AWS Compute Blog

Configuring user creation workflows with AWS Step Functions and AWS Managed Microsoft AD logs

This post is contributed by Taka Matsumoto, Cloud Support Engineer

AWS Directory Service lets you run Microsoft Active Directory as a managed service. Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory, also referred to as AWS Managed Microsoft AD, is powered by Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2. It manages users and makes it easy to integrate with compatible AWS services and other applications. Using the log forwarding feature, you can stay aware of all security events in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. This helps monitor events like the addition of a new user.

When new users are created in your AWS Managed Microsoft AD, you might go through the initial setup workflow manually. However, AWS Step Functions can coordinate new user creation activities into serverless workflows that automate the process. With Step Functions, AWS Lambda can be also used to run code for the automation workflows without provisioning or managing servers.

In this post, I show how to create and trigger a new user creation workflow in Step Functions. This workflow creates a WorkSpace in Amazon WorkSpaces and a user in Amazon Connect using AWS Managed Microsoft AD, Step Functions, Lambda, and Amazon CloudWatch Logs.


The following diagram shows the solution graphically.

Configuring user creation workflows with AWS Step Functions and AWS Managed Microsoft AD logs


Using the following procedures, create an automated user creation workflow with AWS Managed Microsoft AD. The solution requires the creation of new resources in CloudWatch, Lambda, and Step Functions, and a new user in Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon Connect. Here’s the list of steps:

  1. Enable log forwarding.
  2. Create the Lambda functions.
  3. Set up log streaming.
  4. Create a state machine in Step Functions.
  5. Test the solution.


To follow along, you need the following resources:

  • AWS Managed Microsoft AD
    • Must be registered with Amazon WorkSpaces
    • Must be registered with Amazon Connect

In this example, you use an Amazon Connect instance with SAML 2.0-based authentication as identity management. For more information, see Configure SAML for Identity Management in Amazon Connect.

Enable log forwarding

Enable log forwarding for your AWS Managed Microsoft AD.  Use /aws/directoryservice/<directory id> for the CloudWatch log group name. You will use this log group name when creating a Log Streaming in Step 3.

Create Lambda functions

Create two Lambda functions. The first starts a Step Functions execution with CloudWatch Logs. The second performs a user registration process with Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon Connect within a Step Functions execution.

Create the first function with the following settings:

  • Name: DS-Log-Stream-Function
  • Runtime: Python 3.7
  • Memory: 128 MB
  • Timeout: 3 seconds
  • Environment variables:
    • Key: stateMachineArn
    • Value: arn:aws:states:<Region>:<AccountId>:stateMachine:NewUserWorkFlow
  • IAM role with the following permissions:
    • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
    • The following permissions policy
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "states:StartExecution",
            "Resource": "*"
import base64
import boto3
import gzip
import json
import re
import os
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    logEvents = DecodeCWPayload(event)
    print('Event payload:', logEvents)
    returnResultDict = []
    # Because there can be more than one message pushed in a single payload, use a for loop to start a workflow for every user
    for logevent in logEvents:
        logMessage = logevent['message']
        upnMessage ="(<Data Name='UserPrincipalName'>)(.*?)(<\/Data>)",logMessage)
        if upnMessage != None:
            upn =
            userNameAndDomain = upn.split('@')
            userName = userNameAndDomain[0].lower()
            userNameAndDomain = upn.split('@')
            domainName = userNameAndDomain[1].lower()
            sfnInputDict = {'Username': userName, 'UPN': upn, 'DomainName': domainName}
            sfnResponse = StartSFNExecution(json.dumps(sfnInputDict))
            print('Execution ARN:', sfnResponse['executionArn'])
            print('Execution start time:', sfnResponse['startDate'])
            returnResultDict.append({'Username': upn, 'ExectionArn': sfnResponse['executionArn'], 'Time': str(sfnResponse['startDate'])})

    returnObject = {'Result':returnResultDict}
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(returnObject)

# Helper function decode the payload
def DecodeCWPayload(payload):
    # CloudWatch Log Stream event 
    cloudWatchLog = payload['awslogs']['data']
    # Base 64 decode the log 
    base64DecodedValue = base64.b64decode(cloudWatchLog)
    # Uncompress the gzipped decoded value
    gunzipValue = gzip.decompress(base64DecodedValue)
    dictPayload = json.loads(gunzipValue)
    decodedLogEvents = dictPayload['logEvents']
    return decodedLogEvents

# Step Functions state machine execution function
def StartSFNExecution(sfnInput):
    sfnClient = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
        response = sfnClient.start_execution(
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        return e

For the other function used to perform a user creation task, use the following settings:

  • Name: SFN-New-User-Flow
  • Runtime: Python 3.7
  • Memory: 128 MB
  • Timeout: 3 seconds
  • Environment variables:
    • Key: nameDelimiter
    • Value: . [period]

This delimiter is used to split the username into a first name and last name, as Amazon Connect instances with SAML-based authentication require both a first name and last name for users. For more information, see CreateUser API and UserIdentity Info.

  • Key: bundleId
  • Value: <WorkSpaces bundle ID>

Run the following AWS CLI command to return Amazon-owned WorkSpaces bundles. Use one of the bundle IDs for the key-value pair.

aws workspaces describe-workspace-bundles –owner AMAZON

  • Key: directoryId
  • Value: <WorkSpaces directory ID>

Run the following AWS CLI command to return Amazon WorkSpaces directories. Use your directory ID for the key-value pair.

aws workspaces describe-workspace-directories

  • Key: instanceId
  • Value: <Amazon Connect instance ID>

Find the Amazon Connect instance ID the Amazon Connect instance ID.

  • Key: routingProfile
  • Value: <Amazon Connect routing profile>

Run the following AWS CLI command to list routing profiles with their IDs. For this walkthrough, use the ID for the basic routing profile.

aws connect list-routing-profiles –instance-id <instance id>

  • Key: securityProfile
  • Value: <Amazon Connect security profile>

Run the following AWS CLI command to list security profiles with their IDs. For this walkthrough, use the ID for an agent security profile.

aws connect list-security-profiles –instance-id  <instance id>

  • IAM role permissions:
    • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole

The following permissions policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
import json
import os
import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    userName = event['input']['User']
    nameDelimiter = os.environ['nameDelimiter']
    if nameDelimiter in userName:
        firstName = userName.split(nameDelimiter)[0]
        lastName = userName.split(nameDelimiter)[1]
        firstName = userName
        lastName = userName
    domainName = event['input']['Domain']
    upn = event['input']['UPN']
    serviceName = event['input']['Service']
    if serviceName == 'WorkSpaces':
        # Setting WorkSpaces variables
        workspacesDirectoryId = os.environ['directoryId']
        workspacesUsername = upn
        workspacesBundleId = os.environ['bundleId']
        createNewWorkSpace = create_new_workspace(
        return createNewWorkSpace
    elif serviceName == 'Connect':
        createConnectUser = create_connect_user(
        return createConnectUser
        print(serviceName, 'is not recognized...')
        print('Available service names are WorkSpaces and Connect')
        unknownServiceException = {
            'statusCode': 500,
            'body': json.dumps(f'Service name, {serviceName}, is not recognized')}
        raise Exception(unknownServiceException)

class FailedWorkSpaceCreationException(Exception):

class WorkSpaceResourceExists(Exception):

def create_new_workspace(directoryId, username, bundleId):
    workspacesClient = boto3.client('workspaces')
    response = workspacesClient.create_workspaces(
                'DirectoryId': directoryId,
                'UserName': username,
                'BundleId': bundleId,
                'WorkspaceProperties': {
                    'RunningMode': 'AUTO_STOP',
                    'RunningModeAutoStopTimeoutInMinutes': 60,
                    'RootVolumeSizeGib': 80,
                    'UserVolumeSizeGib': 100,
                    'ComputeTypeName': 'VALUE'
    print('create_workspaces response:',response)
    for pendingRequest in response['PendingRequests']:
        if pendingRequest['UserName'] == username:
            workspacesResultObject = {'UserName':username, 'ServiceName':'WorkSpaces', 'Status': 'Success'}
            return {
                'statusCode': 200,
                'body': json.dumps(workspacesResultObject)
    for failedRequest in response['FailedRequests']:
        if failedRequest['WorkspaceRequest']['UserName'] == username:
            errorCode = failedRequest['ErrorCode']
            errorMessage = failedRequest['ErrorMessage']
            errorResponse = {'Error Code:', errorCode, 'Error Message:', errorMessage}
            if errorCode == "ResourceExists.WorkSpace": 
                raise WorkSpaceResourceExists(str(errorResponse))
                raise FailedWorkSpaceCreationException(str(errorResponse))
def create_connect_user(connectUsername, connectFirstName,connectLastName,securityProfile,routingProfile,instanceId):
    connectClient = boto3.client('connect')
    response = connectClient.create_user(
                        'FirstName': connectFirstName,
                        'LastName': connectLastName
                        'PhoneType': 'SOFT_PHONE',
                        'AutoAccept': False,
                    InstanceId = instanceId
    connectSuccessResultObject = {'UserName':connectUsername,'ServiceName':'Connect','FirstName': connectFirstName, 'LastName': connectLastName,'Status': 'Success'}
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': json.dumps(connectSuccessResultObject)

Set up log streaming

Create a new CloudWatch Logs subscription filter that sends log data to the Lambda function DS-Log-Stream-Function created in Step 2.

  1. In the CloudWatch console, choose Logs, Log Groups, and select the log group, /aws/directoryservice/<directory id>, for the directory set up in Step 1.
  2. Choose Actions, Stream to AWS Lambda.
  3. Choose Destination, and select the Lambda function DS-Log-Stream-Function.
  4. For Log format, choose Other as the log format and enter “<EventID>4720</EventID>” (include the double quotes).
  5. Choose Start streaming.

If there is an existing subscription filter for the log group, run the following AWS CLI command to create a subscription filter for the Lambda function, DS-Log-Stream-Function.

aws logs put-subscription-filter \

--log-group-name /aws/directoryservice/<directoryid> \

--filter-name NewUser \

--filter-pattern "<EventID>4720</EventID>" \

--destination-arn arn:aws:lambda:<Region>:<ACCOUNT_NUMBER>:function:DS-Log-Stream-Function

For more information, see Using CloudWatch Logs Subscription Filters.

Create a state machine in Step Functions

The next step is to create a state machine in Step Functions. This state machine runs the Lambda function, SFN-New-User-Flow, to create a user in Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon Connect.

Define the state machine, using the following settings:

  • Name: NewUserWorkFlow
  • State machine definition: Copy the following state machine definition:
    "Comment": "An example state machine for a new user creation workflow",
    "StartAt": "Parallel",
    "States": {
        "Parallel": {
            "Type": "Parallel",
            "End": true,
            "Branches": [
                    "StartAt": "CreateWorkSpace",
                    "States": {
                        "CreateWorkSpace": {
                            "Type": "Task",
                            "Parameters": {
                                "input": {
                                    "User.$": "$.Username",
                                    "UPN.$": "$.UPN",
                                    "Domain.$": "$.DomainName",
                                    "Service": "WorkSpaces"
                            "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:{region}:{account id}:function:SFN-New-User-Flow",
                            "Retry": [
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "IntervalSeconds": 1,
                                    "MaxAttempts": 0,
                                    "BackoffRate": 1
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "IntervalSeconds": 10,
                                    "MaxAttempts": 2,
                                    "BackoffRate": 2
                            "Catch": [
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "ResultPath": "$.workspacesResult",
                                    "Next": "WorkSpacesPassState"
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "ResultPath": "$.workspacesResult",
                                    "Next": "WorkSpacesPassState"
                            "End": true
                        "WorkSpacesPassState": {
                            "Type": "Pass",
                            "Parameters": {
                                "Result.$": "$.workspacesResult"
                            "End": true
                    "StartAt": "CreateConnectUser",
                    "States": {
                        "CreateConnectUser": {
                            "Type": "Task",
                            "Parameters": {
                                "input": {
                                    "User.$": "$.Username",
                                    "UPN.$": "$.UPN",
                                    "Domain.$": "$.DomainName",
                                    "Service": "Connect"
                            "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:{region}:{account id}:function:SFN-New-User-Flow",
                            "Retry": [
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "IntervalSeconds": 1,
                                    "MaxAttempts": 0,
                                    "BackoffRate": 1
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "IntervalSeconds": 10,
                                    "MaxAttempts": 2,
                                    "BackoffRate": 2
                            "Catch": [
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "ResultPath": "$.connectResult",
                                    "Next": "ConnectPassState"
                                    "ErrorEquals": [
                                    "ResultPath": "$.connectResult",
                                    "Next": "ConnectPassState"
                            "End": true,
                            "ResultPath": "$.connectResult"
                        "ConnectPassState": {
                            "Type": "Pass",
                            "Parameters": {
                                "Result.$": "$.connectResult"
                            "End": true

After entering the name and state machine definition, choose Next.

Configure the settings by choosing Create an IAM role for me. This creates an IAM role for the state machine to run the Lambda function SFN-New-User-Flow.

Here’s the list of states in the NewUserWorkFlow state machine definition:

  • Start—When the state machine starts, it creates a parallel state to start both the CreateWorkSpace and CreateConnectUser states.
  • CreateWorkSpace—This task state runs the SFN-New-User-Flow Lambda function to create a new WorkSpace for the user. If this is successful, it goes to the End state.
  • WorkSpacesPassState—This pass state returns the result from the CreateWorkSpace state.
  • CreateConnectUse — This task state runs the SFN-New-User-Flow Lambda function to create a user in Amazon Connect. If this is successful, it goes to the End state.
  • ConnectPassState—This pass state returns the result from the CreateWorkSpace state.
  • End

The following diagram shows how these states relate to each other.

Step Functions State Machine

Test the solution

It’s time to test the solution. Create a user in AWS Managed Microsoft AD. The new user should have the following attributes:

  • First name: SFNFirst
  • Last name: SFNLast
  • Email:
  • Username: SFNFirst.SFNLast

This starts a new state machine execution in Step Functions. Here’s the flow:

  1. When there is a user creation event (Event ID: 4720) in the AWS Managed Microsoft AD security log, CloudWatch invokes the Lambda function, DS-Log-Stream-Function, to start a new state machine execution in Step Functions.
  2. To create a new WorkSpace and create a user in the Amazon Connect instance, the state machine execution runs tasks to invoke the other Lambda function, SFN-New-User-Flow.


This solution automates the initial user registration workflow. Step Functions provides the flexibility to customize the workflow to meet your needs. This walkthrough included Amazon WorkSpaces and Amazon Connect; both services are used to register the new user. For organizations that create a number of new users on a regular basis, this new user automation workflow can save time when configuring resources for a new user.

The event source of the automation workflow can be any event that triggers the new user workflow, so the event source isn’t limited to CloudWatch Logs. Also, the integrated service used for new user registration can be any AWS service that offers API and works with AWS Managed Microsoft AD. Other programmatically accessible services within or outside AWS can also fill that role.

In this post, I showed you how serverless workflows can streamline and coordinate user creation activities. Step Functions provides this functionality, with the help of Lambda, Amazon WorkSpaces, AWS Managed Microsoft AD, and Amazon Connect. Together, these services offer increased power and functionality when managing users, monitoring security, and integrating with compatible AWS services.