Penentuan visi dan strategi adalah langkah pertama dalam perjalanan modernisasi Anda. Jelajahi, sesuaikan, serta gunakan kembali kebijakan, strategi, dan cetak biru yang telah terbukti dan dipublikasikan oleh pemerintah di seluruh dunia.

Semua kebijakan dan strategi

Showing results: 1-8
Total results: 8
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  • Judul (A-Z)
  • Judul (Z–A)
Hasil tidak ditemukan.
  • United States

    18F Open Source Policy

    Policy on use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) published by 18F, a part of the Technology Transformation Services within the US General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service.


  • Malaysia

    Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint

    Malaysia's digital strategy setting out the consolidated initiatives and targeted outcomes as it pertains to the citizen (rakyat), business and the government, across three phases of implementation up to 2030.


  • Bahrain

    Cloud First Policy

    General guiding principles for a 'cloud first' approach for government ministries and agencies to consider in adopting cloud computing solutions as a primary part of their information technology planning and procurement.


  • India

    Cloud Adoption policy of Telangana

    The policy of the state government of Telangana which endeavours to drive large scale adoption of cloud within all its departments.


  • United Kingdom

    Government Cloud First policy

    UK government’s Cloud First policy, introduced by the UK government in 2013.


  • Australia

    Australia Secure Cloud Strategy

    The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) Secure Cloud Strategy helps guide Australian agencies past obstacles in using cloud to make sure everyone has the opportunity to make the most of what cloud has to offer.


  • United Kingdom

    Local Digital Declaration

    A joint endeavor initiated by the UK Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Government Digital Service (GDS), and a collection of local authorities and sector bodies from across the UK to collaborate in transforming services using digital tools and technology.


  • United States

    Customer Experience and Service Delivery Policy

    Guidance to agencies on implementing the U.S. Federal Government’s customer experience framework, and how to effectively manage customer experience improvement efforts.


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