AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Machine Learning

aerial street map Singapore

NUS Urban Analytics Lab scales research globally with AWS

The Urban Analytics Lab at the National University of Singapore (NUS) spearheads research in geospatial data analysis and 3D city modelling. The lab’s work underpins the development of smart cities and provides scientists, architects, urban planners, and real estate developers with data insights. These insights help parties make informed decisions about projects ranging from energy modelling to urban farming. To meet rising global demand for its data analytics and planning tools, Urban Analytics Lab turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

How to manage Amazon SageMaker code with AWS CodeCommit

How to manage Amazon SageMaker code with AWS CodeCommit

To help protect investments on ML, government organizations can securely store ML source code. Storing Amazon SageMaker Studio code in an AWS CodeCommit repository enables you to keep them as standalone documents to reuse in the future. SageMaker Studio provides a single, web-based visual interface where you can perform all ML development steps required to prepare data and build, train, and deploy models. Read on to learn the steps to configure a git-based repository on CodeCommit to manage ML code developed with SageMaker.

Young woman holding a notebook in front of a board in a classroom

Education transforming like never before

In 2020, education transformed like never before. Educational institutions needed to be able to provide students, teachers, and staff with immediate access to education and AWS helped customers and partners modernize their systems and applications and reach learners remotely, quickly, and at scale. In 2021, innovation continues in the world of teaching, learning, and research—as well as the use of technology to automate processes and drive better student outcomes.

EdTech brings learning alive to narrow the attainment gap; photo of Oxford University

New human-machine collaborations unlock society’s big challenges

Research exploring how humans work with machines to solve problems in fields ranging from space to sustainability has established the potential to create far-reaching change in children’s education. The test-bed project is part of a wider program set up by Oxford University with support from AWS. Researchers have been as surprised by how quickly they have reached results as they are pleased with the outcomes. One of the test-beds, the Oxford X-Reality Hub Ed Tech project, set out to investigate how virtual reality (VR) could transform the classroom experience and close the gap between disadvantaged groups of pupils who statistically do less well than their peers.

Amazon RaiseUp Buildathon

Building innovative solutions to help nonprofits with fundraising, content delivery, and mission delivery

Nonprofits and cultural institutions need support to serve and deliver impact to our local and global communities. Amazon’s Raise-up Buildathon, presented by AWS, empowered developers, technology enthusiasts, and advocates to build cloud solutions that enhance digital capabilities to help with fundraising, content delivery, and mission delivery. The majority of the winning solutions are available to nonprofits and cultural institutions via open source. Learn more about what these solutions can do, from donor management to augmented reality, to improving how you reach out to constituents to expand your donation stream.

woman and man ballerinas perform on stage

Using AWS to help cultural institutions adapt to a digital world

The humanities—including performing and visual arts—help us understand and interpret the world around us. With the recent pandemic, cultural institutions are challenged as attendance is slowing, funding is diminishing, and programs are being shut down. These cultural institutions must adapt to meet the challenges of this new world. Amazon and AWS have tools to help museums, performing arts centers, and other cultural organizations extend their sphere of influence and increase their engagement with patrons, to remain relevant and better engage audiences in a digital world.

Healthcare Sumerian

Harnessing the power of the cloud to design personalized healthcare solutions

Data is at the heart of healthcare, but our wellbeing is complex. It is a challenge to find the right approach when analyzing or visualizing data. Technology like text-to-speech, augmented reality (AR), and deep learning can help us better understand and explain health data. By designing solutions in the cloud, we can leverage AWS to launch and scale helpful tools as needed, paying for only what we use while keeping data secure.

doctor on tablet in hall of hospital

Meeting evolving patient and clinical needs during COVID-19 and beyond

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging health systems around the world. They are responding to an increase in ill patients, managing a lack of resources such as PPE, and focusing on keeping their workforce well. With worldwide deployment of vaccines still underway, health systems will need to continue transforming to adapt to managing COVID-19 alongside other health conditions. Using cloud technology has already provided benefits to health systems during the pandemic—many of which will persist into the recovery phase. AWS is helping healthcare systems accelerate the pace of research, support data-driven decision making, and facilitate the delivery of services to citizens and patients.

reInvent 2020 Jan

New re:Invent sessions for the public sector coming this month

AWS re:Invent 2020 is not over. Additional content will be released January 12-14, 2021 including more than 200 new no-cost, virtual sessions. In the public sector track, watch five new sessions this January on topics from preparing for ransomware to designing AI and ML applications. Hear from customers like the United States Census Bureau and Capella Space in sessions aired first in Americas, then in Asia-Pacific, and finally in EMEA – all available later on demand.

2020 changing to 2021

5 things we’ve learned this year in the cloud for the public sector

This year, global health and economy challenged government, education, nonprofit, and health organizations to rethink operations. With a focus on their mission, organizations quickly shifted to better and more quickly serve their constituents, students, and customers. Many took advantage of ways to innovate and consider adopting the cloud. AWS looked for ways to help these organizations, educating them on the power of the cloud—no matter where they were on their cloud journey—as well as sharing inspiring stories from their peers. Here’s what we learned.