AWS Compute Blog

Introducing an enhanced local IDE experience for AWS Step Functions

This post written by Ben Freiberg, Senior Solutions Architect.

AWS Step Functions introduces an enhanced local IDE experience to simplify building state machines. Workflow Studio is now available within Visual Studio Code (VS Code) through the AWS Toolkit extension. With this integration, developers can author and edit state machines in their local IDE using the same powerful visual authoring experience found in the AWS Console.

Step Functions is a visual workflow service that helps developers use AWS services to build distributed applications, automate processes, orchestrate microservices, and create data and machine learning (ML) pipelines.

Customers choose Step Functions to build workflows that involve multiple services such as AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate, Amazon Bedrock, and HTTP API integrations. Developers create these workflows as state machines through the AWS Console using Workflow Studio or as code using Amazon States Language (ASL), a JSON-based domain specific language. Developers maintain their workflows definitions alongside the application and Infrastructure as code (IaC) code. Now, builders have even more capabilities to build and test their workflow in VS Code that matches the same experience as in AWS console.

Simplifying local workflow development

The integrated Workflow Studio provides developers with a seamless experience for building Step Functions workflows within their local IDE. You’ll use the same canvas used in the AWS Console to drag and drop states to build your workflows. As you modify the workflow visually, the ASL definition updates automatically, so you can focus on business logic rather than syntax. The Workflow Studio integration offers the same intuitive and visual approach to designing state machines as the AWS Console, without switching context.

Getting started

To use the updated IDE experience, verify that you have the AWS Toolkit with at least version 3.49.0 installed as a VS Code Extension.

AWS Toolkit extension in VS Code which can be updated.

Figure 1: AWS Toolkit update available

After installing the AWS Toolkit extension, you can start building with Workflow Studio by opening a state machine definition. You can use a definition file from your local workspace or use AWS Explorer to download an existing state machine definition from the cloud. VS Code integration supports ASL definitions in JSON and YAML formats. (Note: Files must end in .asl.json, asl.yml or .asl.yaml for Workflow Studio to automatically open the file.) While working with YAML files, Workflow Studio converts the definition to JSON for editing, then converts back to YAML before saving.

A sample state machine in Workflow Studio with Design mode open.

Figure 2: Design mode in Workflow Studio

Workflow Studio in VS Code supports both the Design and Code mode. Design mode provides a graphical interface to build and inspect your workflows. In Code mode, you can use an integrated code editor to view and edit the Amazon States Language (ASL) definition of your workflows. You can always switch back to text-based editing by selecting the Return to Default Editor link at the top right of Workflow Studio, as shown in the following screen.

A sample state machine in Workflow Studio with Code mode open.

Figure 3: Code mode in Workflow Studio

To open Workflow Studio in VS Code manually, you can use the “Open with Workflow Studio” action at the top of a workflow definition file or the icon in the top right of the editor pane. Both options are highlighted in the following screen. Additionally, you can use the file context-menu to open Workflow Studio from the file explorer pane.

A asl file in the default editor showing the different ways to open Workflow Studio.

Figure 4: Integrations of Workflow Studio into the editor

Edits you make in Workflow Studio are automatically synced to the underlying file as unsaved changes. To persist your changes, you must either save the changes from Workflow Studio or the file editor. Similarly, any changes you make to the local file are synced to Workflow Studio on save.

Workflow Studio is aware of Definition Substitutions, so you can even edit workflows which have been integrated with your IaC tooling like AWS CloudFormation or the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Definition Substitutions is a feature of CloudFormation that lets you add dynamic references in your workflow definition to a value that you provide in your IaC template.

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "State machine with Definition Substitutions"
    Type: AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine
      StateMachineName: HelloWorld-StateMachine
        Bucket: amzn-s3-demo-bucket
        Key: state-machine-definition.json
        TableName: DemoTable

You can then use the Definition Substitutions in the definition of your state machine.

"Write message to DynamoDB": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::dynamodb:putItem",
  "Next": "Remove message from SQS queue",
  "Arguments": {
    "TableName": "${TableName}",
    "Item": {
      ... omitted for brevity ...
  "Output": "{% $states.input %}"

The code defines a Step Functions task state that writes a message to DynamoDB using the putItem operation. The ${TableName} substitution syntax allows for a dynamic DynamoDB table name that can be passed as a parameter when the state machine is executed.

Testing and Deployment

Workflow Studio integration supports testing a single state through Step Functions TestState API. With the TestState API, you can test a state in the cloud from your local IDE without creating a state machine or updating an existing state machine. With the power of localized granular testing, you can build and debug changes for individual states without needing to invoking the entire state machine. For example, you can refine the input or output processing, or update the conditional logic in a choice state without ever leaving your IDE.

Testing a state

  1. Open any state machine definition file in Workflow Studio
  2. Select a state from the canvas or the code tab
  3. Open the Inspector panel on the right side if not already openA DynamoDB PutItem opened in the Workflow Studio inspector panel with the Arguments showing a Definition Substitution..
    Figure 5: Arguments of an Individual state
  4. Select Test state button at the top
  5. Select your IAM role and add the input. Make sure that the role has the necessary permissions for using TestState API
  6. If your state contains any Definition Substitutions, you’ll see an additional section where you can replace them with your specific values.
  7. Select Start Test

Modal popup of the TestState with a role selected and showing the entered value of a Definition Substitution.

Figure 6: TestState configuration with a Definition Substitution

After the test succeeds, you can publish your workflow from the IDE using the AWS Toolkit. You can also use IaC tools such as AWS Serverless Application Model, AWS CDK, or CloudFormation to deploy your state machine.


Step Functions is introducing an enhanced local IDE experience to simplify the development of workflows using the VS Code IDE and AWS Toolkit. This streamlines the code-test-deploy-debug cycle and offers developers a seamless integration of Workflow Studio. By combining visual workflow design with the power of a full-featured IDE, developers can now build Step Functions workflows more efficiently.

To get started, install the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code and visit the user guide on Workflow Studio integration. Find hands-on examples, best practices, and useful resources for AWS serverless at Serverless Land.