的 DevOps 和管理成本降低了 90%,同時提高速度和可擴展性。了解採用 AWS Lambda 和 Stackery 的監視和故障排除解決方案,如何提高效能、可靠性和耐用性。觀看爐邊談話網路研討會。
Gnomon & Medisanté
Medisanté Hub 直接透過蜂窩網路,將物聯網資料集合簡化至 DM4all,這是一個照護管理平台。它使用 AWS Lambda 進行無伺服器運算,使用 Amazon DynamoDB 開展資料庫服務,使用 Amazon CloudWatch 進行監控。
AWS 合作夥伴 DI-VISION 協助 PostNL 遷移至使用 Amazon DynamoDB、AWS Lambda 和 Amazon Kinesis 的無伺服器平台,以改進物流資料追蹤,每天遞送近 100 萬個包裹。
Oral Roberts University & ServerCentral Turing Group
ServerCentral Turing Group 協助 Oral Roberts 大學為近 1,000 名學生提供可靠的學術測試應用程式,更好地了解應用程式問題,並使用 AWS Lambda 為未來的測試計劃建立框架。
Prismea & Ippon Technologies
Prismea 是一間總部位於法國的銀行新創公司,與 Ippon Technologies 攜手合作,使用 Amazon Aurora、AWS Lambda 和 Amazon Cognito 開發新的最終使用者功能,以支援核心銀行解決方案 Treezor。
Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 92日期- 日期
Senthil Nathan, Amir Vahid, Snehanshu Bhaisare, 2025年1月31日The financial services industry stands at a crossroads between speed and security. Despite the digital revolution, document-based verification remains king – creating a bottleneck that impacts both operational efficiency and fraud prevention. This paradox affects everything from payment processing to lending and insurance claims management, challenging institutions to find innovative solutions. In this blog we cover how Fortiro’s solutions streamline document verification while strengthening fraud prevention.
Srini Raghavan, Robert Pflug, Kathrin Hagemann, 2024年10月23日Explore how IAV lumits, the first automated AWS cloud-based solution specifically for C-ITS message compliance, accelerates verification processes. Supporting standardized specifications from SAE, ISO, IEEE, and ETSI, IAV lumits ensures interoperability and safety in connected vehicles, The blog post describes how you can accelerate C-ITS deployment faster and make it more secure.
Saurabh Mishra, 2024年8月12日Learn about InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL and IRIS Cloud IntegratedML, fully managed cloud-native SaaS offerings that offer customers the fastest time to value for InterSystems data management software. Available on AWS Marketplace, these offerings can assist you in managing your data fabric and data mesh architectures.
Saurabh Shanbhag, Srikar Reddy Kasireddy, Aman Tiwari, 2024年9月16日By combining Amazon DynamoDB with SingleStore, organizations can efficiently capture, process, and analyze DynamoDB data at scale. SingleStore has high-throughput data ingestion and near-real time analytical query capability for both relational and JSON data. This integration empowers businesses to derive actionable insights from their data in near real time, enabling faster decision-making and improved operational efficiency.
Aleksei Gorbunov, Darryl Diosomito, Krishna Gogineni, 2024年6月26日London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) has 30 PB of Tick History-PCAP data, which is ultra-high-quality global market data that is based on raw exchange data, timestamped to the nanosecond. An additional 60 TB is generated every day. LSEG sought to migrate their data from Wasabi cloud storage, LSEG was looking for a new solution to [...]