AWS Compute Blog

From Framework to Function: Deploying AWS Lambda Functions for Java 8 using Apache Maven Archetype

As a serverless computing platform that supports Java 8 runtime, AWS Lambda makes it easy to run any type of Java function simply by uploading a JAR file. To help define not only a Lambda serverless application but also Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, and other related services, the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) allows […]

Solving Complex Ordering Challenges with Amazon SQS FIFO Queues

Contributed by Shea Lutton, AWS Cloud Infrastructure Architect Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a fully managed queuing service that helps decouple applications, distributed systems, and microservices to increase fault tolerance. SQS queues come in two distinct types: Standard SQS queues are able to scale to enormous throughput with at-least-once delivery. FIFO queues are […]

Using AWS CloudFormation to Create and Manage AWS Batch Resources

This post courtesy of Arya Hezarkhani. AWS CloudFormation allows developers and systems administrators to easily create and manage a collection of related AWS resources (called a CloudFormation stack) by provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable way. CloudFormation users can now deploy and manage AWS Batch resources in exactly the same way that […]

Integrating Amazon MQ with other AWS services via Apache Camel

This post courtesy of Massimiliano Angelino, AWS Solutions Architect Different enterprise systems—ERP, CRM, BI, HR, etc.—need to exchange information but normally cannot do that natively because they are from different vendors. Enterprises have tried multiple ways to integrate heterogeneous systems, generally referred to as enterprise application integration (EAI). Modern EAI systems are based on a […]

Implementing safe AWS Lambda deployments with AWS CodeDeploy

This post courtesy of George Mao, AWS Senior Serverless Specialist – Solutions Architect AWS Lambda and AWS CodeDeploy recently made it possible to automatically shift incoming traffic between two function versions based on a preconfigured rollout strategy. This new feature allows you to gradually shift traffic to the new function. If there are any issues […]

ICYMI: Serverless Q1 2018

This post courtesy of Paul Johnston, AWS Senior Developer Advocate – Serverless Welcome to the first edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (In case you missed it) quarterly recap! Every quarter we’ll share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have […]

Using AWS Lambda and Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis

This post courtesy of Giedrius Praspaliauskas, AWS Solutions Architect Even with best IVR systems, customers get frustrated. What if you knew that 10 callers in your Amazon Connect contact flow were likely to say “Agent!” in frustration in the next 30 seconds? Would you like to get to them before that happens? What if your […]

Tag Amazon EBS Snapshots on Creation and Implement Stronger Security Policies

This blog was contributed by Rucha Nene, Sr. Product Manager for Amazon EBS AWS customers use tags to track ownership of resources, implement compliance protocols, control access to resources via IAM policies, and drive their cost accounting processes. Last year, we made tagging for Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon EBS volumes easier by adding the […]

Innovation Flywheels and the AWS Serverless Application Repository

At AWS, our customers have always been the motivation for our innovation. In turn, we’re committed to helping them accelerate the pace of their own innovation. It was in the spirit of helping our customers achieve their objectives faster that we launched AWS Lambda in 2014, eliminating the burden of server management and enabling AWS […]