AWS DevOps Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence


Automating detection of security vulnerabilities and bugs in CI/CD pipelines using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer CLI

Watts S. Humphrey, the father of Software Quality, had famously quipped, “Every business is a software business”. Software is indeed integral to any industry. The engineers who create software are also responsible for making sure that the underlying code adheres to industry and organizational standards, are performant, and are absolved of any security vulnerabilities that […]

A new Spark plugin for CPU and memory profiling

Introduction Have you ever wondered if there are low-hanging optimization opportunities to improve the performance of a Spark app? Profiling can help you gain visibility regarding the runtime characteristics of the Spark app to identify its bottlenecks and inefficiencies. We’re excited to announce the release of a new Spark plugin that enables profiling for JVM […]

Leverage DevOps Guru for RDS to detect anomalies and resolve operational issues

The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a popular choice among organizations running critical applications that supports online transaction processing (OLTP) use-cases. But managing the RDBMS database comes with its own challenges. AWS has made it easier for organizations to operate these databases in the cloud, thereby addressing the undifferentiated heavy lifting with managed databases […]

Save Cost and Improve Lambda Application Performance with Proactive Insights from Amazon DevOps Guru

AWS customers, regardless of size and market segment, constantly seek to improve application performance while reducing operational costs. Today, Amazon DevOps Guru generates proactive insights that enable you to reduce the cost and improve the performance of your AWS Lambda application. By proactively analyzing your application and making these cost-saving and/or performance-improving recommendations, DevOps Guru […]

Detecting security issues in logging with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that provides intelligent recommendations for identifying security risks in code and improving code quality. To help you find potential issues related to logging of inputs that haven’t been sanitized, Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer now includes additional checks for both Python and Java. In this post, we discuss these updates and […]

Automate code reviews with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

A common problem in software development is accidentally or unintentionally merging code with bugs, defects, or security vulnerabilities into your main branch. Finding and mitigating these faulty lines of code deployed to the production environment can cause severe outages in running applications and can cost unnecessary time and effort to fix. Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer tackles […]

Monitor AWS resources created by Terraform in Amazon DevOps Guru using tfdevops

This post was written in collaboration with Kapil Thangavelu, CTO at Stacklet Amazon DevOps Guru is a machine learning (ML) powered service that helps developers and operators automatically detect anomalies and improve application availability. DevOps Guru utilizes machine learning models, informed by years of and AWS operational excellence to identify anomalous application behavior (e.g., increased […]

Define application boundary using AWS resources tags in Amazon DevOps Guru

Amazon DevOps Guru is an ML powered service that makes it easy to improve an application’s operational performance and availability. By analyzing application metrics, logs, events and traces, DevOps Guru identifies behaviors that deviate from normal operating patterns and creates insights that you can use to improve your application. At re:Invent 2021, we announced a […]

Automate Container Anomaly Monitoring of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Clusters with Amazon DevOps Guru

Observability in a container-centric environment presents new challenges for operators due to the increasing number of abstractions and supporting infrastructure. In many cases, organizations can have hundreds of clusters and thousands of services/tasks/pods running concurrently. This post will demonstrate new features in Amazon DevOps Guru to help simplify and expand the capabilities of the operator. […]

Deep learning image vector embeddings at scale using AWS Batch and CDK

Applying various transformations to images at scale is an easily parallelized and scaled task. As a Computer Vision research team at Amazon, we occasionally find that the amount of image data we are dealing with can’t be effectively computed on a single machine, but also isn’t large enough to justify running a large and potentially […]