AWS for M&E Blog

Tag: AWS Content Creation

AWS Artist Series: Compositing Spanner­­

This is the second post in our AWS Artist series. For more information, read the first post “Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles”. Nuke script from the short film Spanner Spanner is a short film about two bridge makers: Ulysse is an overly confident worker whose insecurities become very evident when he encounters Noa, a bridge […]

AWS Artist Series: Creating characters with dynamic wrinkles 

Spanner is the story of two bridge builders, Noa and Ulysse. Ulysse is trying to learn from Noa, but he’s too proud and foolish to ask her directly. This leads to him inadvertently being tossed off of the bridge. Later, Noa saves Ulysse and then wraps him up and sticks him under the bridge as […]