AWS 零售行业能力合作伙伴

与拥有深厚技术知识和久经考验的客户成功案例的 AWS 专业化合作伙伴一起推动创新并释放更大的商业价值


AWS 零售行业能力合作伙伴提供尖端的行业技术解决方案和专家咨询服务,帮助零售商在整个企业范围内实现现代化并推动创新。其解决方案和服务涵盖客户互动、供应链、数字商务、实体店、数据分析和见解以及核心业务应用程序等关键领域。这些经过验证的 AWS 合作伙伴提供行之有效的解决方案和服务,可加速零售商的数字化转型之旅,帮助其保持竞争优势并提供卓越的客户体验,从提高消费者忠诚度和增长。

AWS 能力合作伙伴计划旨在甄选、验证和推广展现出 AWS 技术专业知识并具有经过验证的客户成功案例的 AWS 合作伙伴。 这些 AWS 合作伙伴已经通过了严格的技术验证,该验证以 AWS Well-Architected Framework 为基础,用于在云中设计、构建和运行可靠、安全、高效的解决方案。

按类别搜索 AWS 零售行业能力合作伙伴

AWS 零售行业能力合作伙伴使零售商能够加速其在整个企业内的数字化转型,包括营销、销售、供应链、商店运营、财务和 IT。这些 AWS 合作伙伴产品已经证实,在以下一个或多个专业领域拥有丰富的相关技术能力和成熟的零售客户成功。

联系 AWS 零售行业能力合作伙伴

AWS 零售行业能力合作伙伴提供由 AWS 提供支持的创新型最佳零售解决方案和服务,以实现客户参与、供应链、数字商务、商店、数据洞察和核心应用程序的现代化。利用他们综合的行业和 AWS 专业知识以及经过验证的客户成功经验,加速转型并提供卓越的购物者体验。

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    • Retail

      VMEngine and AWS Help Yeppon to 40% Savings and 30% Faster Web Performance


      Italian ecommerce company Yeppon sells a range of goods from electronics to clothes and has a total inventory of over 400,000 items. In 7 years, it grew its sales from €1 million to €38.5 million but needed to improve its website to support its growth. The company turned to AWS Partner VMEngine for help with optimization, security, and automating processes to improve scalability. The migration cut 40 percent from IT costs while speeding up website performance by 30 percent.

    • Retail

      Necko Helps Verbolia Deliver 4x More Traffic, 440 Million SEO Pages a Month on AWS


      Verbolia is a Belgian scaleup that helps ecommerce companies improve the effectiveness of their marketing. The company’s products help automate SEO and build landing pages to increase organic traffic and improve return on advertising spend (ROAS). Verbolia’s on-premises infrastructure struggled to scale to support the delivery of an ever-increasing number of landing pages. Working with AWS Partner Necko Technologies, the company refactored its products on Amazon Web Services (AWS), based on a foundation of serverless technologies. As a result, it can now deliver over 400 million pages a month in more than 20 countries—4 times more than it could before the migration.

    • Retail

      idealo Increases Traffic 6x for Black Friday Using MongoDB Atlas on AWS


      German-based price comparison service idealo was experiencing rapid growth, with more than 72 million users per month and growing at 20 percent per year. It needed a way to support that growth and migrated from an on-premises data center using AWS Partner MongoDB to Amazon Web Services (AWS). idealo uses MongoDB Atlas on AWS to gain scalability, flexibility, improved security and compliance, and eliminate capital and maintenance costs. This allowed the company to continue using MongoDB but also gain the benefits of a cloud-based solution managed by MongoDB Atlas, which has removed the administrative burden from the company.

    • Varejo

      Com apoio da T-Systems, C&C migra e-commerce para nuvem AWS


      A C&C Casa e Construção, uma das maiores empresas varejistas do segmento de home center para pisos e revestimentos do Brasil, acaba de migrar sua operação de e-commerce para a nuvem AWS. Com a mudança, a operação – que movimenta mais de R$ 10 milhões mensais – teve sua estrutura reduzida de 19 servidores físicos para 7 servidores virtuais, agilizando o atendimento aos clientes e simplificando a gestão do ambiente e a possibilidade de poder contar com novos recursos em poucas horas, em processos que no ambiente anterior poderiam levar dias.

    1 6

    客户成功案例 »


  • 视频
  • Pivotree 的仓库管理系统(WMS)(18:32)
    Fluent Commerce 的 Fluent 订单管理(15:04)
    JBS Dev 的 GenAI 零售业快速入门 POC(14:42)
    Constructor 的收入优化型搜索和产品发现(23:39)
    King Arthur 烘焙公司利用 AWS 上的 Talkdesk 将联络中心转变为推动增长的力量
    利用 AWS 上的 SAS 智能规划实现零售需求规划现代化(3:28)
    统一零售:AWS 及其合作伙伴开创了全渠道体验(4:59)
    Pivotree SKU Build 通过 Amazon Bedrock 对产品数据进行处理,打造顺畅的商务体验。(2:32)
    XGEN AI 利用生成式人工智能和 Amazon Bedrock 转变电子商务(3:02)
    使用 AWS 上的 JBS Dev、AI/ML 和生成式人工智能实现零售业现代化(2:24)
    Last Yard 助力现代货架边缘促销,促使购物者在购买点实现转化(1:50)
    Peak AI 如何从 AWS 零售合作伙伴能力中受益(2:06)
  • 博客
  • Showing results: 1-5
    Total results: 7
    • 日期
    • Donnie Prakoso, 2023-03-29
      广告和营销、零售、消费包装品(CPG)、旅行和酒店业、媒体和娱乐以及金融服务等多个行业的公司越来越多地希望用来 [...]
    • Jennifer Beckett, Invalid date
      疫情引发的很多变化都将长期持续,企业必须站稳脚跟才能成功满足不断变化的需求。McKinsey 的这份报告显示,电子商务呈爆炸式增长,增长速度是疫情前水平的二到五倍。像所有的火山爆发一样,这次爆发揭开了网上零售业幕布之后的诸多大戏 [...]
    • Beth Shero、Dan Taoka、Kenny Rajan、Melissa Dempsey、Vikram Mehto, Invalid date
      如果您或您的公司正面临安装电子商务解决方案的难题,或者您当前的电子商务网站没有像您希望的那样引起客户的共鸣,那么并不只是您处于这种境况。了解 Adobe Commerce 开源解决方案,如何使用 Shero Commerce 开发的快速入门部署该解决方案,以及 Shero 如何帮助您使用 Adobe Commerce 系统来增强客户的数字购物体验。
    • Danny Yin、Guha Athreya, Invalid date
      出现在需求与供应的交叉点上的机会 早在疫情对我们所有人早场影响之前,消费包装商品(CPG)和零售行业就已具有了复杂性和波动性的特征。Boston Consulting Group 的一项研究表示,复杂且不稳定的业务所造成的相关机会损失估计为 8–10%,对需求的不良预期 [...]
    • Joe Rose、Jennifer Beckett, Invalid date
      自疫情开始以来,零售客户的购买习惯发生了巨大变化,并且他们无法再变回之前的习惯。从在线购物和路边提货,到供应链中断引发的品牌忠诚度变化,再到受社交媒体强烈影响的购买决策,零售业已经发生了永久性变化。为了竞争,零售商需要重塑他们的 [...]