AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon Elastic Container Registry

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup: New capabilities in Amazon Bedrock, AWS Amplify Gen 2, Amazon RDS and more (May 13, 2024)

AWS Summit is in full swing around the world, with the most recent one being AWS Summit Singapore! Here is a sneak peek of the AWS staff and ASEAN community members at the Developer Lounge booth. It featured AWS Community speakers giving lightning talks on serverless, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), security, generative AI, […]

AWS Fargate Enables Faster Container Startup using Seekable OCI

While developing with containers is becoming an increasingly popular way for deploying and scaling applications, there are still areas where improvements can be made. One of the main issues with scaling containerized applications is the long startup time, especially during scale up when newer instances need to be added. This issue can have a negative […]

AWS Week in Review – Automate DLQ Redrive for SQS, Lambda Supports Ruby 3.2, and More – June 12, 2023

Today I’m boarding a plane for Madrid. I will attend the AWS Summit Madrid this Thursday, and I will take Serverlesspresso with me. Serverlesspresso is a demo that we take to events, in where you can learn how to build event-driven architectures with serverless. If you are visiting an AWS Summit, most probably you will […]

Amazon Inspector

Improved, Automated Vulnerability Management for Cloud Workloads with a New Amazon Inspector

Updated November 30, 2021: Added launch partner blog links. Amazon Inspector is a service used by organizations of all sizes to automate security assessment and management at scale. Amazon Inspector helps organizations meet security and compliance requirements for workloads deployed to AWS, scanning for unintended network exposure, software vulnerabilities, and deviations from application security best […]

Announcing Pull Through Cache Repositories for Amazon Elastic Container Registry

Organizations, development teams, and individual developers who have chosen to use containers to host their applications may prefer, or perhaps are required, to source all images from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) to take advantage of its high availability and security. To satisfy those requirements, customers have needed to take on the burden of […]