Socios de AWS Service Catalog

Impulse la innovación y genere un mayor valor empresarial con socios especializados de AWS que tienen un profundo conocimiento técnico y un éxito comprobado entre los clientes

¿Por qué debería elegir socios de entrega de AWS Service Catalog?

Los socios de entrega de AWS Service Catalog son socios de AWS que ayudan a crear catálogos de servicios de TI que las organizaciones de los clientes aprueban para utilizar en AWS. Con AWS Service Catalog, tanto clientes como socios pueden administrar de manera centralizada servicios de TI que se implementan con regularidad para ayudar a lograr una gobernanza coherente y cumplir los requisitos de conformidad, a la vez que se permite a los usuarios aprovisionar servicios aprobados por su cuenta.

Con el Programa de Prestación de Servicios de AWS, los clientes de AWS pueden encontrar socios de AWS con la experiencia y los conocimientos especializados sobre los servicios específicos de AWS. Estos socios de entrega de AWS Service Catalog han superado una rigurosa validación técnica en la que AWS se asegura de que siguen las prácticas recomendadas con Service Catalog. También proporcionan casos prácticos que demuestran el éxito en la prestación de servicios a los clientes.

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  • Blogs de AWS Service Catalog
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    • Andrea Tauschmann, Kevan Anand, Kimberly Pajtas, Alex Artamonov, Aryam Gutierrez, Florent Batard, Leo Hellwich, Scott Ferguson, Surendra Kancherla, 21/07/2023
      The global logistics market is estimated in 2022 at $10.7 T, with projected growth by 2032 to $18.2T at a CAGR of 5.5 percent. Despite a significant market size, the industry is plagued with inefficiencies. Low transport fill rates with 25–30 percent of loads being empty, a driver shortage with 2.6 million unfilled driver jobs [...]
    • Sébastien Stormacq, 10/04/2023
      The AWS Summit season has started. AWS Summits are free technical and business conferences happening in large cities across the planet. This week, we were happy to welcome our customers and partners in Sydney and Paris. In France, 9,973 customers and partners joined us for the day to meet and exchange ideas but also to [...]
    • Kenneth Walsh, 10/04/2020
      Terraform and AWS CloudFormation allow you to express infrastructure resources as code and manage them programmatically. Each has its advantages, but some enterprises already have expertise in Terraform and prefer using it to manage their AWS resources. To accommodate that preference, CloudFormation allows you to use non-AWS resources to manage AWS infrastructure. Learn the steps to create a CloudFormation registry resource type for Terraform and deploy it as an AWS Service Catalog product.
    • Kishore Vinjam, 18/03/2019
      In this post, we demonstrate how using Dynatrace, AWS Lambda, and AWS Service Catalog, customers can build a workflow to initiate the required incident response action to the problems detected by Dynatrace AI, which detects and triggers a problem notification when an end user is impacted with the real user experience, service level agreements (SLAs), or service availability due to the underlying system resources. Dynatrace is an AWS Competency Partner.
    • Puneet Chaddah, Ron Davis, Anil Sriram, 29/10/2021
      Relevance Lab is a platform-led services company specializing in cloud, DevOps and automation, analytics, and digital transformation. RLCatalyst AppInsights from Relevance Lab is a product complementing the AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry to provide application-centric views of cloud resources combining infrastructure, applications, and services. It supports a dynamic CMDB for operational excellence and cost governance in ServiceNow. The application is available at ServiceNow Store at no additional cost.